What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent



Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Deutsch − Benjamin Fulford – 28. November 2016

Khasaren werden aus Untergrund-Verstecken aufgescheucht, während die Revolution in den USA voran schreitet

 November 28, 2016

Es kann kein Zweifel darüber bestehen, dass in den USA eine Revolution unterwegs ist. Quellen des US-Militärs sagen dazu, "44 Flächenbrände in den Staaten Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky und North Carolina haben Kabalisten aus dem Untergrund hervor geräuchert", um klarzustellen, dass eine tatsächliche Säuberung vor sich geht.

Die Pentagon-Quellen erwähnen auch, "ein weiteres Raumfahrzeug der Kabale, das von der Erde fliehen wollte, wurde über Florida am 21. November abgeschossen." Noch ein weiteres Kabale-Raumschiff wurde am 22. November über der Küste von Fukushima abgeschossen, nachdem es Japan mit einer Erdbeben-Waffe angegriffen hatte, sagen Quellen der White Dragon Society in Asien. Der folgendem Link zeigt ein Video von diesem abstürzenden Raumschiff:

Für diejenigen unter Ihnen, die annehmen, das wäre zu weit hergeholt, bitte denken Sie daran, dass Tarnkappen-Bomber bereits 30 Jahre vorher im Einsatz waren, bevor sie der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt wurden. Das bedeutet, dass die F-35 "Fliegender Truthahn" nur eine Abwandlung darstellt, außerdem hat das US-Militär Waffen, die mindestens 30 Jahre dem voraus sind, was und gezeigt wird.

Da wir über das Militär sprechen, Pentagon-Quellen sagen, sie arbeiteten daran, die Posten des Außenministers und des Verteidigungsministers mit Generälen zu besetzen. Insbesondere wollen sie Marine-General John Kelly auf die Stelle des Außenministers bringen.

Zudem sagen die Quellen des Pentagon, Trump werde "eine private Armee bestehend aus 2 Millionen Veteranen, Bikern und Waffenträgern haben, die sich am Tage seiner Amtseinführung in Washington DC den von Hillary bezahlten Schlägern entgegenstellen."

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Mandarin -- BENJAMIN FULFORD: 28:11:2016

There can be no doubt the United States is in the throes of a revolution. As a part of this, US military sources say “44 wildfires in the Southern states of Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky and North Carolina smoked out underground cabalists,” making it clear a real purge is ongoing.

The Pentagon sources are also saying “another cabal spacecraft escaping earth was shot down over Florida on November 21st.” Yet a further cabal spacecraft was shot down off the coast of Fukushima, on November 22nd after it attacked Japan with an earthquake weapon, White Dragon Society sources in Asia say. A video of the craft going down can be seen at this link.

Monday, November 28, 2016

English -- BENJAMIN FULFORD: 28:11:2160 -- FULL REPORT

Khazarians being flushed out of underground hideouts as US revolution continues

November 21, 2016
There can be no doubt the United States is in the throes of a revolution. As a part of this, US military sources say “44 wildfires in the Southern states of Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky and North Carolina smoked out underground cabalists,” making it clear a real purge is ongoing.
The Pentagon sources are also saying “another cabal spacecraft escaping earth was shot down over Florida on November 21st.” Yet a further cabal spacecraft was shot down off the coast of Fukushima, on November 22nd after it attacked Japan with an earthquake weapon, White Dragon Society sources in Asia say. A video of the craft going down can be seen at this link.
For those of you who think this is too far-fetched, please bear in mind that stealth jets were flying for close to 30 years before they were revealed to the public. That means the F-35 flying turkey is just a diversion and the US military has stuff that is at least 30 years ahead of what we are being shown.

Speaking about the military, Pentagon sources say they are pushing to have generals appointed as Secretary of State and as Secretary of Defense. In particular, they are pushing to have Marine General John Kelly as Secretary of State.

The Pentagon sources are also saying Trump will have a “private army of 2 million veterans, bikers and gun owners to confront Hillary thugs in DC for the inauguration.”

Newly appointed Education Secretary Betsy Devos will be “another general in the Trump cabinet” since she has her own army run by her brother Erik Prince who founded Blackwater with her money, the sources add. This means the mercenaries will no longer be sub-contracting for the Khazarian mob. If so, then it really is game over for the Khazarians.

Also, four separate sources, two Pentagon, one CIA and one ruling bloodline family say some major financial announcements are coming soon, possibly on December 1st. One announcement which will have a big impact on the gold market is that “the Islamic Council that sets the standards for Sharia as of December 1st is going to change the rules for 1.3 billion Muslims that previously were only permitted to own gold in the form of jewelry. They are now going to be permitted to purchase gold as an investment,” according to a CIA source in Asia.
The real biggie that came from two separate Pentagon sources is that the US government is about to announce new Treasury dollars for use in North America. Images of the bills can be seen at this link:

The sources have done their own fact checking and they say there is a “90%” chance these are the real deal.

