What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent



Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Attempts to start Muslim/Christian warfare backfire on Zionists
The recent massacre of Sri Lankan Christians plus attacks on churches and mosques have turned into a fatal mistake for the Zionists, multiple sources confirm.  In reaction, the U.S. Department of Defense is handling background checks to root out Israeli dual citizens, agents, assets, and sayanim (Hebrew for “helpers”), Pentagon sources say.

Arab and Iranian TV broadcasts throughout the Muslim world have quoted this writer and others as saying ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.  “Almost all Arabs think ISIS is created by Israel and regional governments,” one prominent Arabian TV personality confirmed.  This means that when “ISIS” claimed responsibility for various recent attacks, the satanic Israeli regime of Benjamin Netanyahu committed international suicide and lost all regional support, especially among Jews (as opposed to satanists pretending to be Jews).

Pentagon sources say “The Jew York Times” was forced to publish the following editorial cartoon:
“The NYT International Edition and German dachshund is another dog whistle to Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world after Sri Lanka that Zionism=terrorism,” the Pentagon sources explain.  The sources added, “Trump is not so blind,” and “any Trump outrage is just kabuki theater, as the military intelligence community, patriots, and Europe post-Notre Dame have had it with Israel.”

BR -- BENJAMIN FULFORD: 29:04:2019

Tentativas de iniciar uma guerra entre Muçulmanos e Cristãos repercute mal contra Sionistas
29.04.2019 – Por Benjamin Fulford

O recente massacre de Cristãos no Sri Lanka, além, de ataques contra igrejas e mesquitas, se transformou num erro fatal para os sionistas, confirmam várias fontes. Numa reação, o Departamento de Defesa dos EUA está lidando com verificações de antecedentes para erradicar cidadãos, agentes, bens e sayanim israelenses (hebraico para “ajudantes”), dizem fontes do Pentágono.

Em todo o mundo Muçulmano, as transmissões de TV árabes e iranianas citaram este escritor e outros, como dizendo que o ISIS representa o Serviço Secreto de Inteligência de Israel. “Quase todos os árabes acham que o ISIS seja cria de Israel e dos governos regionais”, confirmou uma importante personalidade da televisão árabe. Isso significa que quando o "ISIS" assumiu a responsabilidade por vários ataques recentes, o regime satânico de Israel de Benjamin Netanyahu cometeu suicídio internacional e perdeu todo apoio regional, especialmente entre os Judeus (em oposição aos satanistas que fingem serem Judeus).

Fontes do Pentágono dizem que “O Judeu, The York Times” foi forçado a publicar o seguinte cartoon editorial:


“A Edição Internacional do NYT e o dachshund alemão, formam outro apito de cachorro para a Europa, Ásia e o resto do mundo, depois do Sri Lanka, de que o Sionismo = terrorismo”, explicam as fontes do Pentágono. As fontes acrescentaram que: “Trump não é tão cego” e que “qualquer ultraje de Trump é apenas teatro kabuki, como a comunidade de inteligência militar, patriotas e a Europa pós Notre Dame consideram Israel”.

HR -- BENJAMIN FULFORD: 29:04:2019

Pokušaji da se započne muslimansko-kršćanski ratni sukob obija se o cioniste

29. travnja 2019.

Benjamin Fulford

Nedavni masakr kršćana u Šri Lanki i napadi na crkve i džamije pretvorili su se u fatalnu pogrešku cionista, potvrđuju brojni izvori. U reakciji na to, američko ministarstvo obrane provodi pozadinske provjere da iskorijeni izraelske građane dvojnog državljanstva, agente, imovinu i sayanime (hebrejski naziv za „pomoćnike“), kažu izvori iz Pentagona.

Arapske i iranske TV emisije u muslimanskom svijetu kažu da je ISIS skraćenica za izraelske tajne obavještajne službe. „Gotovo svi Arapi misle da su ISIS stvorile izraelska i regionalne vlade“, potvrdila je jedna istaknuta arapska TV ličnost. To znači da kada je „ISIS“ preuzeo odgovornost za razne nedavne napade, sotonistički izraelski režim Benjamina Netanyahua počinio je međunarodno samoubojstvo i izgubio sve regionalne potpore, posebno među Židovima (za razliku od sotonista koji se pretvaraju da su Židovi).

