What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent



Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hrvatski -- BENJAMIN FULFORD / Dr. Michael Van de Meer

Nekrolog: Dr. Michael Van de Meer, također poznat kao Michael Meiring, također poznat kao??? pravi James Bond

22. kolovoz 2012

Fiktivni lik James Bond ne drži svijeću stvarnom čovjeku kojeg znam kao Dr. Michael Ven de Meer. U jednom od njegovih rijetkih trenutaka neskromnosti, Dr. Van de Meer jednom mi je rekao da "ono što James Bond radi je prilično pitomo u odnosu na ono što sam ja učinio." Ovaj čovjek je bio jedinstven i nedostajat će svima koji su ga poznavali. 

Kad sam ga prvi put upoznao u sobi, pokazao mi je torbu atašea u kojoj je bila jedna strojnica i 7 putovnica, sve prave i sve s njegovom fotografijom na njima. Torba atašea imala je neprobojne obloge. Dok sam bio u posjeti kod njega na Filipinima netko ga je pokušao ubiti bacanjem velike količine pesticida u ventilacijski sustav njegove hotelske sobe. Za njega to očito nije neobična vrsta događaja. U svakom slučaju, bio sam privilegiran da dobijem, kroz njega, uvid u stvarnost vrha svjetske špijunaže i intriga. Za njega CIA je bila kao Krist u akciji. 

Dr. Van de Meer je običavao koristiti ime Dr. Michael Meiring sve dok mu obje noge nije raznijela bomba koju su, rekao je, postavili ljudi koji rade za njegovog zakletog neprijatelja George Busha starijeg, šefa nacističke Odessa grupe.

Iako je Dr. Van de Meer nerado razgovarao o njegovoj prošlosti, svako toliko bi pustio mrvice informacija o svom izvanrednom životu. Rekao je da je odrastao u dvorcu blizu kuće pretka gosp. Francisa Drakea. Jedanput mu je također pobjeglo da je bio rođak kraljice Elizabete i Evelyn de Rothschild, koje je opisao kao "ne baš dobri ljudi".

Njegov otac, on tvrdi, bio je visoki dužnosnik u British Raj, koji je radio s Mohandas Ghandijem. Moja vlastita istraživanja su me dovela da vjerujem da je on u jednom trenutku imao nasljednu titulu Lorda Mountbaltena, nešto što je uvijek negirao.

Ono što sam naučio kroz njega je da, kada su britanski vladari napustili Indiju, ponijeli su sa sobom sve povijesno zlato i blago koje im je moglo doći do ruku. Ovo zlato je zatim dodijeljeno fondu koji se trebao koristiti za dobrobit planeta Zemlje i njegovih naroda. Mnoge druge zemlje i skupine također su dodijelile svoje povijesno blago ovom fondu.

Kada je grupa nacista i fašista ubila predsjednika Johna F. Kennedyja i počela nelegalno koristiti taj novac za financiranje njihovog projekta za fašistički "Novi svjetski poredak", Dr. Van de Meer odlučio im se suprotstaviti.

Prvi filmovi James Bonda se zasnivaju dijelom na Van de Meerovoj borbi protiv njih. Negativac koji se ljubakao s mačkama, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, koji je prikazan u izvornim filmovima Jamesa Bonda koje je napisao Ian Fleming, temeljio se na admiralu Wilhelmu Canarisu, prema MI5 izvorima. Canaris nije bio pogubljen tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata pokušavajući da ubije Hitlera i u stvari postao je šef nacističkog Odessa podzemlja nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Bio je to Van de Meer i njegova timska borba protiv Canarisa i njegove grupe koji su sačinjavali osnovu izvornih James Bond romana. Sam Van de Meer nakratko se pojavljuje kao mladi britanski biznismen u filmu Tunderball. Canaris je na kraju poražen od strane Van de Meera samo da bi bio zamijenjen George Bushom starijim kao voditeljem Odessa grupe.

Naravno, Dr. Van de Meer priznaje da nije bio anđeo i da mu se dogodio jedan veliki trenutak žalosti u njegovom životu. Kad je bio mladi liječnik 1950-te godine, bio je poslan u Afriku da radi s Jonasom Salkom, čovjekom nama poznatom po tome da je razvio cjepivo za dječju paralizu. Prema riječima Dr. Van de Meera, koji je potom uzeo ime Dr. Michael Meiring, Salk i njegov tim su ubili preko 200.000 afričkih zelenih majmuna i poslali njihovu krv u američke (nacističke) tvornice za biološko oružje u Ft. Detrick.

