What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent



Sunday, July 31, 2016

Deutsch -- Benjamin Fulford: 30:07:2016 -- NEWS FLASH

Najib Razak, PremierministerMalaysias, angeklagt in einem Milliarden-Dollar-Skandal, sucht Immunität imAustausch für Aussagen gegen die Rothschilds


30. Juli 2016

CIA-Quellen in Ost-Asien machten uns auf die Tatsache aufmerksam, dass das US-Justizministerium den Malaysischen Premierminister Najib Razak anklagte, einen Fond von mehr als 1 Milliarde Dollar unterschlagen zu haben, der für Entwicklung der Malaysischen Wirtschaft bestimmt war. Die Anklage verlangt die Beschlagnahme aller Profite aus dem Hollywood-Film "The Wolf of Wall Street", weil dieser mit unterschlagenen Geldern finanziert wurde. Die Anklage erwähnt Angehörige der Saudi-Arabischen Königsfamilie, Goldmann Sachs, JP Morgan und Privat-Bankier Edmond de Rothschild.

Die Quelle der CIA sagt, Najib bat um Immunität sowie um Zuordnung für sich und seine Familie in das Zeugen-Schutz-Programm, im Gegenzug für seine Aussagen im Hinblick auf die Verbindungen im Unterschlagungs-Skandal, der Familie Rothschild und des vermissten Malaysian-Airlines-Fluges 370. Wenn das stimmt, könnte diese Angelegenheit schließlich die Rothschild-Dynastie zu Fall bringen. Der Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton-Zweig der Khasarischen Mafia wurde in den USA bereits zu Fall gebracht, wenn also die Rothschilds ebenfalls zu Fall gebracht werden, bedeutet dies die Befreiung der Menschheit von den Schrecken der Babylonischen Schulden-Sklaverei.

Die Anklageschrift kann hier eingesehen werden:

Mehr Einzelheiten dazu werden im Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis Report am Montag, dem 1. August veröffentlicht werden

übersetzung: manavika

Nederlands -- Benjamin Fulford: 30:07:2016 -- UPDATE

30 juli 2016

Auteur Benjamin Fulford

CIA bronnen in Oost Azië maakten ons attent op het feit dat de Minister van Justitie van de VS de Maleisische Eerste Minister Najib Razak heeft aangeklaagd voor het verduisteren van meer dan $ 1 miljard van een fonds dat bedoeld was om te gebruiken voor economische ontwikkeling in Maleisië.

De aanklacht roept om het in beslag nemen van al de winsten gemaakt door de Hollywood hitfilm The Wolf of Wall Street, omdat het werd gefinancierd met verduisterde fondsen. De aanklacht noemt ook de Arabische koningshuizen, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan en Bank Privee Edmond de Rothschild.

De bronnen van de CIA bron zeggen dat Najib om immuniteit heeft gevraagd en dat hij samen met zijn familie in het getuigen beschermingsplan wil in ruil voor getuigenis over banden tussen het verduisteringsschandaal, de Rothschild familie en de vermiste Maleisische Airlines vlucht 270. Als dit klopt, kan dit de zaak zijn die eindelijk de Rothschild dynastie omver werpt. De Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton tak van de Khazariaanse maffia wordt al omver geworpen in de VS dus als de Rothschilds ook omver worden geworpen, betekent dit bevrijding voor de mensheid van de verschrikkingen van de Babylonische schuldenslavernij.

De aanklacht kan hier gelezen worden:

English -- Benjamin Fulford: 30:07:2016 -- UPDATE

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak indicted in multi-billion dollar embezzlement scandal, is seeking immunity in exchange for testimony against the Rothschilds

July 30, 2016

CIA sources in East Asia alerted us to the fact the US Justice Department has indicted Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak for embezzling over $1 billion from a fund meant to be used for Malaysian economic development.

The indictment is calling for the seizure of all the profits from the Hollywood hit movie The Wolf of Wall Street, because it was financed with embezzled funds. The indictment also mentions Saudi Arabian royals, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Bank Privee Edmond de Rothschild.

The CIA sources source say Najib has asked for immunity and placement for him and his family in the witness protection program in exchange for testifying about the links between the embezzlement scandal, the Rothschild family and missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370. If so, this could be the case that finally brings down the Rothschild dynasty. The Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton branch of the Khazarian mafia is already being brought down in the US so if the Rothschilds are also brought down, this will mean liberation for humanity for the horrors of Babylonian debt slavery.

The indictment can be read here:

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Français -- Benjamin Fulford: 26:07:2016

Supplément du 26 Juillet :

Les Rothschild, désormais réfugiés en Suisse, n’ont pas respecté l’échéance du 25 juillet 2016 que leur avaient fixé la Société du Dragon Blanc (WDS) et ses alliés. Le feu est au vert ».

Le jeu des Rothschild consistait à inverser les résultats de la 1ère Guerre Mondiale

le 26 juillet 2016

La fin du jeu des Rothschild consistait à inverser les résultats de la 1ère Guerre Mondiale en réinstaurant les monarchies Allemande, Austro-Hongroise et Russe, selon des sources concordantes en Allemagne et aux Etats-Unis. Le plan qui est en train de se dérouler en Europe comprend un appel à la guerre civile contre l’ennemi « Musulman ». Les soi-disant terroristes « musulmans » sont financés grâce à de l’argent supposé être dépensé pour combattre le soi-disant réchauffement climatique mondial provoqué par les émissions de carbone, ajoutent les sources. C’est pourquoi nous assistons quotidiennement à des attentats terroristes « musulmans » qui ne semblent toujours impliquer que des « loups solitaires » qui meurent lors des attentats. Comme cela, il n’y a pas besoin d’organiser des procès confus lors desquels des faits auraient une chance d’émerger dans la conscience collective.

En tout cas, des sources affirment qu’après cet été, marqué par des attentats terroristes plus sévères, les DAB des banques européennes seront inaccessibles, probablement en août ou en septembre. C’est le moment que choisiront les familles Royales pour se présenter comme des « sauveurs » et offrir aux peuples d’énormes quantités de monnaie fiduciaire (non garantie) et une « sécurité », en échange de la réinstauration de leurs monarchies.