Izvori iz Pentagona kažu da je „The Jew York Times“ (Židovski York Times) bio prisiljen objaviti uredničku karikaturu:


„New York Times International Edition i German dachshund je još jedan poziv psu zviždukom Europi, Aziji i ostatku svijeta nakon Šri Lanke da je cionizam = terorizam, objašnjavaju izvori Pentagona. Izvori su dodali: "Trump nije tako slijep" i "bilo koje vrijeđanje Trumpa je samo kabuki teatar, kao što su ga vojna obavještajna zajednica, patrioti i Europa poslije Notre Dame imali s Izraelom."


BENJAMIN FULFORD: Tentativo sionista di ri-iniziare la guerra  tra musulmani e cristiani 

Sa Defenza 

Il recente massacro dei cristiani dello Sri Lanka e gli attacchi contro chiese e moschee si sono trasformati in un errore fatale per i sionisti, confermano multiple fonti. Per reazione, il Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti sta gestendo i controlli sui precedenti per sradicare la doppia cittadinanza agli israeliani, agenti, beni e sayanim (in ebraico per "aiutanti"), affermano fonti del Pentagono.

Le trasmissioni televisive arabe e iraniane in tutto il mondo musulmano e altrimi hanno citato dicendo che ISIS sta per  Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. "Quasi tutti gli arabi pensano che ISIS sia stato creato da Israele e altri governi della regione", conferma una personalità eminente della TV araba. Ciò significa che quando "ISIS" ha rivendicato recentemente la responsabilità in vari attacchi, il satanico regime israeliano di Benjamin Netanyahu ha commesso un suicidio internazionale e perso ogni appoggio nella regione, specialmente tra gli ebrei (al contrario dei satanisti che fingevano di essere ebrei).

Read more


29. April 2019
Das kürzliche Massaker an Christen in Sri Lanka sowie die Angriffe auf Kirchen und Moscheen haben sich für die Zionisten als fataler Fehler herausgestellt, bestätigen mehrere Quellen. Als Reaktion führt das US-Verteidigungsministerium im Hintergrund Überprüfungen durch, um israelische doppelte Staatsbürger aufzuspüren, Agenten, Aktivposten und sayanim (hebräisch für „Helfer“), sagen Pentagon-Quellen.
Arabische und iranische TV-Sendungen in der ganzen islamischen Welt haben diesen Autor und andere zitiert und sagten, dass ISIS für Israeli Secret Intelligence Service [Israelischer Geheimdienst] steht. „Fast alle Araber denken, dass ISIS von Israel und Regierungen in der Region geschaffen wurde“, bestätigt eine prominente Person aus dem arabischen Fernsehen. Das bedeutet, wenn „ISIS“ die Verantwortung für verschiedene Angriffe in letzter Zeit übernimmt, begeht das satanische israelische Regime von Benjamin Netanjahu internationalen Selbstmord und verliert alle Unterstützung in der Region, insbesondere unter Juden (im Gegensatz zu Satanisten, die vorgeben, Juden zu sein).
Pentagon-Quellen sagen, „The Jew York Times“ wurde gezwungen, folgenden redaktionellen Cartoon abzudrucken:

„Die internationale Ausgabe der NYT und deutsche Dackel ist eine weitere Hundepfeife für Europa, Asien und den Rest der Welt nach Sri Lanka, dass Zionismus=Terrorismus ist“, erklären die Pentagon-Quellen. Die Quellen fügen hinzu: „Trump ist nicht so blind“ und „jede Empörung von Trump ist nur Kabuki-Theater, wie die Gemeinschaft der Militärgeheimdienste, Patrioten und das Nach-Notre-Dame-Europa es mit Israel spielt“.