Om je saznao da se krv koristila za razvoj bolesti namijenjenih za depopulaciju Afrike. To je sada poznato kao HIV ili AIDS.

Od tog trenutka u njegovoj karijeri je nešto zagonetno. Jednom mi je rekao da je doista jedva pobjegao iz Konga gdje je bio prisiljen suočiti se s masovnim ubojstvima vatrenim oružjem nakon što je prelazio rijeku Kongo ispunjenu "stotinama tisuća nadutih mrtvih tijela".

Nakon vremena provedenog u Africi, Van de Meer je proveo 20 godina u Aziji, uglavnom na Filipinima, istražujući misterij nestalog "Yamashita zlata" koje je carski Japan sakrio tamo tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata. On je bio jedan od glavnih izvora za knjigu "Gold Warriors", koju je napisao Sterling Seagrave. 

Ono što je Van de Meer saznao je da su veliki dio svjetskog povijesnog zlata bili opljačkali nacisti. On je krenuo da ih se zaustavi i to je bilo kada ga je Canarisov učenik Bush napao bombom.

Ovdje je svjedočanstvo tog događaja od strane dobrog prijatelja Dr. Michaela:

Kad sam upoznao Dr. Michaela bio je uredno odjeven, dobro njegovan, džentlmen, koji se kretao snagom bodibildera, gracioznošću plesača, i povjerenjem čovjeka naviknutog da komandira. Nevjerojatno zgodan, nebesko plavih očiju koje su privlačile pažnju, govorio je visokim britanskim naglaskom. 

Dr. Michael je bio čovjek na zadatku. Jednom, otvorio je Bibliju koja je uvijek bila u blizini njegovog kreveta, listajući u prolasku gdje je Bog rekao da će otkriti sve skriveno bogatstvo u svijetu, i vratiti ga narodu. Dr. Michael mi je rekao da mu je Bog naručio da ispuni to obećanje, za ublažavanje siromaštva, obnovu Zemlje, i vraćanje Kreacije njenoj namjeni. Gotovo u svakom razgovoru sa mnom, Dr. Michael bi našao priliku da potvrdi svoju predanost vraćanja siromašnima i potlačenima onoga što im je bilo uzeto. Bio je strastven u izgradnji svjetske mreže sveučilišnih bolnica i strukovnih obrazovnih centara, i uključen u nepopustljivoj potrazi za potrebnim resursima. U dobi od šezdeset i četiri godine on bi preskakao po četiri stepenice na stubištu do svoje sobe, bez da se zadiše.

Nakon doručka jednog sudbonosnog dana, rastali smo se. Dr. Michael, službeno odjeven u trodijelno odijelo, došao je na susret, dok sam se ja brinuo o poslu koji se odnosio na ruralni centar koji sam gradio. Dogovorili smo se da se ponovno sastanemo sat kasnije, kako bi razgovarali o prijedlogu ruralnog razvoja koji je trebao biti predan Dr. Michaelu.

Manje od jednog sata kasnije, izlazio sam iz moje sobe kad sam čuo eksploziju. Potrčao sam niz hodnik, obišao dva ugla, i stigao do sobe Dr. Michaela za nekoliko sekundi. Teški crni dim i ekstremna vrućina tekli su iz njegovih vrata. Dva potoka krvi vodili su me od njegovih vrata niz stube. Potrčavši dolje vidio sam dva čovjeka kako drže plahtu za rubove u kojoj je tijelo bilo zamotano. Na ulici je čekao crveni kamionet, u koji je tijelo bilo bačeno. Kako je tijelo palo iz plahte, vidio sam kako Dr. Michael izgleda dobro spaljen kao u prometnoj nesreći, s udovima savijenim pod nemogućim kutovima. Kamionet je odjurio kroz gusti promet, i nestao iz vida.

Nekoliko sati kasnije, nakon početne operacije, dežurni plastični kirurg sreo me u doktorovoj bolnici, najboljoj u Davao-u. Kirurg me obavijestio da je pacijent pretrpio opekline trećeg stupnja, velikim dijelom cijelom debljinom, više od četrdeset i osam posto njegovog tijela, imao je ozbiljne opekline usta i grla, udahnuo je i progutao kemikalije za usporavanje plamena, i da će vjerojatno izgubiti lijevu ruku. Povrede su bile iznad praga ljudskog preživljavanja. Da je pacijent još živ bilo je začuđujuće, rekao je, ali dežurni liječnik nije očekivao da bi mogao živjeti puno dulje. 