La Royauté Européenne réinstaurée sera dirigée par un « Kaiser » allemand (César) qui supervisera quatre rois, disent-elles. Le candidat au titre de Kaiser sera probablement issu des familles Royales des Habsbourg ou des Hohenzollern, remarquent-elles. Cela signifie l’archiduc Charles de Habsbourg-Lorraine (Karl II von Habsburg-Lothringen) ou le prince Hohenzollern Georges-Frédéric de Prusse (Prinz Georg-Friedrich von Preussen). Un troisième candidat cité est Ferdinand Zvonimir de Habsbourg-Lorraine (fils de Charles).

Le Tsar de Russie serait probablement le prince Michael de Kent, parce qu’il a plus de sang Romanov que tous les autres membres des monarchies Européennes.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Castellano -- Benjamin Fulford: 26:07:2016


Fuentes en Alemania y en los EE.UU. están de acuerdo en que el plan de juego final de los Rothschild era revertir los resultados de la Primera Guerra Mundial al reinstaurar las monarquías alemanas, austro-húngara y rusa. El plan que ahora se despliega en Europa exige una guerra civil contra un enemigo “musulmán”.

Los llamados “terroristas musulmanes” se están financiando con el dinero que supone que se gasta en la lucha contra el llamado calentamiento global inducido por el carbono, añaden las fuentes. Es por esto que estamos viendo todos los días ataques terroristas “musulmanes” que parecen implicar siempre a “lobos solitarios” que mueren en el ataque. De esa manera no hay necesidad de tener un juicio complicado en que los hechos podrían tener la oportunidad de entrometerse en la mente del público.

En cualquier caso, las fuentes dicen que después de un verano de ataques terroristas cada vez más graves, los cajeros automáticos de los bancos europeos se cerrarán, posiblemente en agosto o septiembre. Es en este punto donde las familias reales se presentarán como “salvadoras” y proporcionarán a las personas enormes cantidades de dinero fiduciario y “seguridad”, a cambio de la reinstauración de sus monarquías.

Nederlands -- Benjamin Fulford: 26:07:2016

Rothschilds hadden als plan de resultaten van de Eerste Wereldoorlog om te keren

26 juli 2016

Het uiteindelijke spelplan van de Rothschilds was om de gevolgen van de Eerste Wereldoorlog om te draaien door het opnieuw instellen van de Duitse, Oostenrijks-Hongaarse en Russische monarchieën, zijn bronnen in Duitsland en de VS het over eens. Het plan dat zich nu ontvouwt in Europa roept om een burgeroorlog tegen een “Moslim” vijand. De zogenaamde “Moslim”terroristen worden gefinancierd met geld dat bedoeld was voor het tegengaan van de zogenaamd door koolstof veroorzaakte globale opwarming, voegen de bronnen toe. Dit is waarom we dagelijks “Moslim” terreuraanvallen zien die altijd door “eenlingen” lijken te worden uitgevoerd die sterven tijdens de aanval. Op die manier is het niet nodig dat er een smerige rechtszaak plaatsvindt waarbij bepaalde feiten een kans maken om de openbare opinie binnen te dringen.

In ieder geval zeggen de bronnen dat na een zomer van steeds meer toenemende  terrorisme aanvallen, de Europese bank ATMs gesloten zullen worden, mogelijk in augustus of september. Het is op dit punt waar de Koninklijke families zichzelf zullen presenteren als “redders”en ze de mensen enorme hoeveelheden fiat geld en “veiligheid” zullen verschaffen in ruil voor het herstel van hun monarchieën.

De opnieuw aangestelde Europese koningshuizen zullen aangevoerd worden door een Duitse “Kaiser” (Caesar) die vier koningen zal hebben die onder hem worden aangesteld, zeggen ze. De kandidaat voor Kaiser zal waarschijnlijk komen van ofwel de Habsburg of Hohenzollern Koninklijke families, merken ze op. Dat betekent Karl Habsburg of de Hohenzollern Georg Friedrich Prins van Pruisen. Een andere kandidaat die ze noemen is Ferdinand Zvonimir Habsburg-Lotheringen.
De Tsaar van Rusland zal hoogstwaarschijnlijk Prins Michael van Kent zijn

Deutsch -- Benjamin Fulford: 26:07:2016

26. Juli 2016

Wie Quellen aus Deutschland und den USA übereinstimmend mitteilen, war es der Plan der Rothschilds, schließlich die Ergebnisse des Ersten Weltkrieges rückgängig zu machen, indem sie die Deutschen, Österreichisch-Ungarischen und Russischen Monarchien wiederherstellen. Der Plan, der sich zur Zeit in Europa entfaltet, sieht nach einem Bürgerkrieg gegen einen "Muslimischen" Feind aus. Die so genannten "Muslimischen" Terroristen werden mit Geldern finanziert, die ursprünglich die so genannte durch Kohlenstoff verursachte weltweite Klima-Erwärmung bekämpfen sollten, fügen die Quellen hinzu. Aus diesem Grund sehen wir tägliche "Muslimische" Terror-Attacken, jedesmal anscheinend durch "Einsame Wölfe", die bei dem Anschlag sterben. Auf diese Weise werden lästige Prozesse vermieden, bei denen Fakten die Gelegenheit hätten, in das öffentliche Bewusstsein zu dringen.

Jedenfalls sagen die Quellen, dass nach einem Sommer mit immer ernster werdenden terroristischen Anschlägen die Geldautomaten in Europa geschlossen werden, vielleicht im August oder September. Zu dieser Zeit werden sich die königlichen Familien als "Retter" offenbaren und die Völker mit riesigen Summen an "Fiat-" Geldern und "Sicherheit" versorgen, im Gegenzug zur Wiedereinführung ihrer Monarchien.