Monday, April 29, 2019


April 29, 2019
The recent massacre of Sri Lankan Christians plus attacks on churches and mosques have turned into a fatal mistake for the Zionists, multiple sources confirm.  In reaction, the U.S. Department of Defense is handling background checks to root out Israeli dual citizens, agents, assets, and sayanim (Hebrew for “helpers”), Pentagon sources say.
Arab and Iranian TV broadcasts throughout the Muslim world have quoted this writer and others as saying ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.  “Almost all Arabs think ISIS is created by Israel and regional governments,” one prominent Arabian TV personality confirmed.  This means that when “ISIS” claimed responsibility for various recent attacks, the satanic Israeli regime of Benjamin Netanyahu committed international suicide and lost all regional support, especially among Jews (as opposed to satanists pretending to be Jews).
Pentagon sources say “The Jew York Times” was forced to publish the following editorial cartoon:

“The NYT International Edition and German dachshund is another dog whistle to Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world after Sri Lanka that Zionism=terrorism,” the Pentagon sources explain.  The sources added, “Trump is not so blind,” and “any Trump outrage is just kabuki theater, as the military intelligence community, patriots, and Europe post-Notre Dame have had it with Israel.”
“Anti-Zionism is now mainstream, as Ilhan Omar, the Democrats, and The New York Times normalize the conversation,” the sources say.  As a part of the attack on Zionists, “the Department of Justice may prosecute Chicago Jewish billionaire and Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker for tax fraud,” the sources add.
Also, the Mueller Report is going to be followed with an anti-Zionist blitzkrieg, including the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report and FISA declassification,” the sources say.  “Trump is apparently saving Israel for last,” they add.
Speaking of Israel, a U.S. military officer involved in negotiations over the Golan Heights says the Israeli army “is fed up with Bibi [Benjamin Netanyahu] and unable to hold Golan anyway.”  The U.S. military is negotiating with the lawyer of the Arab League over the details of the return of the Golan to Syria, he says.
Israel, Zionism, central banking, and North Korea were also important topics of discussion between representatives of Asian secret societies and the White Dragon Society (WDS) that took place last week.  The Asian secret society representative said that a limited war was going to take place soon in …… order to “unify the Korean Peninsula.”
This source also independently confirmed that North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un had brought a U.S. F-35 fighter with him as a gift when he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin last week.  Russia responded by agreeing to support North Korea in its move to reunify the Peninsula, the source said.
The WDS, for its part, said such a war would need to take place in tandem with a surrender ultimatum to Israel in order to ensure that the situation did not escalate unintentionally into a World War III.
The Asian society source also noted that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his ruling party would be replaced with a coalition of opposition parties over the coming year or so, as the new Emperor took over.  However, the WDS pointed out that the opposition, just like the ruling party, was full of low-IQ nepotistic hacks who would not be able to deal with Japan’s fundamental problems like a shrinking population and plunging living standards.
The WDS said the Bank of Japan would have to be nationalized and its financial system would have to be reset;  otherwise, special forces would step in and remove the entire corrupt Japanese body politic.
The Asian society source agreed that this would have to take place, after hearing how Singapore’s incredible success was due in large part to the fact that it does not have a central bank.
In his book From Third World to First, Singapore’s founding father Lee Kuan Yew explains why he determined that “Singapore should not have a central bank that could issue money and create currency.”  It was because “We were determined not to allow our currency to lose its value.”  Instead, Singapore used “a currency board which only issued Singapore dollars when backed by its equivalent value in foreign exchange (based on a basket)” (pg 72).  In other words, Singapore has a currency backed by money earned from selling real stuff to the real world.  “Not spending more than we collect in revenue has been a guiding principle,” he explains later (pg 232).
In the same book, Lee quotes former Finance Minister Lim Kim San as saying, “A central bank is an easy way out for a finance minister who wants to juggle [his figures] when he has a deficit in his budget.”
What’s interesting is that as Singapore separated from Malaysia, Malaysian Finance Minister Tan Siew Sin said, “If the central bank system is an inferior system, then it is clear that it is a mistake made by every industrialized country of the Western world….” (pg 231).
Sin sinned and went ahead and created the Malaysian central bank, which is now engulfed in a giant corruption scandal involving the usual suspects like Goldman Sachs and the Rothschilds.  Since independence in 1965, the reality-based Singapore dollar has risen 300% against the Malaysian ringgit.  Also, having started at an equal level, Singapore’s per capita GDP is now U.S.$58,000 compared to Malaysia’s U.S.$9,900.
The U.S. dollar, for its part, has lost 84% of its value since it was taken off the gold standard in 1971.  The real living standard for 90% of Americans also has plunged dramatically since then.
The widespread appeal of the following Ben Garrison cartoon also shows that the world, like Singapore did long ago, is now waking up to the Zionist central bank Babylonian debt slavery scam.
Former mainstream economists and pundits such as David Stockman, Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan, are finally figuring things out.  Stockman notes how central banks (including China’s) created $15 trillion “from thin air” since the Lehman crisis of 2008.
This $15 trillion sum is the money that was created using fake “gold-backed” bonds forged by Wilfredo Saurin.
That money has now run out and new attempts at Zionist forgery are being systematically quashed.  Instead, a global financial reset is being prepared, according to sources involved in the planning.  However, a senior MI6 official in charge of establishing the quantum financial system says the new system will not just be suddenly announced.
“The reset doesn’t work like that.  It is a change project, so the current system runs in tactical while the new system is developed in strategic.  They both then conjoin.  It’s a bit like building a new motorway alongside an older road, really,” he says.  “The algorithm for deployment also includes the off-ledger assets and the debt reset piece,” he explains.  The resulting currency will be a hybrid of existing currencies, he says.  This probably explains why world currencies have been moving within a narrow band relative to each other recently.
The West, especially the U.S., had better hurry up with the reset and it had better be good, because the rest of the world is moving on regardless.  The Asian secret society source says Asia has been plowing ahead and building its alternatives to Western-dominated institutions like the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, etc.  He noted that a massive construction project was under way in Laos to create the new Asian-centered UN there.
China’s trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is also gathering so much momentum that soon only the U.S. will be the only country that isn’t part of it.
Russia’s Putin, speaking at last week’s BRI summit, explained that the U.S. was being isolated by its “growing protectionism, with illegitimate unilateral restrictions imposed bypassing the UN Security Council or, even worse, trade wars.”
By contrast, Putin noted, “the Great Eurasian Partnership and the Belt and Road concepts are both rooted in the principles and values that everyone understands:  the natural aspiration of nations to live in peace and harmony, benefit from free access to the latest scientific achievements and innovative development, while preserving their culture and unique spiritual identity.”
At its meeting last week with the Asian secret society, the WDS suggested bankrupting the corrupt and now deeply divided Zionist Washington, D.C. political establishment.
Instead, the Asians could work with the British Commonwealth and the Western military intelligence community to create a future planning agency to work in harmony with the BRI.  The Asian representative supported this proposal.  An actual and concrete method to make this happen was also proposed, but for reasons of operational security we cannot disclose this to our readers yet.
To close, we note that the “Jewish” new President of the Ukraine celebrated his victory with a satanic hand sign.
We can guess that many of the satanists are preparing to return to their Khazarian homeland in the Ukraine.  The Jews, for their part, are about to liberate Israel and free themselves from millennia of Babylonian slavery.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

