What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent



Friday, April 29, 2016

Mandarin -- Benjamin Fulford: 26:04:2016

The battle for the planet earth has taken a dramatic turn with the destruction of three major Japanese underground bases, an accelerating hunt for Khazarian mafia oligarchs, high stakes financial negotiations between the military industrial complex and Asian secret societies and more.

First about the earthquakes: it is a given on Japanese internet chat boards that the recent spate of earthquakes in Southern Japan were all artificial earthquakes. The evidence presented is that the seismographs all resemble earthquakes caused by explosions with a sudden huge shock followed by steadily decreasing aftershocks. See the links below for evidence of this:

There were also reports of loud explosion like sounds when the earthquakes hit. Furthermore, all the earthquakes had extremely shallow epicenters going no deeper than 10 kilometers, which is very rare in natural earthquakes. In addition to this, the Japanese government earthquake prediction center said they had given up on predicting the earthquakes because they did not fit any known natural earthquake pattern. The clincher however, is that the epicenters of the three big quakes were all the locations of Japanese military bases.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Croatian -- Benjamin Fulford: 26:04:2016

Hibridni rat se nastavlja udarom na japanske podzemne vojne baze dok je kazarska mafija pod napadom diljem planeta

26. travnja 2016.

Bitka za planet Zemlju napravila je dramatični zaokret s uništenjem triju glavnih japanskih podzemnih baza, ubrzani lov na oligarhe kazarske mafije, visoki ulog u finacijskim pregovorima između vojnog industrijskog kompleksa i azijskih tajnih društava i drugo.

Prvo o potresima: na japanskim internet chat zajednicama dano je da su u nedavnom valu potresa u južnom Japanu svi bili umjetni potresi. Prikazani dokazi pokazuju da su svi seizmogrami sličili zemljotresima izazvanim eksplozijama s iznenadnim ogromnim udarom nakon čega se udari stalno smanjuju. Vidi linkove ispod za dokaz ovoga:

Tu su također izvještaji o glasnim eksplozijama, poput zvukova kad su se potresi dogodili. Osim toga, svi potresi su imali izuzetno plitke epicentre koji ne idu dublje od 10 kilometara, što je vrlo rijetko kod prirodnih potresa. Osim toga, centar za predviđanja zemljotresa japanske vlade, rekao je da je odustao od predviđanja zemljotresa jer se oni ne uklapaju u bilo koji poznati prirodni uzorak zemljotresa. Glavni argument je, međutim, da su epicentri sva tri velika potresa bili na lokacijama japanskih vojnih baza.

Ako stavite 1812 Oyatsu, Mashiki, Kumamoto Prefecture na Google Earth možete vidjeti vojne baze kod epicentra prvog zemljotresa. Tu je nekoliko neobičnih struktura koje se tamo vide da se čini kao da su ulazi u podzemne baze. 

Français -- Benjamin Fulford: 26:04:2016

La guerre Hybride se poursuit avec des frappes contre les bases militaires souterraines japonaises alors que la Mafia khazar est attaquée de toutes parts sur la planète

le 26 avril 2016

La bataille pour la planète Terre a pris une tournure spectaculaire avec la destruction de trois bases souterraines japonaises importantes, l’accélération pour la traque des oligarques de la Mafia khazar, des négociations financières avec de gros enjeux entre le complexe militaro-industriel et les sociétés secrètes asiatiques et plus encore.

Parlons d’abord des tremblements de terre : il apparaît évident sur les graphiques publiés par les Japonais sur internet que la récente série de tremblements de terre dans le sud du Japon est d’origine artificielle. Les preuves présentées consistent à dire que les relevés sismographiques ressemblent à des tremblements de terre provoqués par des explosions avec une énorme onde de choc soudaine suivie de répliques d’intensité constamment décroissante. Voir les liens ci-dessous pour l’examen des preuves :

Il y a également eu des informations à propos de sons ressemblant à des explosions lorsque les tremblements de terre se sont déclenchés. En outre, tous les tremblements de terre avaient des épicentres peu profonds, ce qui est très rare pour des tremblements de terre d’origine naturelle. En plus, le centre de prévention des tremblements de terre du gouvernement japonais a déclaré qu’il avait renoncé à prédire les tremblements de terre parce qu’ils ne correspondaient à aucun modèle prédictif de tremblement de terre naturel. L’argument principal, cependant, réside sur le fait que les épicentres des trois grands séismes correspondaient tous à des bases militaires Japonaises.  

Nederlands -- Benjamin Fulford: 26:04:2016

Hybridische oorlog gaat door met aanslag op Japanse ondergrondse militaire bases terwijl Khazariaanse maffia onder aanval ligt op de hele planeet

26 april 2016

De strijd om de planeet aarde heeft een dramatische wending genomen met de vernietiging van de drie belangrijkste Japanse ondergrondse bases, een versnelde jacht op de Khazariaanse maffia oligarchen, financiële onderhandelingen op hoog niveau tussen het militaire industriële complex en Aziatische geheime genootschappen en meer.