Kad se Dr. Michael vratio u svoju sobu, bio je omotan u gazu od vrha do dna, samo s prostorom za plućne i trbušne cijevi, i samo slobodnim desnim uhom i rukom (sjetite se "Nevidljivog čovjeka!"). On je odmah signalizirao sa svojom slobodnom rukom da želi nešto napisati. Stavio sam olovku u njegovu ruku i držao sam notes na kojem je napisao: "Bolje biti živi pas nego mrtav lav!" Tijekom tih teških dana, pišući humor i pokazujući osobni interes za svaku osobu koja ga je posjećivala, on je svakog zadržao u svom okruženju u pozitivnom stavu. Dr. Michael je pisao upute svojim dežurnim liječnicima, mnoge prilično nekonvencijalne, ali sve koje pokazuju duboko poznavanje medicinskih trauma. On nije gubio svijest, uvijek je odbijao anesteziju, i nikad se nije činilo da spava. On je inzistirao na umetanju njegovih cijevi za disanje i hranjenje i diktirao svoju iscjeliteljsku prehranu. Trećeg dana, jedan liječnik mi je rekao: "Mi ne znamo tko je on, ali mnogo učimo od ovog čovjeka." Iako je meni pripisivao zasluge za svoj život, u konačnici je sam Dr. Michael bio odgovoran za njegovo preživljavanje. 

Moja veza s Dr. Michaelom počela je prije nekoliko godina nakon što sam preživio pokušaje ubojstva mene od strane iste grupe nacista. On me kontaktirao preko Kerry Kassidyja nakon što sam se pojavio na intervjuu za Project Camelot. Spasio mi je život rekavši mi da je bilo loše što sam gospođu Wu stavio u usta za Trojstvo jer nju je ucjenjivao George Bush stariji zbog crnog fonda koji je ilegalno prikupila u inozemstvu. Poslije sam čuo da je gospođa Wu mučena do smrti nakon što su Kinezi otkrili njenu izdaju.

U svakom slučaju, Dr. Van de Meer opskrbio me znanjem o tajnom svijetu na samom vrhu financijskog sustava. On i Neil Keenan ukazali su mi na Green Hilton Memorial sporazum koji je bio razlog za ubojstvo Kennedyja i povijesnom korijenu krize s kojom se sada suočavamo. 

Članovi azijskih tajnih društava koji su ga poznavali, rekli su da unatoč njegove tendencije da gleda s visine na njih, znali su da je bio, u svom srcu srca, dobar čovjek s kojim su htjeli raditi. 

To je razlog zašto su mi prišli i zamolili me da mu pošaljem zlato vrijedno 750 milijuna dolara uz potporu Kennedyjevih obveznica. Tražio sam njegovu poštansku adresu kako bi mu poslao obveznice. Nedugo nakon što mi je poslao svoju adresu, iznenada je umro "u snu" unatoč što je bio robusnog zdravlja i pun planova za budućnost.

Njegova obitelj odbija govoriti o njegovoj smrti i nikakva zvanična autopsija nije objavljena. Sigurni smo da je ubijen i znamo tko je odgovoran. Budite uvjereni da Dr. Michael nije umro uzalud. On će biti osvećen i njegovi snovi o "okončanju siromaštva i pretvaranje pustinje u zelenu" biti će ostvareni.


Preveo: Fredi

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Mandarin -- Benjamin Fulford: 24:08:2015

A review of the current alliances of secret societies and visible power centers

Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Emergency news updates will only appear if necessary. Regular reporting will resume in September.

In preparation for what is sure to be a busy autumn, now is a good time to review the world’s secret and public power structures and alliances. In order to provide value added to subscribers, this report will be based mainly on first-hand experience with various secret societies and public power structures.

English -- Benjamin Fulford: 24:08:2015

A review of the current alliances of secret societies and visible power centers

August 24, 2015

Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Emergency news updates will only appear if necessary. Regular reporting will resume in September.

In preparation for what is sure to be a busy autumn, now is a good time to review the world’s secret and public power structures and alliances. In order to provide value added to subscribers, this report will be based mainly on first-hand experience with various secret societies and public power structures.

My entry into the world of secret societies started after I publicly warned the Asians that SARS was a biological weapon targeted at them. A murder contract was taken out on me by the Neo-con Khazarian Bush administration because of this and my exposure of 911 truth and other journalistic activities.

The first secret group to contact me after this contract was taken out was sent by Henry Kissinger via former Japanese Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka. The envoy they sent, a self-described assassin, said he represented “the elders of Zion.” He told me (and I have this on tape) they needed to kill 90% of the world’s population through disease and starvation in order to “save the environment.”

