What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent



Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Anche Donald Trump ha paura di nominare,  George Bush Sr. e la Loggia P2 , gli assassini di Kennedy?


Il presidente della USA Corporation, Donald Trump, ha annunciato la scorsa settimana che avrebbe rilasciato tutti i documenti relativi all'assassinio del presidente John F. Kennedy, "oltre ai nomi e gli indirizzi di qualsiasi persona menzionata che sia ancora in vita". In altre parole, sembra che vi sia grande paura a parlare del coinvolgimento di George Bush Sr.(Scherf, Pecce)  e la Loggia  P2  del Vaticano la fazione fascista  del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.

I funzionari del Pentagono, però, dicono: "Trump ha ingannato la CIA, Mossad, l'FBI e la cabala dei Bush per liberare tutti i file su JFK, dal momento che [il primo ministro israeliano] Ben Gurion ha voluto JFK morto e gli stessi assassini hanno attuato anche l'11/11 ".

Queste sono le persone che mirano a creare un governo fascista mondiale controllato da membri delle famiglie reali europee che pretendono discendere dai Cesari e da re David, come rivelato dalla ricerca forense in un periodo di molti anni. Questa ricerca, include gli incontri con molti membri di questo gruppo di famiglie, e ci ha portati alla conclusione che questi sono i veri "anziani di Sion".

Grazie alle confessioni di Benjamin Freedman ...

e altri, John F. Kennedy è venuto a conoscenza di una trama per dar inizio alla III guerra mondiale, eliminare il 90% dell'umanità e trasformare il resto in schiavi. I sionisti sono quasi riusciti  a compiere questo obiettivo attivando una guerra nucleare totale durante la crisi missilistica cubana. Ecco perché Kennedy ha deciso di togliere la loro principale fonte di potere: la capacità di creare moneta dal nulla.


30. listopada 2017.

Autor: Benjamin Fulford

Predsjednik korporacije Sjedinjenih Američkih Država Donald Trump objavio je prošlog tjedna da će objaviti sve zapise vezane za atentat na predsjednika Johna F. Kennedyja osim imena i adresa bilo koje spomenute osobe koja je još uvijek živa. Drugim riječima, čini se da je i on previše prestrašen da bi spomenuo sudjelovanje Georga Busha (Scherf, Pecce) starijeg i Vatikansku P2
 Masonsku ložu fašističke frakcije Novog svjetskog poretka.

Međutim, dužnosnici Pentagona kažu: "Trump je pritisnuo CIA-u, Mossad, FBI i Bushovu kabalu da oslobode sve dosjee JFK-a, budući da je tada [tadašnji izraelski premijer] Ben Gurion želio JFK-a mrtvog, a isti počinitelji zločina također su izveli 9/11.

To su ljudi koji imaju za cilj stvaranje svjetske fašističke vlade pod kontrolom članova europskih kraljevskih obitelji koji tvrde da potiču od careva i kralja Davida, što je otkriveno forenzičkim istraživanjima tijekom razdoblja od mnogo godina. Ovo istraživanje, uključujući sastanke s mnogim članovima ove obiteljske skupine, dovelo nas je do zaključka da su to prave "starješine Siona".

Zahvaljujući priznanjima Benjamina Freedmana

i drugih, John F. Kennedy postao je svjestan zavjere za početak trećeg svjetskog rata, da se uništi 90% čovječanstva, a ostatak pretvori u robove. Cionisti su gotovo uspjeli u ostvarenju ovoga pokretanjem nuklearnog rata tijekom kubanske raketne krize. Zato je Kennedy odlučio ukloniti njihov glavni izvor moći - sposobnost stvaranja novca iz ničega.


Ist Donald Trump zu eingeschüchtert, um George Bush Sr. und die P2-Freimaurer als Kennedy-Attentäter zu nennen?