This is part of a Russian alliance with the US military and agencies against the Khazarian mafia and their proxies, Russian, Pentagon and CIA sources all say.
The effects of this alliance will be felt the most in Khazarian-controlled Ukraine, Saudi Arabia and the EU politburo.

This is why European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker admitted last week that “without Russia, there is no security architecture in Europe.”

In effect, he was admitting the Russia was now in charge of protecting Europe. This means Khazarian control of Europe is ending. The fact that British newspapers are now openly publishing 9/11 truth stories shows clearly that country has already shed the Khazarian yoke.

The Khazarian mafia-controlled media conglomerates in the US are also having their feet held to the fire, and are being ordered to report the truth or else. Trump is considering revoking the Federal Communications Commission broadcasting licenses of lie-spouting corporate media networks, the sources say. There are also discussions going on about either nationalizing or breaking up the big media cartels, they add.

The attempt by the Khazarians to save themselves by overthrowing the election of Donald Trump through vote recounts is not going to change things. Members of the US Green party admit they took money from the Rothschilds to demand a recount, but that their real intention was to use the funds to fight for greater rights for small political parties like theirs. In any case, any real vote recount would show Hillary Clinton lost by a much larger percentage than is being reported.

Speaking about Clintons, CIA sources reported the following about Hillary’s husband:

“Bill Clinton flew in recently under the radar and was admitted to the cardiovascular unit at one of our ’specialist hospitals’ nearby, which is under the control of the Agency. After a thorough examination, he was told that nothing more can be done for his heart. It is end game for WJC. He most likely will not be celebrating the New Year in this world. This is the reason he has looked so pale for the past several months. His heart is so weak, that it cannot pump the oxygenated blood carried in his arteries through his system. The quadruple bypass surgery was only a temporary solution.”

The source continued by noting that “When WJC dies, he will be kept on ice so to speak. (Just like they did for a few years with the King of Thailand). His death and cause thereof will be ‘announced’ when the time is right. He will receive the full Presidential funeral procession as per current US laws and regulations unless there is a major change in the new US Government policy in the near future.”

It may be that the Clintons, the Bushes and their ilk will all “die” in the near future to avoid airing the dirty laundry that would be exposed if they were forced to face a war crimes tribunal.
The people, though, deserve to hear the truth.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Croatian -- BENJAMIN FULFORD: 21:11:2016

Mađarska, Velika Britanija, SAD, Bugarska, Moldavija oslobođene od kazarske kontrole, Austrija, Italija, Južna Koreja su sljedeće

21. studenog 2016.

Autor: Benjamin Fulford

Oslobođenje planeta Zemlje od kontrole kazarskih gangstera sada se kotrlja kao gruda snijega. Velika Britanija se oslobodila Brexit glasanjem, dok su se Amerikanci oslobodili izborom Donalda Trumpa za predsjednika. Odmah nakon izbora Trumpa uslijedila je anti-kazarska promjena režima u Bugarskoj i Moldaviji. Dalje, od predsjedničkih izbora u Austriji i referenduma u Italiji, 4. prosinca, očekuje se da će osloboditi ove zemlje. Nakon toga biti će najvjerojatnije izbor Marine Le Pen za predsjednika Francuske u svibnju i rušenje njemačke kancelarke Angeline Merkel negdje u 2017. godini.

Français -- BENJAMIN FULFORD: 21:11:2016

La Hongrie, le Royaume Uni, les États-Unis, la Moldavie se sont libérés du contrôle des Khazars, l’Autriche, l’Italie et la Corée du Sud sont les prochains sur la liste

le 21 novembre 2016
Benjamin Fulford

La libération de la planète Terre du contrôle des gangsters khazars fait maintenant boule de neige. Le Royaume Uni s’est libéré par le vote Brexit de l’Union alors que les Américains se sont libérés en élisant Donald Trump comme Président. L’élection de Trump a été immédiatement suivie par un changement de régime politique anti-khazar en Bulgarie et en Moldavie. Prochainement, l’élection présidentielle en Autriche et un référendum en Italie, tous deux prévus le 4 décembre, seront l’occasion de libérer ces deux pays. Ensuite viendra l’élection probable de Marine Le Pen comme Président(e) de la France en mai et l’éviction de la Chancelière allemande Angela Merkel quelque part en 2017 (septembre).