Das wieder eingeführte Europäische Königtum wird durch einen Deutschen "Kaiser" (Caesar) angeführt werden, unter dem vier weitere Könige ernannt werden, sagen sie. Sie bemerken, der Kaiser-Kandidat käme wahrscheinlich aus den königlichen Familien der Habsburger oder der Hohenzollern. Das wären entweder Karl Habsburg oder der Preußische Hohenzollern-Prinz Georg Friedrich. Ein weiterer Kandidat, den sie nennen, wäre Ferdinand Zvonimir Habsburg-Lothringen.

Zar von Russland würde höchstwahrscheinlich Prinz Michael von Kent,

weil er von allen Europäischen Königlichen das meiste Romanov-Blut in sich trägt.

Hrvatski -- Benjamin Fulford: 26:07:2016

Rotschildov plan igre bio je da se preokrenu rezultati Prvog svjetskog rata

26. srpnja 2016.

Konačni plan igre obitelji Rotschild bio je da se preokrenu rezultati Prvog svjetskog rata i ponovno uspostavljanje njemačke, austrougarske i ruske monarhije, slažu se izvori u Njemačkoj i SAD-u. Plan koji se sada odvija u Europi poziva na građanski rat protiv "muslimanskog" neprijatelja. Takozvani "muslimanski" teroristi se financiraju novcem koji bi se trebao utrošiti u borbu protiv takozvanog globalnog zatopljenja uzrokovanog ugljikom, dodaju izvori. To je razlog zašto smo svakodnevno svjedoci "muslimanskih" terorističkih napada za koje se čini da uvijek uključuju "usamljene vukove" koji umiru u napadu. Tako nema potrebe za zbrkanim suđenjem u kojem činjenice mogu dobiti priliku da upadnu u svijest javnosti.

U svakom slučaju, izvori kažu da će nakon ljeta biti sve više ozbiljnih terorističkih napada, bankomati europskih banaka biti će isključeni, možda u kolovozu ili rujnu. To je trenutak kada će se kraljevske obitelji predstaviti kao "spasitelji" i osigurati ljudima velike količine fiat novca, i "sigurnost", u zamjenu za ponovnu uspostavu njihovih monarhija.

Ponovna uspostava europskih kraljevskih obitelji biti će na čelu s njemačkom "Kaiser" (car) koja će imati četiri kralja koji će biti imenovani pod njom, kažu. Kandidat za Kaisera vjerojatno će doći ili iz Habsburg ili Hohenzollern kraljevskih obitelji, ističu. To znači Karl Habsburg ili Hohenzollern Georg Fridrich pruski princ. Još jedan kandidat koji se spominje je Ferdinand Zvonimir Habsburg-Lothringen.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Mandarin -- Benjamin Fulford: 26:07:2016

Rothschild game plan was to reverse the results of World War I

The final game plan of the Rothschilds was to reverse the results of World War I by reinstating the German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian monarchies, sources in Germany and the US agree. The plan that is now unfolding in Europe calls for a civil war against a “Muslim” enemy. The so-called “Muslim” terrorists are being financed with money supposed to be spent on fighting so-called carbon induced global warming, the sources ad
d. This is why we are seeing daily “Muslim” terror attacks that seem to always involve “lone wolves” who die in the attack. That way there is no need to have a messy trial where facts might have a chance of intruding into the public mind.


Translator’s notes: If those “lone wolves Muslims” who did terror attacks are not real, are people who killed 20 million Chinese in Gansu Province, Xinjiang Province and Shaanxi Province in 1862 real Muslims or fake Muslims? Who financed them?

Japanese: Benjamin Fulford: 26:07:2016

ベンジャミン・フルフォードニュース(速報) 2016年7月25日
Monday, July 25, 2016Benjamin Fulford Update - July 25, 2016
Rothschild game plan was to reverse the results of World War I



English -- Benjamin Fulford: 26:07:2016 --FULL REPORT

Rothschild game plan was to reverse the results of World War I

July 26, 2016

The final game plan of the Rothschilds was to reverse the results of World War I by reinstating the German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian monarchies, sources in Germany and the US agree. The plan that is now unfolding in Europe calls for a civil war against a “Muslim” enemy. The so-called “Muslim” terrorists are being financed with money supposed to be spent on fighting so-called carbon induced global warming, the sources ad. This is why we are seeing daily “Muslim” terror attacks that seem to always involve “lone wolves” who die in the attack. That way there is no need to have a messy trial where facts might have a chance of intruding into the public mind.

In any case the sources say that after a summer of increasingly severe terrorist attacks, European bank ATMs will be shut down, possibly in August or September. It is at this point where the royal families will present themselves as “saviors” and provide the people with huge amounts of fiat money and “security,” in exchange for the reinstatement of their monarchies.

The reinstated European royalty will be headed by a German “Kaiser” (Caesar) who will have four kings will be appointed under him, they say. The candidate for Kaiser will probably come from either the Habsburg or Hohenzollern royal families, they note. That means Karl Habsburg or the Hohenzollern Georg Friedrich Prince of Prussia. Another candidate they mention is Ferdinand Zvonimir Habsburg-Lothringen.

The Tsar of Russia would be most likely Prince Michael of Kent

because he has the most Romanov blood of all the European royals. This fits in with what Russian sources have long told us and that is that Vladimir Putin was put in power by a faction in the KGB that was loyal to the Russian royal family.

This move combined with the push by Turkey’s Recep Erdogan to restore the Ottoman Turkish Empire would, if successful, restore the German, Austro-Hungarian and Turkish empires; essentially bringing Europe and the Near-East back to the situation that existed before World War I.

So, a hundred year plot to reverse the Anglo-American victory in World War I has now been un-masked.

The Brexit vote in this context means the British Royal Family will not have to fall under the rule of the restored monarchies of Europe.

The question of course is, will the European people passively agree to be terrorized and financially blackmailed into restoring these bloodlines to formal power? We may well find out this summer and autumn. In the meantime expect a Gladio frenzy of increasingly lurid false flag attacks and well-financed, violent demonstrations. It is also a good bet that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande will lose power later this year.