30. Oktober 2017
US-Unternehmenspräsident Donald Trump hat letzte Woche angekündigt, er würde alle Aufzeichnungen, die mit dem Attentat auf Präsident John. F. Kennedy zusammenhängen, freigeben, “außer den Namen und Adressen von erwähnten Personen, die noch leben.” Mit anderen Worten, es scheint, er ist zu eingeschüchtert, um die Verwicklung von George Bush (Scherf, Pecce) Sr. und der Vatikan-P2-Freimauererloge der faschistischen Neuen Weltordnung zu erwähnen.
Offizielle des Pentagon sagen jedoch, “Trump hat der CIA, dem Mossad, dem FBI und der Bush-Kabale Muskeln gezeigt, ALLE JFK-Akten freizugeben, da [der damalige israelische Premierminister] Ben Gurion JFK tot wünschte, und dieselben Täter auch den 11. September begangen haben.”
Dieses sind die Leute, die darauf zielen, eine faschistische Weltregierung zu schaffen, kontrolliert von Mitgliedern europäischer königlicher Familien, die behaupten, von den Cäsaren und von König David abzustammen, wie forensische Forschung über einen Zeitraum von vielen Jahren enthüllt hätten. Diese Forschung, inklusive Treffen mit vielen Mitgliedern dieser Familiengruppe, hat uns zu dem Schluss geführt, dass das die wahren “Weisen von Zion” sind.
Dank den Eingeständnissen von Benjamin Freedman…
und anderen wurde John F. Kennedy auf einen Plan aufmerksam, den dritten Weltkrieg zu beginnen, der 90% der Menschheit auslöschen und den Rest in Sklaven verwandeln sollte. Die Zionisten waren damit fast erfolgreich, durch die Auslösung einen vernichtenden Atomkrieg während der kubanischen Raketenkrise. Darum entschied Kennedy, ihnen ihre Haupt-Machtquelle zu nehmen – die Möglichkeit, Geld aus Luft zu schaffen.

Monday, October 30, 2017


Is Donald Trump too scared to name George Bush Sr. and P2 Freemasons as Kennedy assassins?