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Nederlands -- BENJAMIN FULFORD: 21:11:2016

Hongarije, het VK, de VS, Bulgarije, Moldavië vrij van Khazariaanse controle, Oostenrijk, Italië, Zuid Korea volgen

21 november 2016

De bevrijding van de planeet aarde uit de Khazariaanse gangster overheersing heeft nu een sneeuwbaleffect. Het VK heeft zichzelf bevrijd met de Brexit stemming terwijl de Amerikanen zichzelf hebben bevrijd door de verkiezing van Donald Trump als President. Trump’s verkiezing werd onmiddellijk gevolgd door anti-Khazariaanse verandering van regiems in Bulgarije en Moldova. Vervolgens wordt van een Presidentsverkiezing in Oostenrijk en een referendum in Italië, beiden worden gepland op 4 december, verwacht dat deze landen hierdoor worden bevrijd. De verkiezing van Marine Le Pen als president van Frankrijk zal hierop hoogstwaarschijnlijk volgen in mei en de afzetting van Angela Merkel ergens in 2017.



Tue, 22 Nov 2016 05:30:00 PST

From Foster Gamble


Like many of you, I have grave concern over the seething fear, anger, hatred and violence in the U.S. right now, based on what I see as deep misunderstandings and overly simplistic “black or white” thinking. That Clinton vs. Trump was our “choice” is huge confirmation that we continue to participate in a system of grabbing for illegitimate power that is corrupt to its core. It is chillingly reminiscent of the era of the Spanish Civil War — that started with the social awkwardness of Left vs. Right arguments among family members, work associates and political groups and devolved quickly into civil war where brothers ended up shooting at or torturing one another. Each side’s self-righteous certainty that they were the ones who should have power over others was soon taking thousands of lives and sparking larger wars throughout Europe.
Many requests have come in asking for my take on the U.S. election. Because I am so deeply anti-political and anti-state, I have been silent publicly on the topic since my blog on DEFINING POLITICS — Knowing What We Are Talking About Could Save Our Lives, one year ago. But I now feel motivated to respond, given the opportunity, and the stakes.

The mainstream media is feeding our frenzied divide with one another, keeping the meaningful conversations and reconciliations at bay. I see the “divide and conquer” strategy in full swing, where conflicts between genders, races, classes or political parties are created and used by the few at the top to keep the masses fighting each other, weak, preoccupied and in support of authoritarianism. Our film, THRIVE, describes this in detail. It is the essence of the system in which we are mired.
So how do we move from here to an empowered relationship with ourselves and each other? It’s critical that we deepen the conversation and swim upstream into the assumptions, the contradictions and the moral basis of human relations, because as a species with weapons of mass destruction, we can’t afford not to get this clear and right, right now.

Most people share virtually the same values; the differences show up in how to achieve the better world we all want. Remembering this is an essential first step in communicating effectively and respectfully across the political divide. I will take that step here, with a trans-political view of Trump and an open letter to him to address the opportunity we face by looking through the lens of principles, not politics.
It’s an interesting exercise for me, because I do not subscribe to the belief that we need rulers to keep us from total breakdown. Indeed, I see principles, not politics, as the missing nucleus of this entire standoff between people, and from the election.

I see rules (protecting sovereign rights), not rulers, as the structure that will best allow for the realization of our true potential. I am a Voluntaryist who looks through the lens of the Non Aggression Principle(NAP), forbidding the initiation of force (except in true self-defense) or fraud and requiring universal equal rights. I am a firm believer that 1) a small group of people having control over the money supply and then 2) mandating taxation — the foundations of all governments — are both theft, and are therefore morally reprehensible.

Nonetheless, we have a new “ruler” at this stage, and I believe we can all benefit from up-leveling the conversation to see how his policies will impact on our lives, especially since we have an opportunity for it to be a very different ride than if we simply had the next corrupt establishment globalist taking power.
Trump’s obvious shortcomings made it more difficult for people all along the political spectrum to appreciate the fact that he is the only general election, major party Presidential candidate in at least 100 years to be outside of, and go up against, the Rockefeller/Rothschild/Clinton/Bush globalist machine. The reality we are in seems to be that Trump won, and I believe that it’s because he represented this overdue checkmate to the longstanding corruption. I feel relief that Hillary Clinton, with her decades-long documented trail of blood and tears (Whitewater, Iraq war, Libya, Benghazi, selling out U.S. uranium to Russia, clandestine and vulnerable classified emails, DNC voting manipulations, Mena drug running, suspicious deaths of potential scandal whistleblowers, etc.) is not in a position to take us headlong into a proxy war — potentially nuclear — with Russia in Syria.

That said, Trump’s proposed policies reflect a mind-boggling combination of repugnant misunderstanding and insightful leadership. His inability to articulate and defend policies effectively didn’t help. But the inconsistency is what presses us to move past politics to principles, and to guide Trump and his team to find the missing moral compass.