Meanwhile a serious power struggle is also coming to a head in the United States. CIA sources say that “China has given the secret codes for a large amount of gold (thousands of metric tons)…to be given as a loan to the US Treasury so that the dollar will not implode.” The catch though is that “the boys in DC must indict Killary.”

Since the Democratic Party Presidential Convention started this week with a big “Russian” e-mail leak about how Democratic Party brass rigged things for Hillary Clinton, there can be no doubt a serious power struggle is underway in Washington DC. Democratic Party National Committee head Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was fingered in the e-mail leak, has said she will resign “after the convention.” CIA sources say it is very likely she will be killed soon to stop her from testifying about how she stole the election for Clinton.

The Pentagon and agencies have already forced both the Democratic and Republican parties to promise they will restore the Glass-Steagall act. This means a forced end to the crooked casino that the Bush/Clinton faction of the Khazarian mafia had turned the US financial system into.

The P2 Freemason lodge also forced Hillary to accept Tim Kaine, a Jesuit, as her candidate for Vice President, CIA sources say. Since Trump is also supported by the Jesuits and P2, this means they have both side covered in the US now. So, as the Soviets used to say during the cold war, the Americans can choose between Pepsi Cola or Coca Cola, but you can be certain wine, tea, coffee etc. will never be on the ballot.

A clear indication of how corrupt and decadent the US system has become can be seen in Secretary of State John “Skull and Bones” Kerry acting as a shill for Satanic chemical corporations like Dupont. Kerry was in Vienna last Friday saying “air-conditioners were as big a threat to life as terrorism.” What is happening is that 17 years have elapsed since the Dupont Corporation and its crime partners got fluorine gas to be banned just as their patent on it was expiring. Their BS fluorine caused ozone hole story fooled just about everybody at the time. Now, the patent on their replacement for fluorine, hydroflourocarbons (CFCs) is expiring too, so their moronic slave Kerry is being paraded out in front of world dignitaries to argue that banning CFCs will “literally save life on the planet itself.”

What he really means is that it will save his chemical buddies annual $20 billion or so in revenue on selling patented refrigerants for the worlds air-conditioners, refrigerators etc. What sort of degenerate political system is it that gets the foreign minister of what used to be the world’s greatest country to tell outright lies on behalf of corporations so that they can swindle money out of people in poor countries who desperately need air-conditioning? It is a system so corrupt it must be overthrown.

Speaking about which, there has been response to the one ton gold bounty placed on many of the top bosses of the Khazarian mafia by the White Dragon Society. The US special forces command has contacted the WDS to ask for written bounty notices that can be presented to persons on the list. They want this because they do not want to start a “sheepdog on sheepdog” situation where special forces fight each other as some try to protect the people on the list and others try to arrest them.

These documents are being prepared and the special forces will operate in harmony to carry out the anti-Khazarian mafia mission. The bounties will be issued by the Planetary Liberation Army general command in conjunction with the WDS.

The WDS also knows it will lose face if some action is not taken after the deadline given to the Rothschilds expires at midnight Hawaii time on July 25th. Since the Rothschilds are now hiding in Switzerland, there may be a delay before action is taken but it will be taken.

Nathan Rothschild, who originally agreed to meet with the WDS, has publicly announced he is not inviting his father to his wedding to make it clear the blockage of a deal is the responsibility of his father and uncles, not him.

For this reason, the one ton gold bounty on Nathan has been suspended. Also, Asian secret societies, even though they suffered destruction of irreplaceable cultural treasures like the Summer Palace, do not want to destroy priceless artworks, the heritage of all humanity, to get a few old men. That means the complex in Zug, Switzerland will not be hit with a missile. Instead, expect “precision surgery,” they say.

The Rothschilds may be thinking the recent ruling against China in the South China Sea can be used to manipulate the US military and its allies into war with China. Certainly Pentagon sources feel they have right on their side now that a court ruling has been made. So there is definitely going to be some heavy brinkmanship ahead as the US is threating to send a multinational naval task force to the South China Sea to enforce the ruling, Pentagon sources say.

The Chinese meanwhile argue the tribunal was a “political farce,” and noted that none of its 5 members was Asian or knew much about Asian history or culture.

Nonetheless, the Chinese have agreed to let Singapore arbitrate on the South China Sea issue with ASEAN. Since Singapore is regional CIA and MI6 headquarters, it is clear the Chinese are looking for a compromise.

Of course this whole South China Sea thing is just a pretext for the Rothschilds to play their US military might card in the ongoing bankruptcy negotiations of the Rockefeller and Rothschilds’ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and UNITED NATIONS corporations. The Republic of the United States is not bankrupt and must not let itself be manipulated in this manner by owners of a corporation based in Washington DC.

Meanwhile in the Middle East, repercussions from the failed coup attempt in Turkey are continuing to be felt in many ways. Pentagon sources say Turkish President Recep Erdogan “may have signed his own death warrant since 90 US nukes and 1500 US airmen are potential hostages at Incirlik” airbase. The Pentagon sources also say Turkey may have turned East but it was “still under the watchful eyes of Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria because nobody trusts Erdogan.”

However, the Pentagon sources also say the Bush cabal is “reeling from the loss of CIA drug flights to and from Incirlik.”

The other thing that has happened in the Middle East is that Russia sent a drone over Israel to systematically gather intelligence about Israeli military deployment. Furthermore the drone was able to disable 3 Israeli missiles, making it clear they have total air superiority and that the Israel Defense Forces are “sitting ducks.” Israel is now expected to become a Jewish autonomous zone within the restored Caliphate. Their attempt to malign moderate Islam by creating a fake radical Islamic ISIS boogey-man has failed.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Deutsch -- Weitergeleitete E-Mail von -unbekannt- an Benjamin Fulford – July 22, 2016

Weitergeleitete E-Mail von -unbekannt-
an Benjamin Fulford – July 22, 2016


Hi Ben
Das schließt die gegenwärtigen Chemtrail-Operationen in Amerika, Kanada, Mexico, Europe, Skandinavien, Griechenland, England und anderen mit ein.