October 30, 2017
U.S. Corporation President Donald Trump last week announced he would release all records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, “other than the names and addresses of any mentioned person who is still living.”  In other words, it appears he is too scared to mention the involvement of George Bush (Scherf, Pecce) Sr. and the Vatican P2 Freemason lodge fascist New World Order faction.
Pentagon officials, however, say, “Trump muscled the CIA, Mossad, the FBI, and the Bush cabal to release ALL JFK files, since [then Israeli Prime Minister] Ben Gurion wanted JFK dead, and the same perps also did 9/11.”
These are the people who aim to create a world fascist government controlled by members of European royal families who claim descent from the Caesars and from King David, as revealed by forensic research over a period of many years.  This research, including meetings with many members of this family group, has led us to the conclusion that these are the real “elders of Zion.”
Thanks to the confessions of Benjamin Freedman…
and others, John F. Kennedy became aware of a plot to start World War III, wipe out 90% of humanity, and turn the rest into slaves.  The Zionists very nearly succeeded in accomplishing this by triggering all-out nuclear war during the Cuban missile crisis.  That is why Kennedy decided to take away their main source of power—the ability to create money out of thin air.
George Bush Sr. (whose real family name goes back through Sherf and Pearce to the Roman aristocratic Pecce name) and the Zionists had Kennedy assassinated in order to prevent the nationalization of the Federal Reserve Board.
These people are still in control of the creation of U.S. dollars, Euros, and Japanese yen out of thin air.  Their main instrument of power in the U.S. these days is still the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller Zionist Federal Reserve Board, truth researchers agree.
A very interesting example of how these gangsters distribute their fiat money can be seen in the article at the link below that shows how the rise in Amazon share prices matches the rise in central bank money printing and moves in the opposite direction of actual Amazon results.  There can be little doubt that Jeff Bezos is now “the world’s richest man,” because he has been selected as a premier distributor of fiat money.
Forensic research has shown that most (if not all) major listed corporations are controlled, via hedge funds like Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity, etc., by this family group, known now to many as the Khazarian mafia.
In Japan, this writer has identified the quislings used by the Khazarian mafia, thanks to testimony by assassins formerly in their employ here.  These people are now vanishing one by one as their former hitmen turn on them, the assassins say.
The quisling politician Seiji Maehara played a key role in the recent theft of the Japanese election by Khazarian mobsters led by Rothschild agent Michael Greenberg and Barbara Bush cousin Richard Armitage.  Maehara is the son of the North Korean agent Son Tae Chuk, also known as Daisaku Ikeda.  Ikeda for years was the absolute ruler of the Soka Gakkai Buddhist lay group and controller of the Komeito political party, whose duped members are crucial to maintaining Khazarian control of Japan.  Ikeda has been in a vegetative state (probably dead) for several years, so Maehara is effectively in charge now, even though he ostensibly belongs to a different political grouping.  White Dragon Society (WDS) sources in Japan say Maehara regularly walks into the U.S. embassy in Tokyo and is never asked to show any ID.
The Khazarians stole the Japanese election because the Party of Hope led by Koike Yuriko was planning to nationalize the Bank of Japan, say sources close to the Japanese emperor.
With U.S. President Donald Trump scheduled to visit Japan November 5-7, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS, the employer of Greenberg and Armitage) had big meetings this past weekend in Tokyo to discuss what agenda they were going to present to Trump.
Prior to this gathering, the CSIS sent a top agent to meet with a representative of the White Dragon Society.  At this meeting, the CSIS official, who personally does not approve of Armitage, said that he was sent by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to…
investigate the mysterious Dr. Michael Van de Meer, a.k.a. Dr. Michael Meiring, who had both his legs blown off by a bomb in Davao, Philippines when Duterte was mayor there.  The official was told Van de Meer believed the bomb was set by Duterte, whom he believed was working for George Bush Sr.  The CSIS official replied by saying Duterte denied any involvement in setting off the bomb.
When asked what Van de Meer was doing in the Philippines, it was explained that he was looking for gold.  Van de Meer was representing what he called “the family” and needed gold in order to stave off their bankruptcy.  The “family” he was referring to was none other than the people claiming descent from King David—i.e., the Khazarian mob.
To understand the dire situation the Khazarian mob is now facing, take a look at the chart of world debt in the link below.
What this shows is that the Khazarian mob-controlled G7 nations account for 64% of the world’s debt.  Japan and the United States Corporation alone owe 51% of the world’s debt.  The mostly Asian creditors to the Khazarian nations are demanding payment in gold, something the Khazarians have run out of.
The Khazarians bought time in 2001 by blowing up the World Trade Center and invading Iraq in order to steal oil to use to pay off their debts.
This time the hysterical Khazarian Zionists are trying desperately to get out of their payment obligations by staging an Armageddon event using North Korea, which is why stealing the Japanese election was so important to them.
That is why it is crucial that Donald Trump not be duped by a fake Khazarian “North Korean threat” story when he comes to Asia next week.  Donald Trump has already been fooled by the story of “North Korean kidnap victims.”  For example, the Khazarian mob is putting out a story that the 13-year-old Megumi Yokota was kidnapped by North Korea, and they regularly trot out her parents on TV to shed tears about their “missing daughter.”  In fact, Megumi became the mother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and her parents have regular secret meetings with her and their grandson Kim Jong Un in Moscow and Ulan Bator, Mongolia, according to Japanese military intelligence, members of the Rothschild family, and others.
The Japanese puppet regime, as soon as they stole the election, obediently began screaming about the “North Korean threat,” as ordered by their Khazarian slave masters.  The Yamaguchi-gumi assassin “Mr. K” told this writer last week that his predictions of a natural disaster in Japan around election time were based on Khazarian threats to unleash earthquake weapons in order to ensure Japanese obedience to their rule.  It was pointed out to Mr. K that earthquake weapons are not a one-way street and that a sudden swarm of earthquakes at La Palma, one of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic, threatened a 100-meter tsunami against the U.S. East Coast and Southern Europe last week.  That was the real reason why the Khazarians backed off on using their earthquake weapon, he was told.
As long as the situation in North Korea is kept under control, this time the world has a very real chance of bankrupting these Khazarian criminals once and for all.  In a hint that may happen, a WDS source in Canada notes that, “In the next eight days, Canada, Europe, Japan, America, and the UK will all host central bank meetings.  Something is up for sure.”  This something could be an end to fiat banking, which is inevitable.  As to exactly when that happens, though, we shall see.
In any case, Khazarian mob control of the Middle East and thus of the petrodollar is crumbling.  In Iraq, Mossad asset Massoud Barzani “was removed from power as the Kurdish people turn against him for serving Israel,” Pentagon sources note.  Russia has now taken control of the Kurdish pipeline to the Mediterranean and may cut off oil to Israel, the sources add.
Khazarian slave state Saudi Arabia is now trying desperately to show a moderate face and seek investors as its oil-money power continues to wane.  But until the Saudis learn to actually work and not rely on foreign servants, they are not going to find much interest in their plans.
In the U.S., too, the purge of Khazarians continues to unfold.  This was seen last week as Donald Trump and Steven Bannon tightened their grip on the Republican Party with the exodus of anti-Trumper senators Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, and Luther Strange, who were backed by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP establishment.
Also, the purge of Khazarian corporate media continued last week with the firing of Mark Halperin from NBC’s Washington Bureau on charges of sexual harassment.  There will be a lot more of that going on as Hollywood and the corporate media conglomerates are taken out of Khazarian control, promise Pentagon and agency officials.
Pentagon sources also had the following comment to make on the new government in China:  “[Anti-corruption tsar] Wang Qishan made lots of enemies and may have stepped down from the politburo standing committee so new guy Zhao Leji can crack down on corruption, but he is still Xi’s financial guy and a back channel for Trump because he owns so many USA properties.”
The new Chinese politburo standing committee has two representatives from the Shanghai faction of Jiang Zemin, two from the Guangdong faction of Hu Jintao, and three from the Northern faction of Xi Jinping.  This means at least two of the main power centers must sign off on any major decisions and no single faction can exercise dictatorial control.
This Chinese group will be discussing how to improve world governance, with Russian Orthodox Christian power symbolized by President Putin, and the U.S. nationalist stratocracy (military government) symbolized by Trump.  If the world is lucky, many big and good decisions will be made when Trump visits Asia from November 3-14, 2017.