RUSSIAN -- Бен Фулфорд 22 апреля 2019 года

Бен Фулфорд 22 апреля 2019 года - Китай готов захватить "Даймлер-Бенц", Немецкий Банк, поскольку немецкий 4-й Рейх обрушивается
Германия со своим режимом установленного в Евросоюзе 4-го Рейха находится в осаде и подводится к обрушению из-за огромного бремени задолженности и народного сопротивления в оккупированных государствах, таких как Франция и Италия. В результате Германия может быть вынуждена продать свои коронные драгоценности - компанию "Даймлер-Бенц" и Немецкий Банк китайцам, согласно информации от японской военной разведки и других источников.
Сожжение собора Нотр-Дам в качестве жертвоприношения Молеху (Баалу, Сету, Сатане) было отчаянной попыткой суеверных хазарцев Евросоюза как-то изменить свою судьбу, говорят источники масонской ложи Пи-2.
Простым людям трудно понять суеверное мышление этих сатанистов, но, по сути, они думают, что сражаются против Богини. Вот почему они решили сжечь "Нотр-Дам” или "Богоматерь", потому что это связано с Марией. Мария, конечно, это христианское имя богини Исиды, которая воспитывала ребенка, пока он не смог победить Сета или Сатану. Именно по этой суеверной причине эти сатанисты создали ужасающую террористическую организацию ИГИЛ (Isis) и попытались призвать Исиду, чтобы ослабить поддержку богини в умах человечества....