Die Aufzeichnungen sollten zeigen, wer dieses Gesetz auf den Weg brachte, wer darüber abstimmte, und wer zurzeit mit der Umsetzung/Ausführung beauftragt ist. Würdest Du bitte diese Information an Deine Kopfgeld-Anbieter weiterleiten mit der Empfehlung, ein Kopfgeld gegen dieses verrückte GESETZ und seine Erfinder bereitzustellen. —— Eine Empfehlung. —— Um die Chemtrail-Flüge zu beenden, könnte ein vorgeschlagenes Kopfgeld von ca. 5 Millionen Dollar auf den Kopf jedes Piloten gesetzt werden, der Chemtrail-Flüge usw. ausführt.

Ben, danke dafür, dass Du diese Informationen verstehst, die ich Dir zuschickte, und für die Handhabung/Weitergabe. Ebenfalls vielen Dank von uns Allen, die verstehen, dass Du mit an vorderster Front dafür gesorgt hast, dass diese wundervollen Änderungen nun in dieser Welt stattfinden können... Wir ziehen unsere Hüte vor Dir.

"Der Gebrauch von menschlichen Individuen wird erlaubt für das Testen von chemischen und biologischen Substanzen durch das US-Verteidigungs-Ministerium, gemäß Kongressausschuss hinsichtlich Experimente und Studien."
"Der Verteidigungsminister darf Tests und Experimente an der zivilen Bevölkerung der USA durchführen, die den Gebrauch von chemischen und biologischen [kriegstauglichen] Substanzen einschließen."

Public Law 95-79, Title VIII, Sec. 808, July 30, 1977, 91 Stat. 334.
In U.S. Statutes-at-Large, Vol. 91, page 334, you will find Public Law 95-79. Public Law 97-375, title II, Sec. 203(a)(1), Dec. 21, 1982, 96 Stat. 1882.
In U.S. Statutes-at-Large, Vol. 96, page 1882, you will find Public Law 97-375

Friday, July 22, 2016

Français -- Benjamin Fulford: 19:07:2016

Le chaos est partout alors que l’ordre mondial actuel continue de s’écrouler et que commence une ère nouvelle

le 19 juillet 2016

La situation mondiale devient de plus en plus chaotique avec des incidents majeurs se produisant en Turquie, en France, au Japon, aux Etats-Unis, en Chine et ailleurs. Les incidents sont tous reliés à l’effondrement en cours de la structure mondiale mise en place à la fin de la 2ème Guerre Mondiale. Les analystes du gouvernement Chinois estiment que toute l’architecture mondiale actuelle se sera totalement effondrée en 2018, après quoi une nouvelle structure améliorée va la remplacer. C’est pourquoi, ils s’attendent à une confusion mondiale qui va s’accélérer entre maintenant et cette date.

Commençons par jeter un coup d’œil sur la tentative de coup d’état en Turquie la semaine dernière. Des sources du Mossad ont essayé d’imputer cette tentative à la Russie en ajoutant « ce n’était que le premier round ». Cependant, des sources du Pentagone ont affirmé que des avions militaires pilotés par des Saoudiens entraînés en Israël ayant décollé de la base aérienne de l’OTAN à Incirlik (Turquie) ont largué une arme nucléaire de faible puissance ayant provoqué un grand éclair éblouissant mais avec peu de dégâts devant le bâtiment du Parlement Turc durant la tentative de coup d’état contre le Président Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Les sources du Pentagone soupçonnent Erdogan d’avoir utilisé des feux d’artifice tels que celui-ci pour tenter un coup d’état contre lui-même et ainsi, créer un prétexte pour purger l’armée turque, ses rivaux des services de police et la justice. Une source du Pentagone a ajouté « qu’Erdogan ayant renouvelé les liens avec le Mossad et étant tenté de s’emparer des têtes nucléaires Américaines entreposées sur la base d’Incirlik pour armer l’Etat Islamique, le coup d’état est loin d’être terminé ».

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Português: Benjamin Fulford: 19:07:2016

O caos visível em toda a parte, pois a ordem mundial actual continua a esboroar-se, enquanto surge a nova era

Julho 19, 2016

A situação mundial está  tornar-se cada vez mais caótica e os acontecimentos mais relevantes estão a decorrer na Turquia, na França, no Japão, nos Estados Unidos, na China e noutros lugares. As ocorrências estão todas ligadas ao colapso da estrutura global em curso,  que foi posta em prática no final da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Os analistas do governo chinês acreditam que a arquitetura actual do mundo vai sofrer um colapso total dos sistemas até 2018, após o qual irá ser substituída por uma estrutura nova e melhorada. Por esta razão, eles esperam poder acelerar, ocasionalmente, a turbulência global.

Vamos começar a analisar a tentativa de golpe de Estado, da semana passada, na Turquia. Fontes do Mossad tentaram atribuir o atentado à Rússia e acrescentaram que "esta tentativa foi, apenas, uma jogada." No entanto, fontes do Pentágono dizem que, jactos manobrados por pilotos árabes sauditas, treinados pelos israelitas, voaram da base aérea da OTAN/NATO, em Incirlik e lançaram uma pequena ogiva nuclear brilhante, que não causou muito dano, em frente ao edifício do Parlamento turco, durante a tentativa para derrubar o presidente Recep Erdogan.

Hrvatski -- Benjamin Fulford: 19:07:2016

Svuda je kaos jer se sadašnji svijet nastavlja urušavati dok nova era počinje 

18. srpnja 2016.

Svjetska situacija postaje sve kaotičnija s velikim događajima u Turskoj, Francuskoj, Japanu, SAD-u, Kini i drugdje. Svi događaji su povezani s trenutnim raspadanjem globalne strukture koja je uspostavljena na kraju Drugog svjetskog rata. Analitičari kineske vlade vjeruju da će cijela sadašnja svjetska arhitektura pretrpjeti totalni kolaps sustava do 2018 godine, koji će zamijeniti nova poboljšana struktura. Iz tog razloga oni očekuju ubrzavanje globalnog previranja između sada i onda.