Eerst over de aardbevingen: het werd vrijgegeven in Japanse chatruimtes op het internet dat de recente stroom van aardbevingen in Zuid Japan allemaal kunstmatige aardbevingen waren. Het bewijs dat gegeven werd is dat de seismografen allemaal aardbevingen weergaven veroorzaakt door explosieven met een plotselinge hoge schokgolf gevolgd door langzaam afnemende naschokken. Kijk door middel van de volgende links naar bewijs hiervan.

Er waren ook verslagen van en soort van luidruchtige explosie geluiden toen de aardbevingen toesloegen. Verder, al de aardbevingen hadden een extreem oppervlakkig epicentrum welke niet dieper gingen dan 10 kilometer, wat erg zeldzaam is bij natuurlijke aardbevingen. Ter toevoeging hierop, het Japanse centrum voor voorspelling van aardbevingen zei dat ze het hadden opgeven om de aardbevingen te voorspellen omdat ze niet overeenkwamen met enig bekend aardbeving patroon. De doorslaggevende reden echter is dat de epicentra van de drie grote aardbevingen allemaal overeenkwamen met de locatie van Japanse militaire bases.

Deutsch -- Benjamin Fulford: 26:04:2016

26. April 2016

Die Schlacht um den Planeten Erde hat eine dramatische Wende genommen mit der Zerstörung dreier großer Japanischer Untergrund-Basen, einer beschleunigten Jagd nach khasarischen Mafia-Oligarchen, hochrangigen Finanzgesprächen zwischen dem militärisch-industriellen Komplex und Asiatischen Geheimgesellschaften, und weiteres dergleichen.

Erst zu den Erdbeben: Es wird in Japanischen Internet-Chat-Rooms gesagt, die neue Serie von Erdbeben im Südlichen Japan sei künstlich erzeugt worden. Die vorgelegten Hinweise zeigen, dass die seismografischen Aufzeichnungen solchen Erbeben ähneln, die durch Explosionen verursacht werden, mit einem plötzlichen Schock, der von gleichmäßig abnehmenden folgenden Schocks gefolgt wird. Sehen Sie zum Beweis folgenden Link:

Es gab auch Berichte über laute, explosionsartige Geräusche, als das Erdbeben kam. Außerdem, alle Erdbeben hatten extrem hochliegende Epizentren, nicht tiefer als 10 Kilometer, was für natürliche Beben sehr selten ist. Zusätzlich dazu sagte das Zentrum für Erdbeben-Vorhersage der Japanischen Regierung, sie hätten ihre Erdbeben-Vorhersagen eingestellt, weil sie nicht in das Muster natürlicher Erdbeben passten. Der springende Punkt ist, die Epizentren der drei größten Beben liegen dort, wo sich Japanische Militärbasen befinden.

Wenn Sie bei Google-Earth '1812 Oyatsu, Mashiki, Präfektur Kumamoto' eingeben, sehen Sie die Militärbasis am Epizentrum des ersten Bebens. Dort sind einige ungewöhnliche Strukturen sichtbar, anscheinend die Eingänge der Untergrund-Basen. Es ist auch lohnend sich zu erinnern, was der Japanische Finanzminister Taro Aso vor kurzer Zeit dem amerikanischen Wirtschaftsexperten Paul Krugmann erzählte; sinngemäß, dass die Japanische Regierung auf einen Auslöser wartet, um den dritten Weltkrieg zu starten zu dem Zweck, die Wirtschaft zu retten.

Chinesische Regierungsquellen in Peking erzählten diesem Autor neulich, sie hätten in den letzten Monaten außergewöhnlich umfangreiche Bewegungen von militärischer Ausrüstung durch die Japanische Regierung festgestellt.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

English -- Benjamin Fulford: 26:04:2016 FULL REPORT

Hybrid war continues with Japanese underground military bases hit as Khazarian mafia under attack around the planet

April 26, 2016

The battle for the planet earth has taken a dramatic turn with the destruction of three major Japanese underground bases, an accelerating hunt for Khazarian mafia oligarchs, high stakes financial negotiations between the military industrial complex and Asian secret societies and more.

First about the earthquakes: it is a given on Japanese internet chat boards that the recent spate of earthquakes in Southern Japan were all artificial earthquakes. The evidence presented is that the seismographs all resemble earthquakes caused by explosions with a sudden huge shock followed by steadily decreasing aftershocks. See the links below for evidence of this:

There were also reports of loud explosion like sounds when the earthquakes hit. Furthermore, all the earthquakes had extremely shallow epicenters going no deeper than 10 kilometers, which is very rare in natural earthquakes. In addition to this, the Japanese government earthquake prediction center said they had given up on predicting the earthquakes because they did not fit any known natural earthquake pattern. The clincher however, is that the epicenters of the three big quakes were all the locations of Japanese military bases.