DEUTSCH --Notfallalarm Von Benjamin Fulford

 Resultado de imagem para PICTURES OF Richard Armitage drug dealer
Der Mörder und Drogenhändler  Richard Armitage und der Kriminelle Michael Green (berg) werden am Freitag, den 28. Oktober 2017 zwischen 8:30 und 13:15 im  Teikoku Hotel in Tokio, Japan sein.
Richard Armitage war meinen Quellen zufolge verantwortlich für den Mord und die Folter des japanischen Premierministers. Er wurde ebenso von der CIA und anderen Quellen Drogenhändler und Verräter genannt, der sehr an der der Niederlage der US im Vietnamkrieg mitwirkte. Er wird bei dem Ereignis eine kugelsichere Weste tragen, da er sich viele Feinde mit seinen Verbrechen gemacht hat.
Michael Green hat japanischen Gangstern erzählt, ich wäre eine frauenschlagender Amphetamin-Abhängiger und hat sie bezahlt, mich umzubringen, diesen Gangstern zufolge. Er beschäftigt japanische Gangster, um japanische Politiker und das finanzielle Establishment zu terrorisieren.
Diese Männer haben den Diebstahl der japanischen Wahlen gestaltet, der am 22. Oktober 2017 stattfand, und jetzt rufen ihre Marionetten wie  Shinzo Abe nach einem Krieg mit Nordkorea, gemäß der Agenda ihrer zionistischen Herren.
Botschaft an  Admiral Harry Harris: Falls Sie nicht der Militärpolizei befehlen, diese Verräter und Verbrecher zu verhaften, werden Sie selbst schließlich dem Kriegsgericht und Haft gegenüberstehen wegen Pflichtverletzung.
Diese Männer müssen verhaftet werden, und wenn sie sich der Verhaftung widersetzen, muss alle nötige Macht eingesetzt werden. Die Verhaftung dieser Männer könnte der Impulsgeber sein, der schließlich die Menschheit vom Terror des khazarischen Gesindel befreit.
Wir werden eine Belohnung von einer Tonne Gold, auszuliefern in Hong Kong, für die Verhaftung dieser Verbrecher aussetzen.