Počnimo s pregledom pokušaja državnog udara u Turskoj prošlog tjedna. Mossad izvori pokušavaju pripisati pokušaj Rusiji i dodaju "ovo je bila samo jedna runda". Međutim, Pentagonovi izvori kažu da mlazni avioni kojima su upravljali obučeni piloti iz Saudijske Arabije poletjeli su iz zračne luke NATO-a u Incirliku i bacili bljeskavo svjetleće bombe ali s ne velikom štetom koju uzrokuje blago nuklearno oružje ispred zgrade turskog parlamenta tijekom pokušaja svrgavanja predsjednika Recepa Erdeogana.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Nederlands -- Benjamin Fulford: 19:07:2016

Chaos overal terwijl de huidige wereldorde verder instort en de nieuwe tijd begint

19 juli 2016

De wereldsituatie wordt steeds chaotischer met belangrijke gebeurtenissen die in Turkije plaatsvinden, Frankrijk, Japan, de Verenigde Staten, China en elders. De gebeurtenissen zijn allemaal verbonden met de instorting van de globale structuur die neergezet werd aan het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Analisten van de Chinese regering geloven dat de gehele huidige wereldarchitectuur een totale instorting zal ondergaan in het jaar 2018 waarna een nieuwe, verbeterde structuur het zal vervangen. Om deze reden verwachten ze steeds snellere globale beroering tussen nu en dan.
Laten we beginnen met te kijken naar de poging voor een staatsgreep in Turkije vorige week. Bronnen bij de Mossad probeerden de Russen de schuld te geven en voegden toe dat “dit pas de eerste ronde was.” Echter, bronnen bij het Pentagon zeggen dat straaljagers bemand met door Israël getrainde Saudi Arabische piloten die uitvlogen van de NATO luchtmachtbasis in Incirlik, een helder flitsend maar niet erg schade veroorzakend licht nucleair wapen tegenover het Turkse Parlement gebouw lieten vallen tijdens de poging om President Recep Erdogan omver te werpen.

Mandarin -- Benjamin Fulford: 19:07:2016

The world situation is becoming increasingly chaotic with major events taking place in Turkey, France, Japan, the United States, China and elsewhere. The events are all linked to the ongoing collapse of the global structure that was put in place at the end of World War 2. Chinese government analysts believe the entire current world architecture will suffer a total systems collapse by the year 2018 after which a new, improved, structure will replace it. For this reason they expect accelerating global turmoil between now and then.

Let us start with a look at the attempted coup d’etat in Turkey last week. Mossad sources tried to pin the attempt on Russia and added “this was just round one.” However, Pentagon sources say jets piloted by Israeli trained Saudi Arabian pilots flying out of the NATO airbase in Incirlik dropped a bright flashing but not very damage causing low grade nuclear weapon in front of the Turkish Parliament building during the attempted overthrow of President Recep Erdogan.

The Pentagon sources suspect Erdogan used light shows like that as part of a staged the coup attempt against himself in order to give him an excuse to purge the Turkish military and law enforcement agencies of rivals. One Pentagon source said that “because Erdogan renewed ties to Mossad and may steal US nukes at Incirlik to arm ISIS, the coup is far from over.”

Deutsch -- Benjamin Fulford: 19:07:2016

Überall Chaos, weil die derzeitige Weltordnung weiter zerfällt, während ein Neues Zeitalter beginnt

 19. Juli 2016

Benjamin Fulford

Die Situation auf der Welt wird zunehmend chaotisch, mit größeren Ereignissen, die in der Türkei, Frankreich, Japan, den Vereinigten Staaten, China und anderswo stattfinden. Diese Ereignisse stehen allesamt in Zusammenhang mit dem anhaltenden Zusammenbruch der globalen Struktur, die gegen Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs eingerichtet worden war. Analytiker der Chinesischen Regierung glauben, die gesamte gegenwärtige Architektur des weltweiten Systems wird um das Jahr 2018 einen totalen Kollaps erleben, um danach durch eine neue verbesserte Struktur ersetzt zu werden. Deswegen erwarten sie bis dahin weltweit ansteigenden Tumult.

Lassen Sie uns mit einem Blick auf den versuchten Staatsstreich letzte Woche in der Türkei beginnen. Mossad-Quellen versuchten, Russland den Versuch anzuhängen und bemerkten, "das war nur der erste Streich." Pentagon-Quellen sagen jedoch, Kampfjets von der NATO-Luftwaffenbasis Incirlik, geflogen von in Israel ausgebildeten Saudischen Piloten, hätten eine hell aufblitzende aber wenig zerstörende, gering strahlende nukleare Waffe vor dem Türkischen Regierungs-Gebäude abgeworfen, bei dem Versuch, Präsident Recep Erdogan zu stürzen.

Brasileiro: Benjamin Fulford: 19:07:2016


A situação mundial está se tornando cada vez mais caótica com os principais eventos que ocorreram na Turquia, França, Japão, Estados Unidos, China e em outros lugares. Os eventos estão todas ligados ao colapso em curso da estrutura global que se instalou no final da 2ª Guerra Mundial. Analistas do governo Chinês acreditam que a arquitetura atual do mundo todo vai sofrer um colapso total de seus sistemas até o ano de 2018, sendo substituída depois por uma estrutura nova e melhorada. Por esta razão espera-se que se acelere a turbulência global a partir de agora.

Deixe-nos começar dando uma olhada na tentativa de golpe na Turquia na semana passada. Fontes do Mossad tentaram jogar a tentativa na Rússia e acrescentaram que "foi só primeiro assalto". No entanto, fontes do Pentágono dizem que caças pilotados por pilotos israelenses treinados na Arábia Saudita voando a partir da base aérea da OTAN em Incirlik, deixaram cair uma arma nuclear de baixo impacto que não causou muito dano em frente ao edifício do Parlamento Turco, durante a tentativa derrubada do Presidente Recep Erdogan.