If you put 1812 Oyatsu, Mashiki, Kumamoto Prefecture in on Google earth you can see the military base at the epicenter of the first earthquake. There are several unusual structures to be seen there that appear to be the entrances to underground bases. It is also worth recalling that Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso recently told American economist Paul Krugman something to the effect that the Japanese government was looking for a trigger to start World War 3 in order to save the economy.

Chinese government sources in Beijing recently told this writer they had identified an unusually intense build-up of military material by the Japanese government in recent months.

The bases hit are all located close to the Korean Peninsula where it would be easy to move large numbers of troops to the Asian mainland for a war with China. It thus appears there was a pre-emptive strike, by forces unknown, to prevent any Japanese attempt to start World War 3.

The announcement by North Korea that they had submarine based ballistic missiles was in reality a Japanese reaction to the attack on their underground bases. The message was Japan still has an intact retaliatory nuclear strike capability via their North Korean proxy. They need not worry though because nobody is planning to invade Japan.

There was also some belligerence going on last week concerning the Asian gold stashes in Indonesia. Officials at CIA Asian headquarters in Singapore last week warned the Chinese that if they tried to use their spending of tens of billions of dollars in Indonesia as a way of getting political control there, the Americans would “make a move.”

Also, in response to the Chinese offer to supply gold at a 13% discount, the Americans in Indonesia and Singapore claim they do not need it because they control a vast gold hoard near the US embassy in Jakarta, CIA agents in Indonesia say. The Indonesian government for its’ part, is laying claim to the 4000 tons of Japanese gold they say is located at the equator monument. This seems to be Indonesia’s conclusion after Vice President Jusuf Kalla secretly visited the US, Japan and China and President Joko Widodo visited Belgium, Holland and the UK. If anybody wishes to dispute this claim, they will have to be ready for war with Indonesia, the CIA sources say. However, proof of the existence of this gold remains elusive. Photographs of the site only showed construction work, not gold.

The Chinese, for their part, are getting impatient with Western, especially American, dithering on their offer to jointly set up a future planning agency and may “draw a line in the sand,” Chinese officials based in Japan say. The most likely scenario is the Chinese will simply stop accepting dollars after a certain date. The world will be offered gold backed Yuan as an alternative, Chinese government sources say.

The Chinese are not the only people getting impatient with the Khazarian cabal. In Brazil, the military, sick and tired of watching bribed politicians try to stage a coup against President Dilma Rousseff, are getting ready to send tanks to the Congress building, US Defense Intelligence Agency sources say. The Vatican is also getting on the case to ensure there is no Khazarian coup in Brazil by organizing people power, they also note. Furthermore, Brazilian billionaire and Khazarian honcho Joseph Safra, the world’s richest banker, has been charged with bribery. The charges are part of a Brazilian police investigation called “Operation Zealots,” that is going after the bribers of politicians, according to multiple news reports.

In Europe, the Germans are also getting fed up and have made a decision now to “turn East,” according to Pentagon sources. The attempt to extort money from Volkswagen, NSA spying, the refusal of the Federal Reserve Board to return German gold and the sanctions against Russia have all contributed to this German decision, they say.

Also in Europe “French opposition and brexit spell the end of the TTIP [trade deal] championed by cabal thugs Goldman Sachs and Monsanto,” one source added. In Eastern Europe, the Russians have made big moves against the cabal regime in the Ukraine. President Petro Poroshenko vanished from sight for a week and when he re-emerged, he changed Prime Ministers and suddenly became serious about implementing the Minsk peace accord with Russia. As a background to this, Ukrainian power broker, Khazarian oligarch and Israeli agent Valeriyovych Kolomoyskyi had his assets seized and he himself “may be targeted,” Russian sources say.

In the Middle East, US top general Joseph Dunford visited Egypt to help President Abdel Sisi “crush ISIS in the Sinai Peninsula and in Libya,” Pentagon sources say. The implication, of course, is that the US has decided Egypt is the most rational and reliable Sunni government in the Middle East and the US military and agencies, together with the Russians, will help them exert more influence in the region. Since ISIS is a proxy for Turkey, Israel and the Gulf Monarchies, it looks like Egypt, Russia, Syria, Iran and the US military will be working together to bring peace and rationality to that troubled region.

The fact that US President Obama has decided to release at least the Saudi part of the 28 classified pages of the 911 report makes it clear the US has decided to part ways with that regime. The FBI and the Pentagon are also planning to make sure everybody in the world hears about the Israeli “art students” found dancing for joy while filming the 911 destruction, making it clear Israel too had a big part in that mass murder incident.