Translator: Thomas S.

Saturday, October 28, 2017


Los ex presidentes de la quebrada Corporación de los Estados Unidos van en “Sablea-tón” para el Padrino Bush


La red de arrastre se acerca lenta pero inexorablemente al clan de la mafia jázara Bush / Clinton (Scherf / Rockefeller) y a la máquina de imprimir de la Junta de la Reserva Federal. Múltiples investigaciones legales, arrestos masivos de mafiosos jázaros de segunda fila y revelaciones públicas son ahora parte del discurso público regular, y no solo de blogs anteriormente difamados como webs de “conspiración”.
Una señal interesante de la desesperación de los jázaros fue el espectáculo de George Bush Senior posando con otros cuatro ex presidentes (menos Donald Trump) de la Corporación de los Estados Unidos como parte de un “Sablea-tón” (o “beg-athon”, maratón para pedir dinero).
En primer lugar, debemos tener en cuenta que con los gráficos por computadora y dobles corporales es difícil saber si este evento realmente tuvo lugar. Por ejemplo, varias fuentes le han dicho a este escritor que Bill Clinton (Rockefeller) murió de SIDA a principios de este año.

GoldFish Report № 133 Экзо/Гео политический Круглый Стол с Коброй, Бенджамином Фулфордом и Кауилапеле

GoldFish Report № 133  Экзо/Гео политический Круглый Стол с Коброй, Бенджамином Фулфордом и Кауилапеле

20 сентября 2017 года

Организаторы: Луиза и Стив из  GoldFish Report

Луиза: Привет всем, добро пожаловать в на GoldFish Report! Я ваш хозяйка, Луиза, и со мной сегодня работает Стив. Как ты, Стив?
Стив: Привет всем, хорошо быть здесь!
Луиза:. .. и у нас состоится особый "Круглый Стол" сегодня снова для вас, с очень особыми гостями, у нас есть Кобра с нами сегодня. Как дела, Кобра?
Кобра: У меня всё Окей, спасибо, я хотел бы сказать: 'Привет, всем!", -  и я думаю, это будет очень интересный обмен мнениями сегодня.
Луиза: Спасибо, Кобра, я тоже так думаю... Конечно, на GoldFish Report к нам впервые присоединился Бенджамин Фулфорд. Добро пожаловать на впервые, Бенджамин.
Бенджамин: Спасибо, что пригласили меня!
Луиза: Или я должна сказать "Конничи Ва" .... спасибо вам....Я думаю, что слышимость от вашего скайпа....  не очень... просто отрегулируйте громкость немного.
Бенджамин: хорошо, мне придётся говорить погромче, потому что у меня проблемы с наушниками.

FRANÇAIS --AVERTISSEMENT URGENT ! Benjamin Fulford, le 27 octobre 2017

Benjamin Fulford, le 27 octobre 2017

Avertissement urgent !

Resultado de imagem para PICTURES OF Richard Armitage drug dealer

            Richard Armitage, bras-droit de Bush Sr.

Le meurtrier et trafiquant de drogue Richard Armitage et le criminel Michael Green(berg) seront présents à l’hôtel Teikoku de Tokyo au Japon entre 8H30 et 13H15 vendredi 27 octobre 2017.

Richard Armitage est responsable du meurtre et de la torture de divers Premiers Ministres Japonais, selon mes sources. Il a également été qualifié par la CIA et d’autres comme trafiquant de drogue et de traître qui a grandement contribué à la perte de la Guerre du Vietnam par les Etats-Unis. Il portera un gilet pare-balle à cette occasion car il s’est fait de nombreux ennemis en raison de ses crimes.

Michael Green a raconté à des gangsters Japonais que j’étais un drogué aux amphétamines qui battait les femmes et a mis ma tête à prix, selon ces gangsters. Il emploie des gangsters Japonais pour terroriser les pouvoirs politiques et financiers au Japon.