His group offered me great wealth and the position of Finance Minister of Japan if I agreed to go along with their genocidal plans. This is the group I now refer to as the Khazarian mafia. Their ring-leaders now include the Bush/Clinton crime family, Sheldon Adelson, Benyamin Netanyahu, the Rockefellers and most of the American side of the Federal Reserve Board.

The second secret group to contact me was the Red and Blue, claiming to represent the Ming Dynasty and saying they had 6 million members (a lot more know) including “100,000 assassins.” They said their society could only be used for the greater good and not for personal benefit. I chose to join them in a battle against the Khazarians.

The third group to contact me was the US military industrial complex. They sent Paul Laine, a former member of the Pentagon’s psychic warfare unit. He also claimed to be with the CIA. Laine provided me with lots of esoteric information. He pointed out the US space program had been stopped dead in its tracks by some unknown force.

He also provided evidence this planet had been nearly destroyed before. This group agreed with the Red and Blue goal of preventing World War 3 because all the Pentagon war games showed that such a war would destroy 90% of humanity and leave the Northern Hemisphere of the planet unfit for human habitation.

The fourth group to contact me was “the family,” often referred to as the Rothschilds. This group is the European royal bloodlines and includes the Saxe Gotha family, the Rothschilds, the Hapsburgs and other European royal bloodlines. This is the group behind the so-called “global warming” campaign. This campaign, while based on fraud, was presented by them as a way of saving the environment without genocide.

Scottish rite Freemasonry reports ultimately to this group. Their representative Dr. Michael Van de Meer AKA Meiring referred to the people behind the planned genocide as the “Jews.” Further research revealed it was the non-Jewish leadership of the Jews, historically known as the Hyksos, who were the problem. Again, the Khazarian Mafia.

The fifth group to contact me was the Gnostic Illuminati. Their representative, self-described Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov (aka Richard Sorge, Sasha Zaric, Gordon Moore etc.), said this group was behind the Russian, French and American revolutions. They are opposed to bloodline rule. This group also warned me in advance of the planned 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. Romanov claimed he has been recruited by former chess champion Bobby Fischer. It was Romanov who first mentioned Isis long before it appeared in the news.

The sixth group to make contact was the P2 Freemason lodge who sent Leo Zagami to visit me in Japan. This group claims to control the Vatican and the Mafia and is ruled by the descendants of the Roman Caesars. When I visited the P2 Lodge in Italy I was introduced to generals, journalists, politicians etc.

The highest ranking P2 member I met was Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights. This group worships the Black Sun and claim they were behind communism and other big political movements. They displayed their power by removing Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Pope Benedict (maledict) XVI from office.

The seventh group I ran into was the Dragon family. I was inducted into this group after meeting their representative in Singapore. The Rothschild representative said that “if you want to talk to China, this is a high as it goes,” when they arranged the introduction. This group claims to be composed of various Asian royal bloodlines and also claims ET backers. They have legitimate historical claims to most of the world’s gold.

The eighth group that approached me was the Black Dragon Society. Also several groups claim this title, at present Chodoin Daikaku, head of the world’s Japanese martial arts societies (Karate, Ninjutsu, Aikido etc.) with over 50 million practicioners around the world, seems to represent them best.

A ninth powerful group that made contact was the Chinese communist party youth league or the meritocratic part of the Chinese government. Their agent in Japan, a Mr. K, is the main conduit I have for information from the Chinese government.

There are many other groups that also made contact including:

  • The French Grande Lodge De L’Orient Freemasons
  • The Inagawa Yakuza group
  • The Sumiyoshi Yakuza group
  • The Yamaguchi Gumi Yakuza group,
  • The Assassins (Persia)
  • The Nigerian mob
  • The Moghul Dynasty of India,
  • The Indonesian Royal Family,
  • The Thai Royal Family
  • British MI5 and MI6 intelligence
  • The Rosicrucians (BIS/Red Cross)
  • The Sokka Gakkai Buddhist group
Etc. etc.

When the Red and Blue asked me to find benevolent Western secret societies, the above are some of what I encountered. An informal network containing members of all the above groups has now been formed and is called the White Dragon Society.

Like the Red and Blue, the WDS can only be used for the greater good and not for personal benefit. So far the WDS and its allies have stopped all Khazarian attempts at igniting World War 3, creating pandemics and causing widespread starvation. In other words, we have save the world from destruction.