There are also FBI probes going on now uncovering Khazarian mob corruption involving the New York Police Department and the New York Mayor’s office, FBI sources say. The US corporate media is also reporting on attempts by Khazarian Satanist mobster Hillary Clinton to get herself fraudulently elected, as can be seen in this New York Post headline: “Investigation into New York’s voting irregularities launched after botched presidential primary.”

Then we have the US nationwide MccLatchy Newspaper chain and many other corporate media outlets reporting on the Clinton’s Panama papers links with headlines such as: “Inside Panama Papers: multiple Clinton connections.”

Such open media exposure of their corruption and multiple investigations into their criminal activities is a sign the Clintons are basically toast which means that their backers like George Soros, the Rockefellers, the Bushes etc. are also going to be toast.

The ongoing collapse of the big banks that own the Federal Reserve Board is now being discussed by the US military and agencies as a national security issue of highest importance. What the brass need to understand is that the United States is the most highly indebted country in the history of this planet. The United States of America Corporation is bankrupt. The Republic of the United States of America does not have to assume their debts if it is restored.

America’s creditors, mainly the Asians, have offered the restored Republic vast amounts of gold in exchange for paper. The condition is that they agree to set up a meritocratically staffed future planning agency under equal East/West control. The Asians are waiting for an answer but if none is forthcoming, as mentioned above, they will act independently. In such a case it is a mathematical certainty the US economy will implode.

Also, the man who can put a definitive end to the Khazarian mafia take-over of the United States remains General Joseph Dunford. General Dunford will you grasp the horns of destiny and help save the planet, or will you go down in history as the man who missed his chance to make history?

Correction to the report dated 18:04:2016 Posted by Benjamin Fulford on April 20, 2016

Posted by benjamin
April 20, 2016
In the April 18th Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis I reported that seismographic evidence from the April 16th earthquake in Southern Japan showed it was a natural earthquake. That was wrong. Below is the seismographic evidence from the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention.
It shows very clearly the earthquake has the signature of an underground nuclear explosion and not a natural earthquake.
See here for a contrast between a natural earthquake and a nuclear explosion:

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Hrvatski -- Benjamin Fulford: 18:04:2016

18. travnja 2016.

Prošlog tjedna predstavnik koji tvrdi da je iz obitelji Hongmen svjetske kineske unije, obavijestio je Društvo Bijelog Zmaja da su Crveni I Zeleni pod novim rukovodstvom. On je rekao: "kad se azijski div pokrene, zemlja će se tresti, ali naš cilj je svjetski mir." Ne baš da se još mnogo toga može reći o razgovorima Crvenih i Plavih i Društva Bijelog Zmaja, međutim, možete biti sigurni da će se veliki događaji uskoro dogoditi.

Tu je također mnogo lupetanja iz više izvora, uključujući CIA-u i Pentagon, da je neka vrsta financijskog događaja mnogo većeg od Lehman šoka neizbježna. Dok nas je iskustvo naučilo da budemo oprezni u određivanju datuma, mnogi izvori idu čak tako daleko da kažu da će to biti 19. travnja. To je dan kada će Shanghai Gold Exchange započeti svoju platformu prodaje zlata s namjerom da preuzme određivanje cijena zlata od banaka koje kontrolira kazarska mafija.

Vjerojatno nije slučajnost da je prošlog tjedna Deutsche Bank priznao na sudu da je manipulirao cijenama zlata i srebra i obečao da će objaviti sve informacije o drugim velikim bankama o manipulacijama cijena.

Dakle, imamo Kineze koji počinju razmjenu zlata u isto vrijeme kada su zapadne banke koje tradicionalno postavljaju cijene zlata javno deklarirane za prijevaru. Shanghai Gold Exchange također će omogućiti Azijcima da unovče ogromne izvantržišne količine zlata koje navodno imaju. To znači da će Kineski juan postati barem djelomično sa zlatnom podlogom.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Français -- Benjamin Fulford: 18:04:2016

Les sociétés secrètes Asiatiques rouge et verte dotées d’une nouvelle direction promettent de « faire trembler la terre »

le 18 avril 2016

La semaine dernière un représentant prétendant appartenir à la famille dirigeante de l’association fraternelle chinoise mondiale Hongmen a informé la Société du Dragon Blanc (WDS) que les Rouges et les Verts avaient une nouvelle direction. Il a déclaré : « lorsque le géant asiatique se mettra en mouvement, la terre va trembler, mais notre but est la paix mondiale ». On ne peut guère en dire plus sur les pourparlers entre les Rouges et les Verts et la WDS, cependant vous pouvez vous attendre à ce que des évènements importants se produisent bientôt.