I object strongly to any of Trump’s proposals that are based in violations, such as:
  • expanding Guantánamo
  • reinstituting torture
  • condoning carpet bombing
  • threatening to kill the families of those trying to defend against imperialist attacks on their families, their cultures and/or the theft of their country’s gold
  • supporting random “stop and frisk”
  • punishing women for choosing what they do with their own bodies
  • dividing immigrant families already here in the U.S.
  • expanding nuclear, fracking, coal and other destructive and unnecessary energy technologies
I do, however, recognize Trump’s equally powerful proposals for non-violation that we can celebrate — and which demonstrate, by contrast, how the principle of non-violation is missing in the proposed policies above.

For example, I deeply appreciate Trump’s stated intentions:
  • to make peace with Russia
  • to audit (and hopefully shut down) the Federal Reserve
  • to disband NATO, which I am convinced has become simply the emerging imperialist One World Army for the New World Order, and obligates countries to commit soldiers, weapons and taxpayer money to any member country that claims it is being threatened.
I admire his informed positions against:
The destructive human-caused pollution of the air, soil and waterways is very real and is one of the reasons our ThriveConnect initiative is working so hard to bring forward new, clean energy technologies. But pollution is not solved by Cap and Trade, nor by a propagandized, false understanding of what causes climate change. (See my blog on this here.) Similarly, consequences of climate change cannot be effectively addressed if we imagine that simply changing our personal habits will mitigate it all. We need to change our personal habits, our energy access approaches and we need to understand the other factors affecting the climate, most especially… the sun.

I believe Trump’s stance for lowering corporate taxes is a step in the right direction that will increase the integrity of our system while naturally and morally creating jobs and wealth at home. His tariffs, however, will be an unnatural obstacle to truly free exchange that will further strife and state control of commerce. The funds he will need for infrastructure and other projects could be easily raised by eliminating the illegitimate Federal Reserve and its debt and cutting imperialist spending rather than increasing the military budget.

It is said that Trump, unlike close to 80% of American parents, has not spanked his children as they were growing up. That is a start toward a core moral policy that hopefully he can build upon.
Many of the Left and even some on the Right are calling Trump “racist, bigoted, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic,” and even a neo-Nazi. I have watched very carefully, and I fully understand how tens of millions have gotten this impression, both here and abroad. He fed right into it, as did the Liberal and even the Conservative media. I still believe he and his team have the opportunity and the obligation to meticulously clear this up, if I am correct in my observation that these accusations are not actually accurate or to be the basis of his policies.


Because Trump made sweeping statements about illegal immigrants and suggested completely inappropriate things like dividing Mexican families who are already here, he understandably got labeled “racist.” I have listened to and watched hundreds of his interviews, and what I understand is that Trump is not against immigration; he is against illegal immigration — just exactly as President Bill Clinton was in his State of the Union address in 1995. Listening to the border guards who supported him, to him and to his spokespeople, it seems he was carelessly expressing a concern about the astronomical rates of rape and other crimes during illegal border crossings and in border towns full of illegal immigrants. The careless way that he expressed this was unclear and ripe for misinterpretation, but there is a lot of evidence that what he is after is cleaning up unchecked illegal immigration.

Our conversation on “refugees” from the Middle East is confused by the lack of acknowledgment that the majority of them are fleeing their home countries because of the violence of U.S. attacks, intended to destroy their culture, infrastructure and currencies, followed by taking over their gold, oil and banking system. Stop the wars and most of the tragic and unmanageable exodus would stop, too. I believe this would only have gotten worse with Hillary in charge.

So a very real question emerged, and Trump named it. What about the genuine threat from some military age disaffected men with no desire to integrate into western culture who feel they have nothing left to lose after what U.S. foreign policy has done to them? How do we protect the U.S. from their retaliation and potential terrorism while honoring the worth of the many wonderful, well-intended people from the Middle East who are willing to go through the legal and limited entry process and then pull their own weight in this society? Forced acceptance of refugees or simply migrants, as we are now clearly seeing throughout European countries like Germany, Italy, Austria and Sweden, can lead to grave economic and social destruction of the host countries. It doesn’t work to penalize one group in the course of attempting to help another. I listened through all the careless talk and media propaganda, and I never heard Trump say actual anti-Muslim statements, but I did hear him acknowledge that we have a complex issue. Putting a pause on widespread immigration from countries that have most reason to retaliate on U.S. turf is not the same as “anti-immigration xenophobia.” It requires that we stop creating the motive for such retaliation and stop acting like we are not vulnerable to the consequences of globalist terrorism of which the U.S. has been a central culprit.


Few on the Left or Right seem to truly understand that the main problem with so-called immigration is not “foreign people,” but the entitlements they expect — housing, healthcare, welfare, education — at the mandatory expense of taxpayers already struggling to make ends meet.