Fontes do Pentágono suspeitam que Erdogan usou esse flash de luz como parte de uma encenação demonstrando uma tentativa de golpe de Estado contra si mesmo, a fim de dar-lhe uma desculpa para purgar os militares e agentes de justiça rivais. Uma fonte do Pentágono disse que "porque Erdogan renovou laços com o Mossad e pode roubar armas nucleares dos Estados Unidos em Incirlik para armar o ISIS, o golpe está longe de acabar."

Fontes do governo chinês, no entanto, tinham uma interpretação muito diferente dos eventos na Turquia. Dizem que o governo Turco foi atacado porque estava se distanciando da OTAN, movendo-se para a organização de cooperação de Xangai. O governo Turco também está negociando com o governo Iraniano para criar uma aliança muçulmano sunita/xiita e renovar o califado. A organização de frente da máfia Khazariana ISIS (serviço secreto israelense) está tentando parar com isso, criando um falso califado e agindo de forma repugnante, projetada para fazer com que todos odeiem os muçulmanos. O que está em jogo são US$ 2 trilhões em dinheiro de petróleo e gás saindo do Oriente Médio todos os anos.

Com tais altas apostas, Erdogan é agora um alvo de assassinato de alta prioridade e podemos esperar muito mais problemas no Médio Oriente antes que a poeira assente. No entanto, se a Turquia está trabalhando em conjunto com o Irã e estiver consertando suas cercas com a Rússia e o Egito, bem, eles parecem que terão uma mão mais forte.

Agora vamos dar uma olhada no que está acontecendo na França. Aqui temos um governo extremamente impopular, encenando falsos ataques terroristas a fim de ampliar a lei marcial. O governo está fazendo isso porque o sistema bancário italiano está em colapso e levará junto o sistema bancário francês. Então, a fim de distrair o povo francês dos problemas financeiros, eles precisam criar um falso inimigo externo para unificar o país.

Vídeos do rescaldo do ataque em Nice, onde um caminhão supostamente matou 84 pessoas e feriu outras 200, parecem mostrar um rastro de corpos reais (recolhidos de hospitais em todo o país?). No entanto, um amigo trabalhando na emissora nacional japonesa de notícias NHK,  relatado por cerca de 4 horas que o caminhão em Nice estava cheio de armas e granadas de mão. No entanto, um repórter da CNN no local, informou que as armas eram todas falsas, depois que a CNN, NHK e outros deixaram cair o meme "cheio de armas" de sua cobertura. Há também fato do empobrecido suposto assassino ter enviado US$100.000 para sua família antes do incidente.

Também, por algum motivo, a mídia corporativa decidiu ignorar completamente o que se parece com uma espetacular tentativa de explodir a Torre Eiffel, no mesmo dia. Talvez houvessem muitas testemunhas para a falsificação, aí então, eles decidiram fingir que este foi um pequeno truque, que nunca aconteceu. Agora um vídeo do incidente foi excluído da net, mas uma foto pode ser vista aqui:

Aconteça o que acontecer, as operações do facista francês Gladio não vão parar a revolução que está se desenrolando naquele país.

Em qualquer caso, a fumaça e espelhos na França e Turquia tentar distrair a todos dos mais importantes eventos que ocorrem na Ásia. Foi possível confirmar de nossas próprias fontes na CIA e China, o que Neil Keenan tem relatado sobre o Secretário Geral da ONU Ban Ki Moon e David Rockefeller implorando e não recebendo nada.

Podemos também adicionar novas informações sobre a demissão anunciada do Imperador do Japão. Ban Ki Moon esteve na Coréia e China tentando encontrar ouro para manter a Corporação Rockefeller no negócio, e pediu o cargo de Presidente da Coreia do Sul. Ele falou em off. Depois, David Rockefeller ligou para seu "velho amigo de família", o Imperador Akihito e pediu pelo ouro. Akihito disse a Rockefeller que ele não estava autorizado a fazê-lo. Imediatamente após este telefonema, notícias da NHK do governo anunciaram que o imperador, por razões de saúde, iria ser o primeiro Imperador em 200 anos a abdicar do trono. Um funcionário do governo japonês, que recentemente participou de uma cerimônia presidida pelo imperador confirmou que ele cometeu erros gritantes durante a cerimônia e mostrou sinais de senilidade. A fonte acrescentou que o Imperador estava exausto pelas negociações em curso para criar um governo mundial e queria passar o trabalho para seu filho e herdeiro Naruhito.

Tendo falhado na China, Coréia e Japão, a facção da Máfia Khazariana Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton, agora vão fazer um grande esforço para roubar o ouro da Indonésia. Fontes da CIA na Indonésia dizem que o país está em seu nível mais alto de alerta militar, como resultado. A fonte acrescenta que os Khazarianos estão tentando assassinar o Presidente Widodo, e ofereceram a Suharto riqueza e o poder do clã (amigos de Henry Kissinger) se eles ajudassem a derrubar Widodo, que é apoiado pelo clã de Suharto. A Suharto foi dito retirar seu apoio ou ser morto.

Também houve uma tentativa dos Khazarianos de usar as tensões no mar da China Meridional para provocar a 3a Guerra Mundial a fim de se manter no negócio. A decisão aprovada contra as reivindicações da China no mar da China Meridional por um tribunal da ONU, está sendo usada para tentar provocar uma guerra entre os EUA e a China. O Almirante Dennis C. Blair, ex-chefe do comando do Pacífico dos EUA disse ao Congresso dos EUA no dia 13 de julho, que os EUA devem usar sua força para impedir a China no mar da China Meridional. Blair, agora trabalha para o departamento nacional de pesquisas asiáticas, cujos patrocinadores corporativos incluem a Chevron Corporation, empresa ConocoPhillips, Ernst & Young, a ExxonMobil Corporation, GE, Microsoft, etc. Em outras palavras, ele trabalha para os Rockefellers.