On entend beaucoup de discussions provenant de sources multiples, y compris de la CIA et du Pentagone, selon lesquelles une sorte d’évènement financier bien plus important que le choc de la faillite de Lehman Brothers est imminent. Bien que l’expérience nous ait appris à être prudent avec des dates précises, de nombreuses sources vont jusqu’à annoncer la date du 19 avril. C’est le jour où Shanghai va commencer ses opérations de changes commerciaux de l’or sur le Yuan, la plateforme est destinée à reprendre le contrôle du marché de l’or mondial par la Mafia khazar. (ex.Forex)

Ce n’est probablement pas une coïncidence si la semaine dernière, la Deutsche Bank ait avoué au tribunal qu’elle avait manipulé les cours de l’or et de l’argent en  promettant de communiquer toutes les informations dont elle dispose concernant les autres grandes banques impliquées dans cette manipulation des cours.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Nederlands -- Benjamin Fulford: 18:04:2016

Rood en Groene Aziatischegeheime genootschappen onder nieuwe leiding beloven "de aarde te doen trillen"

April 18, 2016

Vorige week vertelde iemand die claimde een vertegenwoordiger te zijn van de belangrijkste familie van de Hongmen Worldwide Chinese Union, de White Dragon Society dat de Red en Green onder een nieuwe leiding waren. Hij zei: “Wanneer de Aziatische gigant beweegt, zal de aarde trillen maar ons doel is wereldvrede.” Niet veel meer kan er geschreven worden over de Red en Blue en WDS gesprekken echter, je kunt er zeker van zijn dat grote gebeurtenissen zich spoedig zullen ontvouwen.

Er is ook een hoop gepraat vanuit meerdere bronnen inclusief de CIA en het Pentagon, over een soort van financiële gebeurtenis, veel groter dan de Lehman shock, welke op het punt staat te gebeuren. Terwijl de ervaring ons geleerd heeft voorzichtig te zijn over specifieke datums, gaan vele bronnen zelfs zo ver te zeggen dat het op 19 april zal zijn. Dit is de dag waarop de Shanghai Gold Exchange zal beginnen met zijn platform voor goudhandel met de bedoeling om de goudprijs over te nemen van de door de Khazariaanse maffia gecontroleerde banken.

Het is dus waarschijnlijk geen toeval dat de Deutschebank vorige week in de rechtszaal toegaf dat het de goud en zilverprijzen manipuleerde en beloofde de informatie prijs te geven die het heeft over andere grote banken die betrokken zijn bij de prijsmanipulatie.

Dus, we hebben de Chinezen die een gouduitwisseling beginnen op het zelfde moment dat de Westerse banken die traditioneel de goudprijzen vaststellen publiekelijk ontmaskerd worden wegens fraude. De Shanghai Gold Exchange zal het ook mogelijk maken voor de Aziaten om de off-market goudvoorraden die ze naar verluidt bezitten, in omloop te brengen als een wettig betaalmiddel. Dit betekent dat de Chinese yuan op zijn minst deels ondersteund wordt door goud.

Dit is waarschijnlijk de bron van verslagen als deze:

die claimen dat China een internationaal door goud ondersteunde Yuan zal lanceren en zal stoppen de VS dollars te accepteren, beginnend deze week. We zijn niet in staat geweest om onafhankelijke bevestiging hiervan te krijgen maar kunnen zeggen dat de WDS de Chinezen heeft aangeraden een dergelijke actie te ondernemen in samenwerking met het leger van de VS en agentschappen.

Deutsch -- Benjamin Fulford: 18:04:2016

Während der letzten Woche informierte ein Gesandter, der vorgab, zur Haupt-Familie der "Hongmen Worldwide Chinese Union" zu gehören, die White Dragon Society darüber, dass die Roten und Grünen Drachenfamilien unter einer neuen Führung stünden. Er sagte, "Wenn sich der Asiatische Riese bewegt, dann bebt die Erde, unser Ziel jedoch ist der Weltfrieden." Nicht viel mehr kann dazu über die Gespräche der Roten, Blauen und Weißen Drachen-Gesellschaften geschrieben werden, aber Sie können sicher sein, dass sich bald große Ereignisse entfalten werden.

Es gibt auch viel Gerede aus verschiedenen Quellen, darunter die CIA und das Pentagon, dass eine Art finanzielles Ereignis dicht bevorsteht, das viel größer ist als es der Lehman-Schock war. Obwohl uns die Erfahrung gelehrt hat, mit genauen Datumsangaben vorsichtig zu sein, gehen viele Quellen soweit zu sagen, es würde der 19. April sein. An diesem Tag wird der Shanghai Gold Exchange seine Handelsplattform öffnen, mit der Absicht, den von der khasarischen Mafia kontrollierten Banken die Festlegung des Goldpreises abzunehmen.