This is an excellent example of where the Non Aggression Principle would ultimately solve the problem by allowing people to travel anywhere as long as they are not violating other’s private property or requiring people’s financial support against their will, which is what the state-mandated entitlements are. I perceive Trump as wanting to vet potentially dangerous immigrants and uphold laws against illegal immigration. Kellyanne Conway and others on his team do a pretty good job of describing this, but Trump’s inadequate and confusing rhetoric has millions angry and afraid — I believe unnecessarily — although understandably. I know that many of the Hispanics who voted for Trump were legal immigrants who don’t want their jobs taken by others taking shortcuts and coming illegally — demanding free services while not contributing to the public coffers. Trump clearly has to clarify what he really means around all of this. It’s not realistic, moral, appropriate, or safe to try to round up over 11 million illegal immigrants, but his focus on deporting the criminal element is viable — while at the same time ceasing to allow illegal immigrants from, in effect, taking the hard earned money from others in the form of unearned entitlements.


Any accomplished athlete, scientist or artist fails many times in the process of reaching a high level of proficiency. The same holds true for business. I believe Trump’s bankruptcies may have trained him well for dealing constructively with the $70+ trillion in government and banking elite-created U.S. debt and unfunded liabilities that threaten to enslave our grandchildren.

By acknowledging that millions of people in America are in trouble, Trump can engage us in finding real solutions. We are now operating in a global environment where many countries are choosing to align with China and the other BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa) countries and the AIIB Bank — already representing over half the world’s population. These countries are choosing to use currencies backed by gold and other real commodities, which the dollar is not. In vast numbers, voters know this, and it is a tribute to social media, and the many informed, “real news” alternatives to mainstream media, that people are flocking to them in the millions to hear something real. With more reliable and independent sources of information, we can take the next step in even greater discernment and motivation to transcend the divisive nature of politics in favor of the unifying principle of Non-Aggression. Toward this end, and with hopes that this larger conversation can help to heal some of what is tearing our country and our relationships apart, I offer this


Dear President-elect Trump,

It’s Foster Gamble here, co-creator of THRIVE and Thrive Movement.

I am writing to congratulate you and to share a profound opportunity to use your extraordinary courage and independence on behalf of a whole new kind of leadership.
I was invited to run for President on the Libertarian ticket and also for Vice President with Jill Stein for the Green Party. I appreciated the invitations, but respectfully declined. I see my role personally as more impactful from outside of a system I don’t believe in. Instead I have spent my time and resources identifying and vetting new energy and healing technologies that obsolete the destructive and dirty technologies of coal, fracking, nuclear and the like in favor of hyper-efficient and “over unity” energy technologies. I am confident that a combination of the New Energy technologies, along with the guiding principle of non-violation that we at Thrive are committed to, can yield consistent win-win global, national and local solutions.

You are now in the ultimate position from inside the system. You have used your own resources and resisted the bribes from corporations, bankers, lobbyists and wealthy individuals who would want to buy your obligation and compromise your values. Now you are poised with an unprecedented and hard-won opportunity to make a historic difference, not just for America, but for all of humanity — at a moment when we are at a fork in the road between potential paradise and looming oblivion.

Clearly, most would characterize you as an “Alpha.” You are strong, talented and athletic. You are drawn to lead. You’re capable of creating wealth. You attract beautiful and capable women, and you have clearly enjoyed the influence that can come with that. But there is a personal transformation that awaits you to become what researchers are now calling a “Gamma.” A Gamma has those same potentialities, but has transcended the need to dominate by force, to brag, to sacrifice integrity for profit, and the need to react in petty and volatile ways to affronts. A Gamma is dedicated to win-win, to peaceful resolution, and to the empowerment of all those around him.

Right now, as the magnitude of your opportunity and responsibility is settling freshly on your shoulders, is the perfect moment to integrate and continue the style of your acceptance speech into your relationships and decisions every day. You have the talent and the charisma to leave the volatile, vindictive, macho persona — which could be cataclysmic on the global scale — completely behind you… and begin to operate consistently from a profound and respectful confidence that your leadership can not only help people make America great, but that, together, we can inspire the whole world.


Now is also the critical moment for choosing Gamma men and women for your team.
You already have some good ethical people to assist you and you can easily attract more if you have moral principles on which to base your choices:

Your economic advisor, Judy Shelton, understands the value of sound money. She and others, like Ron Paul, can guide you on the return to asset-backed currency.
David Stockman could bring some integrity to the Office of Management and Budget. Trey Gowdy has shown himself to be brave and relentless in taking on legal and financial corruption.

I am glad you have people like Roger Stone, Laura Ingraham and Alex Jones informing you about the globalist agendas going on behind the scenes. If you don’t know of them already, I hope you will have your team check out the principled guidance of folks like Stefan MolyneuxLarken RoseMary RuwartLew RockwellDoug CaseyHans HoppeJames CorbettMark CorskeWendy McElroy and Michael Huemer. If we at the Thrive Movement can be of assistance in elucidating that, both here and abroad, don’t hesitate to ask. We need a deep understanding of the true nature of our predicament if we are going to have solutions commensurate to the problems. Our film, THRIVE, already has over 68 million views in 27 languages, spawning over 1,000 solutions groups all over the world.