Ces hommes ont organisé la fraude des élections Japonaises qui ont eu lieu le 22 octobre 2017 et maintenant leurs marionnettes comme Shinzo Abe en appellent à la guerre avec la Corée du Nord selon le projet de leurs maîtres Sionistes.

Message à l’Amiral Harry Harris de la marine des Etats-Unis : si vous n’ordonnez pas à la police militaire d’arrêter ces traîtres et ces criminels, vous irez droit en cour martiale et serez finalement emprisonné pour avoir manqué à vos devoirs. Ces hommes doivent être arrêtés, et s’ils résistent à leur arrestation, tous les moyens doivent être engagés. L’arrestation de ces hommes pourrait être le grand tournant qui libérera enfin l’humanité du terrorisme de la Mafia Khazar.

Nous allons proposer une récompense d’une tonne d’or massif livrable à Hong Kong pour l’arrestation de ces criminels.

Friday, October 27, 2017


Murderer and drug dealer Richard Armitage and criminal Michael Green (berg) will be at the Teikoku Hotel in Tokyo, Japan between 8:30 and 13:15 on Friday, October 27th, 2017.
Richard Armitage has been responsible for the murder and torture of Japanese prime ministers, according to my sources.  He has also been named by CIA and other sources as a drug dealer and a traitor who contributed greatly to the U.S. loss in the Vietnam War.  He will be wearing a bulletproof vest at the event because he has created many enemies with his crimes.
Michael Green told Japanese gangsters that I was a woman-beating amphetamine addict and paid them to kill me, according to these gangsters.  He employs Japanese gangsters to terrorize the Japanese political and financial establishment.
These men engineered the theft of the Japanese election that took place on October 22, 2017, and now their puppets like Shinzo Abe are calling for war with North Korea according to the agenda of their Zionist masters.
Message to Admiral Harry Harris:  If you do not order military police to arrest these traitors and criminals, you yourself will ultimately face court martial and imprisonment for neglect of duty.
These men must be arrested, and if they resist arrest, all necessary force must be used.  Arresting these men could be the game-changer that finally liberates humanity from Khazarian mob terror.
We will offer a bounty of 1 ton of gold deliverable in Hong Kong for the arrest of these criminals.



D’anciens Présidents dela Société des États-Unis en faillite participent à un « téléthon » en faveur du Parrain Bush

le 23 octobre 2017

L’étau se resserre lentement mais inexorablement sur le clan Bush/Clinton (Scherf/Rockefeller) de la Mafia Khazar et leur planche à billets de la Réserve Fédérale. De multiples enquêtes judiciaires, arrestations massives de mafieux Khazars de bas étage, et des divulgations publiques font maintenant partie du débat public et ne se limitent plus à des blogs dénigrés comme sites de la « conspiration ».

Un indice intéressant du désespoir des Khazars a été le spectacle de George Bush Senior posant avec quatre anciens présidents (moins Donald Trump) de la société des Etats-Unis Inc. dans le cadre d’un « téléthon ».

Premièrement, il faut remarquer qu’avec de l’animation par ordinateur et des sosies, il est difficile de savoir si cet évènement a vraiment eu lieu. Par exemple, de multiples sources m’ont affirmé que Bill Clinton (Rockefeller) est mort du SIDA en début d’année.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Nederlands -- BENJAMIN FULFORD: 23:10:2017

Vorige Presidenten van het failliete VS bestuur gaan naar “bedelmarathon”voor Godvader Bush

23 oktober 2017
Het sleepnet sluit zich langzaam maar onverbiddelijk om de Bush/Clinton(Scherf/Rockefeller)Khazariaanse maffia clan en hun Federale Reserve Raad drukpers. Meerdere wettelijke onderzoeken, massa arrestaties van junior Khazariaanse gangsters en publieke onthullingen maken nu deel uit van de vaste publieke dialoog en niet alleen in blogs die voorheen werden afgedaan als “complot” sites.
Een interessant teken van de Khazariaanse wanhoop was het spektakel van George Bush Senior die poseerde met vier andere voormalige presidenten (minus Donald Trump) uit de organisatie van de Verenigde Staten als onderdeel van een “bedelmarathon.”