So, wir sehen, die Chinesen beginnen ihren Goldhandel zur gleichen Zeit, in der den westlichen Banken, die traditionell den Goldpreis festlegten, öffentlich Betrug nachgewiesen wird. Der Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) wird es den Asiaten auch ermöglichen, die riesigen außerhalb des Marktes befindlichen Goldmengen, die sie angeblich besitzen, zu Geld zu machen. Das bedeutet, der Chinesische Yuan wird zumindest teilweise durch Gold gedeckt sein.

Dies ist die wahrscheinliche Quelle solcher Berichte;

die behaupten, China werde ankündigen, mit Beginn in dieser Woche einen international durch Gold gedeckten Yuan heraus zu geben und aufhören, den US-Dollar zu akzeptieren. Wir konnten dies nicht durch unabhängige Quellen bestätigen, aber können sagen, die Weiße-Drachen-Gesellschaft hat den Chinesen dazu geraten, einen solchen Schritt zu tun, in Abstimmung mit dem US-Militär und den Agenturen.

Sicherlich waren die Finanzminister und Top-Zentral-Banker der G20-Staaten letzte Woche in Washington versammelt, sowohl für regelmäßige als auch für krisenbedingte Besprechungen. Die Leitenden der Federal Reserve Banken hatten ebenfalls viele Notfall-Treffen.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mandarin -- Benjamin Fulford: 18:04:2016

Last week a representative claiming to be from the head family of the Hongmen Worldwide Chinese Union informed the White Dragon Society that the Red and Green were under new leadership. He said “when the Asian giant moves, the earth will shake but our goal is world peace.” Not much more can be written about the Red and Blue and WDS talks however, you can be sure big events will unfold soon.

There is also a lot of chatter from multiple sources including the CIA and the Pentagon that some sort of financial event far bigger than the Lehman shock is imminent. While experience has taught us to be wary of specific dates, many sources even go so far as to say it will be on April 19th. This is the day the Shanghai Gold Exchange will start its gold trading platform intended to take over setting the gold price from the Khazarian mafia controlled banks.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

English -- Benjamin Fulford: 18:04:2016 FULL REPORT

Red and Green Asian secret societies under new leadership promise to “make the earth tremble

April 18, 2016

Last week a representative claiming to be from the head family of the Hongmen Worldwide Chinese Union informed the White Dragon Society that the Red and Green were under new leadership. He said “when the Asian giant moves, the earth will shake but our goal is world peace.” Not much more can be written about the Red and Blue and WDS talks however, you can be sure big events will unfold soon.

There is also a lot of chatter from multiple sources including the CIA and the Pentagon that some sort of financial event far bigger than the Lehman shock is imminent. While experience has taught us to be wary of specific dates, many sources even go so far as to say it will be on April 19th. This is the day the Shanghai Gold Exchange will start its gold trading platform intended to take over setting the gold price from the Khazarian mafia controlled banks.

It is probably no coincidence then that last week Deutschebank admitted in court that it manipulated gold and silver prices and promised to release all the information it has about other big banks involved in the price manipulation.

So, we have the Chinese starting a gold exchange at the same time as the Western banks that traditionally set the gold price are being publicly outed for fraud. The Shanghai Gold Exchange will also make it possible for the Asians to monetize the vast off-market gold hoards they reportedly hold. This means the Chinese yuan will become at least partially gold backed.

This is the probable source of reports such as this one:

that claim China will announce it will launch an international gold backed Yuan and stop accepting US dollars starting this week. We have not been able to independently confirm this but can say the WDS has advised the Chinese to make such a move in coordination with the US military and agencies.

Certainly the finance ministers and top central bankers form the G20 nations were all gathered in Washington last week for both regularly scheduled and emergency meetings. The Federal Reserve Board governors also had a lot of emergency meetings.

One visible result was historically significant news last week about the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation telling banking giants like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, New York Mellon Bank and State Street Corp that their bankruptcy plans were “not credible.”

To put it another way, some of the top Khazarian cabal banks and owners of the Federal Reserve Board are basically being told they are de facto bankrupt.

Pentagon sources and CIA sources both also tell us that when Federal Reserve Board Chairperson Janet Yellen met with US President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden that Yellen asked for the US military to mobilize to round up trouble makers and put them in FEMA camps to prevent mass rioting after a planned Fed move to save the big banks by stealing people’s savings. “Let the dollar die and do a bail in,” is how the CIA source summed up Yellen’s proposal. In any case, the military said no, they had other plans. Yellen should have taken the gold deal offered to her last week by the Asians while she had the chance.

Instead, the military have now forced Yellen to get the Fed to send and publish letter to JP Morgan to let the world know that “it is unstable.” Military pressure was also behind the FDIC warning to the big five banks mentioned above. As a result Wells Fargo and other banks have begun training staff for an “emergency scenario.”