Saturday, April 27, 2019

THIERRY MEYSSAN -- L’enjeu caché de la restauration de Notre-Dame

L’enjeu caché de la restauration de Notre-Dame

L’Élysée a utilisé l’incendie de Notre-Dame de Paris pour mener à bien un projet qui dormait dans les cartons. Il a fixé des règles inédites, hors des procédures d’appel d’offres et de respect du patrimoine non pas pour restaurer la cathédrale, mais pour transformer l’île de la Cité en premier lieu touristique d’Europe à la veille des Jeux olympiques de 2024 et de l’Exposition universelle de 2025. Pour éviter les contraintes judiciaires, il a arbitrairement imposé l’hypothèse d’un sinistre de chantier.


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L’incendie de la cathédrale Notre-Dame

Lorsque l’incendie de Notre-Dame a débuté, le 15 avril 2019 au soir, tous les médias français et beaucoup d’étrangers, se sont tournés vers la cathédrale en feu. De nombreuses télévisions étrangères ont débuté leur journal par cette nouvelle, mais pas France2.
La chaîne publique avait prévu de le consacrer au discours annoncé du président Macron concluant le « Grand débat national ». La rédaction, complétement sonnée par l’émoi provoqué par ce drame imprévu, y consacra son journal, non sans avoir au préalable regretté que le président reporte son discours sine die ; un discours à ses yeux beaucoup plus important.
La froideur de la plupart des journalistes et la stupidité des commentaires à chaud des politiques ont soudainement montré le gouffre béant qui sépare leur univers mental de celui des Français. Pour la classe dirigeante, la beauté de Notre-Dame ne saurait faire oublier que c’est un monument de la superstition chrétienne. Au contraire, pour le public, c’est le lieu où les Français se réunissent en tant que peuple pour se recueillir ou rendre grâce à Dieu.

FR -- BENJAMIN FULFORD -- 22:04:2019

La Chine s’apprête à s’emparer de Daimler Benz, de la Deutsche Bank alors que le 4ème Reich Allemand s’effondre

Benjamin Fulford, le 22 avril 2019

L’Allemagne et son 4ème Reich de l’Union Européenne sont en état de siège et risquent l’effondrement dû à l’énorme fardeau de la dette et à la résistance populaire dans les pays occupés comme la France et l’Italie. En conséquence l’Allemagne pourrait être contrainte à vendre ses bijoux de famille – l’entreprise Daimler Benz et la Deutsche Bank – aux Chinois, selon des sources du renseignement militaire Japonais et d’autres.

Friday, April 26, 2019


Resultado de imagem para FOTO DO LOGO DO SITE Observatório da Guerra e do Militarismo

Queridos/as Amigos/as,
Foi com grande alegria e esperança que soubemos e acompanhámos o Encontro de Florença e o sucesso da sua realização.
Sabemos que existem diversas forças, nos países da NATO, que se opõem e criticam a transformação desta aliança, num agente agressivo do militarismo e da opressão neocolonial. Os seus dirigentes, parece não terem aprendido nada com a História. Os meios de comunicação de massas dos países ocidentais estão demasiado controlados pelo complexo militar-securitário-industrial, para preencherem a função de informar com objectividade e neutralidade o público. Muitos sinais inquietantes nos nossos países, por parte dos responsáveis do Estado e Governo, têm aparecido ultimamente, autoritarismo, atropelos à legalidade, indiferença às decisões judiciais.
No nosso país, Portugal, assiste-se a um falso unanimismo pró-NATO nos jornais e TVs, patente na maneira como noticiaram os 70 anos desta aliança político-militar, revelador do grau de controlo dos interesses dominantes sobre a comunicação mediática, incluindo os órgãos de comunicação públicos, em grande parte pagos pelos contribuintes. Por contraste, não vimos quaisquer reportagens, artigos ou entrevistas a personalidades com posições opostas à NATO, publicadas nesses mesmos órgãos de comunicação. 
O «Observatório da Guerra e do Militarismo» foi fundado em Janeiro deste ano: tentamos dar informação sobre todos os assuntos relevantes para a paz. Em especial, damos a conhecer - em língua portuguesa- factos reportados noutras línguas, mas que não são reportados, ou são distorcidos na imprensa «mainstream» portuguesa. 
Estamos abertos a colaborações com indivíduos ou grupos, em Portugal e internacionais, tendo escolhido, desde o início, uma postura de respeito pelas posições de cada participante, sem tentar impor quaisquer ideologias, ou visões de partido ou de grupo. No entanto, temos posição clara a favor da paz e contra o militarismo, pelos Direitos Humanos, em todas as circunstâncias e lugares. 
Nós gostaríamos que existisse uma reunião de pessoas e organizações em Portugal, que desse corpo ao sector português da frente europeia, proposta na Declaração de Florença. Temos a certeza de que existem pessoas e de que até serão numerosas, porém estarão dispersas, ou desalentadas. Caso tenham contacto com outras entidades portuguesas, transmitam - por favor - as nossas saudações e nosso sincero e incondicional desejo de cooperar com elas.   
Estamos disponíveis para continuar a veicular as informações e análises oriundas da frente europeia contra a NATO e de todas as suas partes constituintes.
Em paz,