Past Presidents of Bankrupt U.S. Corporation Go on “Beg-athon” for Godfather Bush

The dragnet is slowly but inexorably closing in on the Bush/Clinton (Scherf/ Rockefeller) Khazarian mafia clan and their Federal Reserve Board printing press.  Multiple legal investigations, mass arrests of junior Khazarian mobsters, and public disclosure are now part of regular public discourse, and not just on blogs formerly maligned as “conspiracy” sites.

An interesting sign of the Khazarians’ desperation was the spectacle of George Bush Senior posing with four other former presidents (minus Donald Trump) of the United States Corporation as part of a “beg-athon.”


23. listopada 2017.

Mreža se polako ali neumoljivo zatvara oko kazarskog mafijaškog klana Bush/Clinton (Scherf/Rockefeller) i njihove tiskare Federal Reserve Boarda. Više istražnih postupaka, masovna uhićenja nižih članova organizirane kazarske bande i javno razotkrivanje sada su dio regularnih javnih rasprava, a ne samo na blogovima koji su ranije bili ocrnjivani kao mjesta "zavjere".

Zanimljiv znak očaja desetorice bio je spektakl Georgea Busha mlađeg koji se predstavio s još četvoricom bivših predsjednika (minus Donald Trump) iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Država kao dio skupljanja milostinje".

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


23. Oktober 2017
Das Netz zieht sich langsam aber unerbittlich zusammen für den khazarischen Bush/Clinton (Scherf/Rockefeller) Mafiaclan und ihre Federal-Reserve-Board-Druckerpresse. Vielfältige gesetzliche Untersuchungen, Massenverhaftungen von untergeordneten khazarischen Gangstern und öffentliche Enthüllungen sind jetzt Teil der regelmäßigen allgemeinen Aufdeckungen, und nicht nur in Blogs, die früher als “Verschwörungs”-Seiten verleumdet wurden.
Ein interessantes Zeichen für die Verzweiflung der Khazaren war das Spektakel, bei dem George Bush senior mit vier anderen ehemaligen Präsidenten des Unternehmen United States (abzüglich Donald Trump) als Teil einer Betteltour zeigte.
Zunächst müssen wir festhalten, dass es durch Computergrafiken und Body-Doubles schwer ist, festzustellen, ob das Ereignis wirklich stattgefunden hat. Beispielsweise haben viele Quellen diesem Autor berichtet, dass Bill Clinton (Rockefeller) früher in diesem Jahr an AIDS gestorben ist.



Ver a imagem de origem

Kriegsgefangenenlager in Amerika

Von Larry Romanoff, 02. Juni 2020

Übersetzung: K.R.


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Diese Geschichte hat alle Voraussetzungen, um sich für eine Verschwörungstheorie zu qualifizieren und macht vielleicht keinen Sinn für Sie ohne einige Hintergrundinformationen über den Zusammenhang.

Bevor die USA in den Ersten Weltkrieg eintraten, wurde eine enorme, jahrelange antideutsche Propagandakampagne von der Creel-Kommission entfesselt, die von Walter Lippman und Edward Bernays geleitet wurde, letzterer war ein Neffe von Sigmund Freud. (1) (2) Die öffentliche Literatur griff alles Deutsche in Amerika an, auch Schulen und Kirchen. In vielen Schulen wurde den "reinen Amerikanern" verboten, die deutsche Sprache zu unterrichten, und die Verwalter wurden aufgefordert, "alle illoyalen Lehrer", also alle Deutschen, zu entlassen. Die Namen unzähliger Städte wurden geändert, um ihren deutschen Ursprung zu eliminieren: Berlin, Iowa wurde zu Lincoln, Iowa. Deutsche Lebensmittel und Namen von Gerichten wurden aus den Restaurants verbannt; Sauerkraut wurde zu "Freiheitskraut", Dackel wurden zu "Freiheitshunden" und Deutsche Schäferhunde zu "Elsässern".


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(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


Larry Romanoff,

contributing author

to Cynthia McKinney's new COVID-19 anthology

'When China Sneezes'

When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis

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