Em qualquer caso,  a força do comércio entre a China e o complexo industrial-militar dos EUA continua sobre a questão de mar da China Meridional, sendo para os EUA uma das melhores moeda de troca. Após a decisão contra a China, o Secretário de estado dos EUA John Kerry foi para a Rússia tentar convercer Vladimir Putin a trabalhar com os Estados Unidos contra a China no SCS. Os EUA também se aproximam da Índia, Vietnam, Japão etc com esta decisão na mão de tentar procurar ajuda. Os chineses tem contra atuado por cortejar os europeus e outros.

Um oficial do governo chinês explicou que a verdadeira razão pela qual a que China estava mantendo uma abordagem teimosa sobre a questão do SCS é que o oceano ao redor da base de submarinos na ilha de Hainan é muito raso para submarinos esconder-se. É por isso que eles estão construindo bases submarinas ao largo de 2000 metros de águas profundas no mar da China Meridional. Os chineses argumentam que eles precisam manter sua força de dissuasão nuclear intacta, e assim impedir qualquer calculo errôneo de que poderiam ganhar uma guerra nuclear contra a China, com um ataque preventivo.

Esta tabela de mar da China Meridional batendo provavelmente vai acabar com os chineses a aceitar um novo US naval base em indonésio ilhas no mar da China Meridional e os americanos, permitindo que os chineses construir uma base submarina localizada ao lado de águas profundas.

Os chineses também dizem que eles não têm interesse em usar a falência dos EUA e da Europa para tentar impor a hegemonia chinesa. Um membro superior da Slciedade Chinesa Vermelha e Azul descreveu a China, EUA e Europa como três pernas de uma mesa, que precisavam um do outro para evitar uma queda.

O exército dos EUA, as agências e a China também têm um inimigo em comum na máfia Khazariana. Nesta frente, os Russos e o Vaticano estão também de acordo. Para forçar a máfia Khazariana a se render, um ataque de míssil agora está sendo planejado contra a família Rothschild no seu complexo residencial em Zug, na Suíça. Por uma questão das gerações futuras, aos Rothschilds foi dado até 25 de julho para evacuar todos os tesouros de arte de valor inestimável que eles têm lá. Depois disso, a menos que os Rothschilds se rendam, esse complexo será atingido, dizem os funcionários do Pentágono.

Outras fontes também disseram que os Rothshilds estão apenas fingindo estar separado da gangue Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton, e não deve ser confiáveisl manter qualquer acordo com eles, a menos que eles não tenham outra escolha.

Além disso, representantes da sociedade do Dragão Branco tinham reuniões com várias facções asiáticas para discutir a recompensa de 1 tonelada de ouro colocada pelo WDS por certos membros da máfia Khazariana. O WDS explicou que o Ocidente era como uma bela mulher infectada com sífilis, e que os asiáticos precisam ter certeza ela toma anti-bióticos antes de se aproximar muito. Os asiáticos concordaram e confirmaram que o ouro e os agentes serão disponibilizados. Fontes do Pentágono e da Agência responderam as generosidades com pedidos de mais nomes a serem adicionados. Então, a pedido do Pentágono e da Agência uma recompensa de uma tonelada de ouro será colocada nas seguintes pessoas:

Jacob de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, Jay Rockefeller, George Soros, Dick Cheney, Paul Kagan, Henry Kissinger, Angela Merkel, Neil Bush, Jeb Bush, Marvin Bush, Michael Mukasey, Scooter Libby, 911 juiz Alvin Hellerstein, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Frank Lowy, Larry Silverstein, Rudolf Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg, Paul Singer, Mark Zuckerberg, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Tony Blair, Haim Saban, Sheldon Adelson, Arnon Milchan , Hank Paulson, Bob Rubin, Sandy Weill (Citigroup) Lloyd em branco-fein (Goldman Sachs), Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan) e Stanley Fischer.

O falido clã Rockefeller/Clinton/Bush está agora em tal perigo que parece que até Deus está contra eles. De acordo com a CNBC, Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr. e Tony Blair foram perseguidos por um tornado ao sairem de uma reunião no Arkansas, o que é definitivamente o tipo de incidente referido como um "ato de Deus".


Tradução: Adriano Pereira



Ver a imagem de origem

Kriegsgefangenenlager in Amerika

Von Larry Romanoff, 02. Juni 2020

Übersetzung: K.R.


Hinweis an die Leser: In Anbetracht der immensen Bedeutung dieses Themas leiten Sie diesen Artikel bitte über Ihren E-Mail-Verteiler weiter und posten Sie ihn in Ihren Blogs, Internetforen usw., mit der Bitte, dass jeder, der irgendwelche Details oder Familiengeschichten kennt, die Licht auf diese Ereignisse werfen könnten, diese bitte direkt an den Autor unter weiterleitet.


Diese Geschichte hat alle Voraussetzungen, um sich für eine Verschwörungstheorie zu qualifizieren und macht vielleicht keinen Sinn für Sie ohne einige Hintergrundinformationen über den Zusammenhang.

Bevor die USA in den Ersten Weltkrieg eintraten, wurde eine enorme, jahrelange antideutsche Propagandakampagne von der Creel-Kommission entfesselt, die von Walter Lippman und Edward Bernays geleitet wurde, letzterer war ein Neffe von Sigmund Freud. (1) (2) Die öffentliche Literatur griff alles Deutsche in Amerika an, auch Schulen und Kirchen. In vielen Schulen wurde den "reinen Amerikanern" verboten, die deutsche Sprache zu unterrichten, und die Verwalter wurden aufgefordert, "alle illoyalen Lehrer", also alle Deutschen, zu entlassen. Die Namen unzähliger Städte wurden geändert, um ihren deutschen Ursprung zu eliminieren: Berlin, Iowa wurde zu Lincoln, Iowa. Deutsche Lebensmittel und Namen von Gerichten wurden aus den Restaurants verbannt; Sauerkraut wurde zu "Freiheitskraut", Dackel wurden zu "Freiheitshunden" und Deutsche Schäferhunde zu "Elsässern".


bf pic



(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


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