I personally have contacts among the Dragon Families of the far-east who are offering to distribute vast troves of stored, off-market gold to reboot the global economy, erase national debts and empower the world’s best humanitarian projects — as long as it is not stolen by the Rothschild/Rockefeller banking cabal. (I understand this is risky. It is what JFK was working on with Indonesian President Soekarno and their signed Green Hilton Agreement, just weeks before he was assassinated. But it is also the quickest route to global prosperity and cooperation of which I am aware.)

This is quite a preferable option to the imminent collapse of the dollar and isolation of the western economies. You must be aware that while Bush and Obama have been invading one country after another (Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, Ukraine, Libya, Yemen, Syria etc.) and resisting the move to asset-backed currencies and a Global Currency Reset, Putin and Xi Jinping have been creating win/win trade deals with many countries, both large and small. History has shown that to be the true path to peace. Now is your chance to make Gamma deals on a global scale that can create prosperity and security for generations to come.

The backlash you will be getting for promoting the dangerous and polluting nuclear, fracking, coal and the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines, can ALL go away if you help us set up safeguards for releasing the multiple “free energy” devices (as described in THRIVE) into the world without corporate or government suppression. I was invited to the Obama White House and to Bechtel to brief them on this field, which I have been in for nearly 20 years. I declined — because I understand the agendas of their controllers. With your help, we could liberate these economic and ecologic game-changers.

If this makes any sense I invite you to contact me for further and deeper discussion of what is really going on and the moral philosophy, strategies, and tactics to truly liberate the people of America and the world. Here’s a video clip describing our inclusive strategy for peaceful transition from where we are now to a truly free, prosperous and thriving world.

I wish you, your family, your team and every affected individual deep clarity, strength, patience and fulfillment in rising above elitist “divide and conquer” strategies to create a condition and a moral pathway whereby everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Very sincerely,

Foster Gamble
President, Thrive Movement, Int’l.

Watch THRIVE for FREE Now

Deutsch − BENJAMIN FULFORD: 21:11:2016

21. November 2016

Die Befreiung des Planeten Erde von der Kontrolle Khasarischer Gangster kommt lawinenartig voran. Groß-Britannien befreite sich selbst durch den BREXIT, während sich die Amerikaner durch ihre Wahl von Donald Trump zum Präsidenten befreiten. Der Wahl von Trump folgte sofort ein anti-Khasarischer Regimewechsel in Bulgarien und Moldawien. Als Nächstes werden Präsidentschafts-Wahlen in Österreich und ein Volksentscheid in Italien, beide am 4. Dezember, diese Länder wahrscheinlich befreien. Danach wird wahrscheinlich im Mai 2017 die Wahl von Marine Le Pen als Präsidentin Frankreichs folgen, sowie die Amtsenthebung der Deutschen Kanzlerin Angela Merkel irgendwann in 2017.

Auch wurde in Süd-Korea die Khasarische Marionette Präsidentin Park Geun Hye als vollkommen korrupt entlarvt und aus der Macht entfernt. Genauso in Japan, wo Kräfte des rechten Flügels gegen die Khasarischen Stellvertreter wie Yasuyuki Nambu von der Pasona Gruppe, Masayoshi Son von der Softbank und andere vorgehen, um den Weg in die Freiheit des Landes vorzubereiten.

Später werden voraussichtlich die Europäische Union, die Vereinten Nationen, und untergeordnete Organisationen wie der Internationale Währungs-Fond (IMF oder IWF) und die Weltbank einstürzen, bevor sie durch repräsentative, meritokratische, demokratische und kompetent geführte Institutionen ersetzt werden. Viele dieser Ergebnisse hängen ab von dem kurz vor seinem Ende stehenden, aber trotzdem noch anhaltenden Machtkampf in Washington DC.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Mandarin -- BENJAMIN FULFORD: 21:11:2016


The liberation of the planet earth from Khazarian gangster control is now snowballing. The UK liberated itself with the Brexit vote while the Americans freed themselves by electing Donald Trump as President. Trump’s election was followed immediately by anti-Khazarian regime change in Bulgaria and Moldova. Next, a Presidential election in Austria and a referendum in Italy, both due on December 4th, are expected to liberate those countries. Following this will be the likely election of Marine Le Pen as President of France in May and the ouster of German Chancellor Angelina Merkel sometime in 2017.