The US military is also actively working to create a new government issued US dollar backed with silver and Asian gold to keep the US economy running after the collapse of the Khazarian mafia’s Babylonian debt slavery banking system, WDS sources say.

The situation is not much better in Europe. The IMF publicly stated last week the European banks have 900 billion Euros worth of bad debt and that they could no longer postpone dealing with it. It is a pretty good guess the real bad debt numbers are far worse than what the IMF is willing to admit. In other words, many of the top European banks are also probably bankrupt. Barclays, Deutschebank, Credit Suisse and UBS are being scrutinized by regulators to see if they are solvent, Russian sources say.

This may be why the Khazarian mafia oligarchs have suddenly launched campaigns in the US and Europe to close offshore tax havens and force or lure the world’s $31 trillion in offshore money into Europe or the US where they can confiscate it and stave off bankruptcy. CIA sources say the Rothschilds have already managed to lure “trillions” of dollars into Reno, Nevada with this cockroach motel scam. You can be sure it is not their own offshore money they plan to repatriate.

Some money that is sure to be confiscated is Saudi Arabia’s US dollar denominated holdings. Last week there were corporate propaganda media reports that Saudi Arabia would sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of its US assets and treasury bonds if the US government released the 28 secret pages of the 911 report or if it allowed families of victims of 911 to sue Saudi Arabia.

However, Saudi Arabia does not have that choice and instead will find out that its US holdings have already been confiscated. Even with Turkish and Israeli help the US and Russia could crush them like bugs if they object to such a confiscation.

In fact, according to Pentagon sources, President Obama will be visiting Saudi Arabia this week to read them the riot act and force them to stop their trouble making around the world. Furthermore, Obama will release the 28 pages after he returns from the visit, the sources say.

At the same time as Obama visits Saudi Arabia, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has been summoned to Moscow. There he will be told to return the Golan Heights to Syria and comply with other UN resolutions concerning Israel or else it will be faced with sanctions and that “all options will be on the table.” This could mean a full blockade of Israel. Furthermore, the sources say Obama, backed by the US military, will not use the customary US veto to save Israel from UN sanctions.

The Russians will also be asking for the return of gold stolen from the Czar of Russia by the Rothschild family, the real rulers of Israel, the sources say. The Bank of Japan library has a report about Japanese warships arriving in Vladivostok in 1918 to evacuate 10 tons of the Czars’ gold before the communists could get a hold of it. This gold was later shipped to London, according to the BOJ. This is probably just the tip of the missing Russian gold iceberg.

Speaking about stolen gold, there is a flurry of activity going on in connection with gold stashes in Indonesia. This week Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is visiting Germany, the UK, Belgium and Holland to discuss the Indonesian gold among other things. It turns out the gold was brought over by the Japanese meaning that it was taken from other Asian countries who are now claiming the rights to it, CIA sources in Indonesia say. The Europeans also lust after this gold. Photographs of the Indonesian gold site can be made available to interested parties, the sources say.

In any case, at the end of the day, it will probably take a deal between the Pentagon white hats (WDS) and the Chinese to sort this out.

A public sign the US white hats and the Chinese are already reaching deals can be confirmed by the fact that last week the Chinese led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the US controlled World Bank announced their first jointly financed project.

The next step is to ramp up the scale of investments from the billions to the trillions of dollars.

Another deal being worked out between the WDS and the Chinese concerns Japan. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who ultimately reports to the Agnelli brothers and Evelyn de Rothschild, needs to go, the two sides agree. The Chinese had been pushing for long term politician and power broker Ichiro Ozawa but he was too anti-American for Pentagon tastes, sources involved in the negotiations say. For that reason Hideo Higashikokubaru, a TV talent and former governor of Miyazaki Prefecture is being considered as Abe’s replacement, the sources say. Higashikokubaru would preside over a jubilee and a redistribution of assets, they say.

The other development is that Japan is now preparing to fully legalize Marijuana and give control of the resulting business bonanza to Asian secret societies. Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, meanwhile, is planning to be a major player in the medical marijuana industry, Asian secret society sources say.

While on the subject of Japan, the earthquake last week in Southern Japan appears, from seismographic and other evidence, to have been a natural one. The volcanic ring of fire around the Pacific basin is very active because a new continent is being born in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, according to P2 Freemason lodge sources. This will not happen overnight of course but already new islands are being born in the region.


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Français -- Benjamin Fulford: 12:04:2016

le 12 avril 2016

La Famille Asiatique du Dragon a proposé aux actionnaires du Conseil d’Administration de la Banque Réserve Fédérale des quantités vertigineuses d’or avec une remise de 13% par rapport au prix du marché. L’idée est que 10% de cet argent soit dépensé dans une gigantesque campagne de restructuration destinée à mettre fin à la pauvreté, à la destruction de l’environnement et à remettre l’humanité sur le chemin d’un développement exponentiel dans l’univers.