Dear Friends,
It is with joy and hope that we heard about and followed the Florence meeting and its successful tenure.
We are aware of several forces in the NATO countries, which are opposed to and criticize the transformation of this alliance into an aggressive agent of militarism and neo-colonial oppression. Their leaders seem to have learnt nothing from History. The mass media in the Western countries are under the control of the military-security-industrial complex, and are unable to fulfil their task of informing the public with objectivity and neutrality. Many frightening signals have surfaced in our countries lately - authoritarianism, violations of the rule of law, indifference towards court rules.
In Portugal, our country, one can witness a false unanimous pro-NATO position in newspapers and TV stations, translated in the way they have covered the 70th NATO Anniversary, revealing how under the control of dominant interests they are, even the ones of public property paid by our taxes. By contrast, we did not see in such media, any reports, articles or interviews with people dissenting from NATO's posture. 
The «Observatório da Guerra e do Militarismo» was created in January this year: we try to convey information on all subjects relevant for peace. Above all, publishing in Portuguese news reported in other languages, which are omitted or distorted by the Portuguese «mainstream» media.
We are open to cooperate in Portugal or internationally. From the beginning, we chose to respect the participant members’ points of view, without trying to impose any ideology, neither partisan nor group views. Nevertheless we have a clear position in favour of peace and against militarism, for Human Rights, in all circumstances and places. 
We would like to see people and organizations in Portugal going forward with such a front as proposed in the Declaration of Florence. We would like there to be a gathering of Portuguese people and organizations, which will bring about the Portuguese sector of the European front, as proposed in the Declaration of Florence.
 We are sure there are such people, probably many of them, but some dispersed or disheartened. If you have contact with other Portuguese groups, we ask you to please give them our warm greetings and tell them our sincere and unconditional desire to cooperate with them.   We will continue giving information and analysis from the European front against NATO, and from each of its constituencies.
In peace,
The publishing colective of «Observatório da Guerra e do Militarismo»

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America

Global Research, April 24, 2019
The Rutherford Institute 23 April 2019

Region: USA
Children are being targeted and sold for sex in America every day.”—John Ryan, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Children, young girls—some as young as 9 years old—are being bought and sold for sex in America. The average age for a young woman being sold for sex is now 13 years old.
This is America’s dirty little secret.
Sex trafficking—especially when it comes to the buying and selling of young girls—has become big business in America, the fastest growing business in organized crime and the second most-lucrative commodity traded illegally after drugs and guns.
As investigative journalist Amy Fine Collins notes,
“It’s become more lucrative and much safer to sell malleable teens than drugs or guns. A pound of heroin or an AK-47 can be retailed once, but a young girl can be sold 10 to 15 times a day—and a ‘righteous’ pimp confiscates 100 percent of her earnings.”
According to USA Todayadults purchase children for sex at least 2.5 million times a year in the United States.
Who buys a child for sex? Otherwise ordinary men from all walks of life.
They could be your co-worker, doctor, pastor or spouse,” writes journalist Tim Swarens, who spent more than a year investigating the sex trade in America.