In South Korea as well, Khazarian puppet President Park Geun Hye has been exposed as totally corrupt and is being removed from power. In Japan too, right-wing forces are moving against Khazarian proxies like Yasuyuki Nambu of the Pasona Group, Masayoshi Son of Softbank and others to prepare the way for the liberation of this country.

Monday, November 21, 2016


November 21, 2016 

Benjamin Fulford

The liberation of the planet earth from Khazarian gangster control is now snowballing. The UK liberated itself with the Brexit vote while the Americans freed themselves by electing Donald Trump as President. Trump’s election was followed immediately by anti-Khazarian regime change in Bulgaria and Moldova. Next, a Presidential election in Austria and a referendum in Italy, both due on December 4th, are expected to liberate those countries. Following this will be the likely election of Marine Le Pen as President of France in May and the ouster of German Chancellor Angela Merkel sometime in 2017.
In South Korea as well, Khazarian puppet President Park Geun Hye has been exposed as totally corrupt and is being removed from power. In Japan too, right-wing forces are moving against Khazarian proxies like Yasuyuki Nambu of the Pasona Group, Masayoshi Son of Softbank and others to prepare the way for the liberation of this country.
Later in the game the European Union, the United Nations and subsidiary organizations like the IMF and the World Bank are also expected to collapse before being replaced by more representative, meritocratic, democratic and competently run institutions.
Much of this outcome hinges on the nearly over but still not finished power struggle in Washington D.C.
The first senior staff members selected by Donald Trump are all US armed forces veterans making it clear his government will be strongly linked to the US military. This means the men with guns are finally taking action.
Navy veteran Steve Bannon is Chief Strategist, army veterans Mike Pompeo, Jeff Sessions and Michael Flynn respectively have the jobs of CIA head, Attorney General and Director of National Security. So far no neocons or Khazarians have been selected.
A Pentagon source says the names of neocons like Rudolph Giuliani, John Bolton, David Petraeus and Mitt Romney were “floated so trump can say ‘you’re fired.’”
New National Security Adviser General Michael Flynn summed up the situation as follows:

“We just went through a revolution…This is probably the biggest election in our nation’s history, since bringing on George Washington when he decided not to be a king. That’s how important this is.”
In a clear sign this really is a revolution, CIA sources tell us that arch-criminal George Soros has been “taken out,” as reported by this writer on November 20th. Pentagon sources are saying that others on the list who need to be removed from the scene include Senator John “ISIS” McCain and Edgar Bronfman who “owns McCain.”
Other Pentagon sources say that a special “navy doomsday plane” was sent to fly from California to Denver last week to deploy “special weapons” in order to “drive cabalists out of underground bases” so that they could be arrested.
Speaking about underground bases, White Dragon Society sources in Antarctica say:

” One of our team members in Antarctica saw David Rockefeller with his son Richard at ‘The Base’ along with several other elites from Europe. There is a top secret meeting taking place there now. The word is that they are preparing for January 20.”
Other sources say they saw members of the Rothschild family at that Antarctic base too.
(The Russian documentary linked below is recommended as the most thoroughly researched background information this writer could find on secret Antarctic bases,
It is a good guess these elites are hoping to find shelter or else a ticket off-planet at that base but they are unlikely to find either because all the evidence indicates this planet is under some form of quarantine.
In any case, judging from the 2017 occult cover of the Rothschild and P2 Freemason Agnelli family owned Economist, the bloodline families are in a state of confusion. The cover, seen at the link below, is called “Planet Trump” and features tarot cards.
Here is this writer’s first stab and what it means:
The first card, called “the tower,” shows the Catholic Church being split between its communist and traditional Christian factions.
The second, called “Judgement” shows Donald Trump holding the symbols of power, meaning most likely they expect a Nurenberg type tribunal to be convened when he assumes office.
The third, called “the World” shows symbols of the gnostic Illuminati, the family owned central banks and monotheism unified under what appears to be a moon god. Above them are what appear to be Maria (the Goddess Isis), the holy book and the sun god. It seems they think the world will be unified under these symbols.
The fourth called “the Hermit” shows North America leading a populist movement against TPP, TTIP and the EU, indicating they have gone against their “globalist” agenda.
The fifth, called “death,” shows plagues, tsunamis, fish die-offs, nuclear weapons and crop failures and is probably meant as a threat by the bloodline families to unleash these calamities if they are cornered.
The sixth, called “the magician,” seems to indicate they expect 3d printing and virtual reality to be the biggest high tech trends of the year.
The seventh, called the “Wheel of Fortune” shows a smiling Marine Le Pen and a frowning Angela Merkel waiting for the results of elections indicating they expect Le Pen to win and Merkel to lose. This writer could not identify the third person.
The final one, “the star,” seems to show pictures of pop culture personalities who will have strong financial backing during the year. The only one this pop culture knowledge deficient writer could identify appears to be Lady Gaga.
What their predictions are showing most of all though is a clear sign they no longer control the destiny of this planet and that is why the resorted to tarot cards.
Since the Rothschilds and Angellis appear to be out of the loop on future events now, here is a bit of what sources in the new regime are saying is coming up.
For one thing, as soon as President Barack Obama loses his ability to issue pardons on January 20th, there are going to be a flood of revelations coming out of the US agencies about pedophilia and human sacrifice carried out by many well-known US and European politicians and personalities. The Bush/Clinton family, Mitt Romney, Carl Rove and others are expected to be included in these revelations, Pentagon sources say.
The Rothschilds and their kinfolk can also expect hearings about what really caused the Asian tsunami of 2006, the Japanese tsunami and nuclear disaster of 2011, the Haiti tsunami etc. In other words, the world will find out they are a bunch of ruthless mass murderers.
The coming months will also reveal a “Trump/Putin tag team that will kill ISIS as a prelude to a US-EU-Russian and Vatican Christian bloc to contain China and terminate the global Khazarian mafia,” the sources say.
The Chinese, for their part, are already leading towards a form of Christianity with Chinese features, Chinese secret society sources say. They point out that many of the features that separate Christianity from Judaism actually came from their founder Mozi 墨子(450 to 291 BC). He promoted universal love and came up with the idea of a heaven that only the virtuous could enter. He also came up with the idea that if you give a person a piece of bread you only feed them for one day but if you give them a fishing rod and teach them to fish, you can feed them for life.
The point being is that the Asian secret societies are already sold on the idea of make love, not war, with the West. They just don’t want to be raped, robbed and killed.
The obstacle to a world of universal love is now the still unsettled battle for control of the financial system and thus the process for deciding what humanity does in the future.
On that front, the latest news is the Dutch delegation that is visiting Indonesia this week on behalf of the Dutch royal family is upset that three Dutch World War 2 sunken warships that were discovered off the coast of Indonesia in 2002 have vanished.
“It is all about the Gold that was in those ships. The Dutch were trying to bring part of the ancient royal treasure that they had stolen from the Indonesia Royals of Java and Sulawesi to the Netherlands so the Japanese would not get it,” a WDS source in Indonesia explains.
It sounds like the European bloodline families were counting on this gold to back their efforts to keep control of the world’s financial system and now they are back to square one.
If there is in fact no gold, or if it has already all been stolen and used, we need to find this out ASAP. We cannot wait forever for these legendary million ton stashes of gold to appear. If the gold does not exist, a new reality based financial system can be made without it. Money can be backed by real estate, commodities, industrial facilities, labour etc.
As soon as a new, transparently, meritocratically and honestly run financial system is launched many wonderful things can start right away.
The Russians, for example, have already given the go ahead for a tunnel linking Siberia with Alaska. People and freight could then move by train from New York to London via Moscow.

We must stop fighting and starting saving the planet. 



Ver a imagem de origem

Kriegsgefangenenlager in Amerika

Von Larry Romanoff, 02. Juni 2020

Übersetzung: K.R.


Hinweis an die Leser: In Anbetracht der immensen Bedeutung dieses Themas leiten Sie diesen Artikel bitte über Ihren E-Mail-Verteiler weiter und posten Sie ihn in Ihren Blogs, Internetforen usw., mit der Bitte, dass jeder, der irgendwelche Details oder Familiengeschichten kennt, die Licht auf diese Ereignisse werfen könnten, diese bitte direkt an den Autor unter weiterleitet.


Diese Geschichte hat alle Voraussetzungen, um sich für eine Verschwörungstheorie zu qualifizieren und macht vielleicht keinen Sinn für Sie ohne einige Hintergrundinformationen über den Zusammenhang.

Bevor die USA in den Ersten Weltkrieg eintraten, wurde eine enorme, jahrelange antideutsche Propagandakampagne von der Creel-Kommission entfesselt, die von Walter Lippman und Edward Bernays geleitet wurde, letzterer war ein Neffe von Sigmund Freud. (1) (2) Die öffentliche Literatur griff alles Deutsche in Amerika an, auch Schulen und Kirchen. In vielen Schulen wurde den "reinen Amerikanern" verboten, die deutsche Sprache zu unterrichten, und die Verwalter wurden aufgefordert, "alle illoyalen Lehrer", also alle Deutschen, zu entlassen. Die Namen unzähliger Städte wurden geändert, um ihren deutschen Ursprung zu eliminieren: Berlin, Iowa wurde zu Lincoln, Iowa. Deutsche Lebensmittel und Namen von Gerichten wurden aus den Restaurants verbannt; Sauerkraut wurde zu "Freiheitskraut", Dackel wurden zu "Freiheitshunden" und Deutsche Schäferhunde zu "Elsässern".


bf pic



(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


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