La balle est maintenant dans le camp des Etats-Unis à Washington DC. C’est pourquoi les Président et Vice-président des Etats-Unis ont tenu une réunion d’urgence le 11 avril avec la présidente du Conseil d’Administration de la Réserve Fédérale, Janet Yellen. Un membre de la Famille du Dragon assistait également à cette réunion, selon des sources de la CIA en Asie.

Si les actionnaires de la Fed refusent la proposition des Asiatiques, les pays BRICS et les Européens annonceront une nouvelle devise internationale garantie par l’or qui pourra être échangée contre des dollars américains pendant une période de trois mois. Après cette période, le dollar américain ne sera plus accepté par au moins 188 pays, laissant le régime de Washington isolé et en faillite.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Hrvatski -- Benjamin Fulford: 12:04:2016

12. travnja 2016.

Azijska Dragon obitelj ponudila je vlasnicima Odbora Federtalnih Rezervi znatnu količinu zlata s popustom 13% od tržišne cijene. Ideja je da se 10% tog novca utroši na masovnu kampanju za okončanje siromaštva, zaustavljanje uništenja okoliša i da se pošalje čovječanstvo na put eksponencijalnog širenja u svemir. Lopta je sada na igralištu američkog režima u Washingtonu. To je razlog što američki predsjednik i potpredsjednik imaju hitan sastanak 11. travnja s predsjedavajućom osobom Odbora Federalnih Rezervi Janet Yellenom. Član Dragon obitelji također će biti na tom sastanku, kažu izvori CIA-e u Aziji. 

Ako Fedovci odbiju Azijate, BRICS nacije i Europljani će objaviti novu međunarodnu valutu sa zlatnom podlogom koja će se moći mijenjati za američke dolare tijekom razdoblja od tri mjeseca. Nakon tog razdoblja, američki dolar više neće biti prihvaćen od strane najmanje 188 zemalja, ostavljajući Washingtonski režim izoliran i u bankrotu.

U tom slučaju, kako bi se izbjegao rat, operacije američke vojske izvan Sjedinjenih Američkih Država i dalje će se financirati koristeći novu valutu. Novi režim koji će neizbježno zamijeniti bankrotirane Federalne Rezerve u SAD-u moći će slobodno izdati svoju vlastitu valutu s neograničenom kupovnom moći unutar SAD-a.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Mandarin -- Benjamin Fulford: 12:04:2016

The Asian Dragon Family has offered the owners of the Federal Reserve Board staggering quantities of gold at a 13% discount from the market price. The idea is for 10% of this money to be spent on a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and send humanity on a path for exponential expansion into the universe. The ball is now in the court of the US regime in Washington DC. That is why the US President and Vice President are having an emergency meeting on April 11 with Federal Reserve Board Chairperson Janet Yellen. A member of the Dragon family will also be at that meeting, CIA sources in Asia say.

If the Feds refuse the Asians, the BRICS nations and the Europeans will announce a new international gold backed currency that can be exchanged for US dollars during a three month period. After that period, the US dollar will no longer be accepted by at least 188 countries, leaving the Washington regime isolated and bankrupt.



Ver a imagem de origem

Kriegsgefangenenlager in Amerika

Von Larry Romanoff, 02. Juni 2020

Übersetzung: K.R.


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Diese Geschichte hat alle Voraussetzungen, um sich für eine Verschwörungstheorie zu qualifizieren und macht vielleicht keinen Sinn für Sie ohne einige Hintergrundinformationen über den Zusammenhang.

Bevor die USA in den Ersten Weltkrieg eintraten, wurde eine enorme, jahrelange antideutsche Propagandakampagne von der Creel-Kommission entfesselt, die von Walter Lippman und Edward Bernays geleitet wurde, letzterer war ein Neffe von Sigmund Freud. (1) (2) Die öffentliche Literatur griff alles Deutsche in Amerika an, auch Schulen und Kirchen. In vielen Schulen wurde den "reinen Amerikanern" verboten, die deutsche Sprache zu unterrichten, und die Verwalter wurden aufgefordert, "alle illoyalen Lehrer", also alle Deutschen, zu entlassen. Die Namen unzähliger Städte wurden geändert, um ihren deutschen Ursprung zu eliminieren: Berlin, Iowa wurde zu Lincoln, Iowa. Deutsche Lebensmittel und Namen von Gerichten wurden aus den Restaurants verbannt; Sauerkraut wurde zu "Freiheitskraut", Dackel wurden zu "Freiheitshunden" und Deutsche Schäferhunde zu "Elsässern".


bf pic



(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


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