HR -- BENJAMIN FULFORD: 22:04:2019

Kina je spremna domoći se Daimler Benza i Deutsche Bank jer se njemački 4. Reich urušava

22. travnja 2019

Njemačka i njezin režim 4. Rajha u EU su pod opsadom i suočeni su s kolapsom zbog ogromnog duga i općeg otpora u okupiranim državama poput Francuske i Italije. Kao posljedica toga, Njemačka bi mogla biti prisiljena prodati svoje krunske dragulje - Daimler Benz Corporation i Deutsche Bank - Kinezima, prema japanskoj vojnoj obavještajnoj službi i drugim izvorima.

Žrtveno spaljivanje katedrale Notre Dame Molechu (Ba'al, Set, Sotona) bio je očajnički pokušaj praznovjernih kazarskih sotonista iz EU-a da nekako preokrenu svoje bogatstvo, kažu izvori P2 masona.

Normalnim ljudima je teško razumjeti praznovjerni način razmišljanja ovih sotonista, ali u biti čini se da misle da su u borbi protiv boginje. Zato su odlučili spaliti "Notre Dame" ili "Gospu", jer se to odnosi na Mariju. Marija je, naravno, kršćansko ime za božicu Isis, koja je odgajala jedno dijete dok nije porazilo Set ili Sotonu. Upravo iz tog istog praznovjernog razloga ovi sotonisti su stvorili užasnu terorističku organizaciju i pokušali pozvati ISIS kako bi oslabili potporu božici u umovima čovječanstva.



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Kriegsgefangenenlager in Amerika

Von Larry Romanoff, 02. Juni 2020

Übersetzung: K.R.


Hinweis an die Leser: In Anbetracht der immensen Bedeutung dieses Themas leiten Sie diesen Artikel bitte über Ihren E-Mail-Verteiler weiter und posten Sie ihn in Ihren Blogs, Internetforen usw., mit der Bitte, dass jeder, der irgendwelche Details oder Familiengeschichten kennt, die Licht auf diese Ereignisse werfen könnten, diese bitte direkt an den Autor unter weiterleitet.


Diese Geschichte hat alle Voraussetzungen, um sich für eine Verschwörungstheorie zu qualifizieren und macht vielleicht keinen Sinn für Sie ohne einige Hintergrundinformationen über den Zusammenhang.

Bevor die USA in den Ersten Weltkrieg eintraten, wurde eine enorme, jahrelange antideutsche Propagandakampagne von der Creel-Kommission entfesselt, die von Walter Lippman und Edward Bernays geleitet wurde, letzterer war ein Neffe von Sigmund Freud. (1) (2) Die öffentliche Literatur griff alles Deutsche in Amerika an, auch Schulen und Kirchen. In vielen Schulen wurde den "reinen Amerikanern" verboten, die deutsche Sprache zu unterrichten, und die Verwalter wurden aufgefordert, "alle illoyalen Lehrer", also alle Deutschen, zu entlassen. Die Namen unzähliger Städte wurden geändert, um ihren deutschen Ursprung zu eliminieren: Berlin, Iowa wurde zu Lincoln, Iowa. Deutsche Lebensmittel und Namen von Gerichten wurden aus den Restaurants verbannt; Sauerkraut wurde zu "Freiheitskraut", Dackel wurden zu "Freiheitshunden" und Deutsche Schäferhunde zu "Elsässern".


bf pic



(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


Larry Romanoff,

contributing author

to Cynthia McKinney's new COVID-19 anthology

'When China Sneezes'

When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis

manlio +maria


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V.P. 2007

EN video comitato

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irmãos de armas

Legendado em PT. Clicar em CC, escolher PT.


“Copyright Zambon Editore”



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Um auto retrato surpreendentemente sincero do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin



Personagens Principais em 'Na Primeira Pessoa'

Parte Um: O Filho

Parte Dois: O Estudante

Parte Três: O Estudante Universitário

Parte Quatro: O Jovem especialista

Parte Cinco: O Espia

Parte Seis: O Democrata

Parte Sete: O Burocrata

Parte Oito: O Homem de Família

Parte Nove: O Político

Apêndice: A Rússia na Viragem do Milénio

The Putin interviews

The Putin Interviews
by Oliver Stone (