However, there is still a lot to be done. For one thing, contacting all these groups made it clear there is no single secret or for that matter public government ruling the world. Instead we have certain secret groups linked to certain power centers like the Vatican, the British Empire, the EU, the UN, the US military industrial complex, Wall Street, China, Swiss Banking etc.

While many people rightly fear the creation of a fascistic New World Order world government, just like in any village, there are certain bare minimum rules of cooperation that are needed. Right now world power is such that lawless murdering, looting gangsters can run rampant in places like the Ukraine or the Middle East without suffering any consequences.

We all breathe the same air, drink the same water and wish for the safety and well-being of ourselves and our families. There are also issues, like overfishing, deforestation and war, the current international political and economic architecture has not been able to solve. We need to have a minimum level of cooperation at an international level in order to solve problems of this sort.

Furthermore, because of the anarchy in the international system, this planet has no coherent goals or plans for the future. Instead we have a mish-mash of goals and agendas. The old elite are also partly right about the mass of “useless eaters,” or idle people who while away their lives without making any real contributions to the planet. They need to be given something worthwhile and fulfilling to do. What if we all had a few minimum shared goals we agreed to work towards?

For example, a lot of people would agree we should try to turn this planet into a paradise for all living creatures. Many want to explore the universe. Others wish for immortality. All these things can be made real if we work together to make it so.

The people who run the current international system are planning to announce all sorts of reforms this autumn. While their intentions are good, it is likely to be too little, too late.

Next week, in the final issue of our summer series, we will show in detail how dysfunctional the current international political and economic system really is. This should provide the impetus for an autumn campaign to completely reboot the way we run this planet. The non-criminal people at the top of the current system have nothing to fear because we do not wish to destroy anything old, we want to build something new.




Ver a imagem de origem

Kriegsgefangenenlager in Amerika

Von Larry Romanoff, 02. Juni 2020

Übersetzung: K.R.


Hinweis an die Leser: In Anbetracht der immensen Bedeutung dieses Themas leiten Sie diesen Artikel bitte über Ihren E-Mail-Verteiler weiter und posten Sie ihn in Ihren Blogs, Internetforen usw., mit der Bitte, dass jeder, der irgendwelche Details oder Familiengeschichten kennt, die Licht auf diese Ereignisse werfen könnten, diese bitte direkt an den Autor unter weiterleitet.


Diese Geschichte hat alle Voraussetzungen, um sich für eine Verschwörungstheorie zu qualifizieren und macht vielleicht keinen Sinn für Sie ohne einige Hintergrundinformationen über den Zusammenhang.

Bevor die USA in den Ersten Weltkrieg eintraten, wurde eine enorme, jahrelange antideutsche Propagandakampagne von der Creel-Kommission entfesselt, die von Walter Lippman und Edward Bernays geleitet wurde, letzterer war ein Neffe von Sigmund Freud. (1) (2) Die öffentliche Literatur griff alles Deutsche in Amerika an, auch Schulen und Kirchen. In vielen Schulen wurde den "reinen Amerikanern" verboten, die deutsche Sprache zu unterrichten, und die Verwalter wurden aufgefordert, "alle illoyalen Lehrer", also alle Deutschen, zu entlassen. Die Namen unzähliger Städte wurden geändert, um ihren deutschen Ursprung zu eliminieren: Berlin, Iowa wurde zu Lincoln, Iowa. Deutsche Lebensmittel und Namen von Gerichten wurden aus den Restaurants verbannt; Sauerkraut wurde zu "Freiheitskraut", Dackel wurden zu "Freiheitshunden" und Deutsche Schäferhunde zu "Elsässern".


bf pic



(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


Larry Romanoff,

contributing author

to Cynthia McKinney's new COVID-19 anthology

'When China Sneezes'

When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis

manlio +maria


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V.P. 2007

EN video comitato

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irmãos de armas

Legendado em PT. Clicar em CC, escolher PT.


“Copyright Zambon Editore”



De Hiroshima até hoje: Quem e como nos conduzem à catástrofe




Um auto retrato surpreendentemente sincero do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin



Personagens Principais em 'Na Primeira Pessoa'

Parte Um: O Filho

Parte Dois: O Estudante

Parte Três: O Estudante Universitário

Parte Quatro: O Jovem especialista

Parte Cinco: O Espia

Parte Seis: O Democrata

Parte Sete: O Burocrata

Parte Oito: O Homem de Família

Parte Nove: O Político

Apêndice: A Rússia na Viragem do Milénio

The Putin interviews

The Putin Interviews
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