What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent



Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Oost West lijnen getrokken—Zal het liefdeuitwisselen zijn in plaats van oorlog?

29 januari 2018
Het lijkt nu waarschijnlijker dat we in de komende maanden en jaren eerder een wereldregering zullen zien dan een wereldoorlog dit is gebaseerd op wat er in de hele wereld gebeurd.
Ten eerste kwamen dit jaar Westerse leiders, een jaar na het World Forum in Davos waarbij de Chinese President Xi Jinpin als ster naar voren kwam, bij elkaar in Davos met V.S., Donald Trump als de top attractie. Het is interessant dat het Westers gedomineerde Davos thema, van dit jaar, “een gezamenlijke toekomst schept in een verdeelde wereld,” welke erg lijkt op het thema van China van “Een gemeenschap opbouwen met een gedeelde toekomst voor de hele mensheid.”
Natuurlijk zijn de Chinezen en Amerikanen het nog steeds aan het uitvechten wie de leiding over deze “gedeelde toekomst zal krijgen.”

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

RUSSIAN -- Бен Фулфорд 29 января 2018 года

Бен Фулфорд 29 января 2018 года - Прочерченные линии между Востоком и Западом - приведут ли они к занятиям любовью, а не к военным действиям?

Опираясь на то, что происходит во всем мире, можно сказать, что сейчас просматривается бОльшая вероятность в том, что мы скорее увидим мировое правительство, чем мировую войну в ближайшие месяцы и годы.

Прежде всего, год спустя после того, как на предыдущем Всемирном форуме в Давосе президент Китая Си Цзиньпин отметился в качестве главной звезды, в этом году западные лидеры собрались в Давосе с президентом США Дональдом Трампом в качестве главной достопримечательности. Интересно то, что главная тема Давоса в этом году, предложенная на Западе, «Создание совместного будущего в раздробленном мире», очень похожа на китайскую тему «Построение сообщества общего будущего для всего человечества».

Конечно, китайцы и американцы все еще яростно спорят между собой за то, кто будет отвечать за это «совместное будущее».


29 gennaio 2018

Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump nel discorso tenuto alla 48a incontro annuale del World Economic Forum (WEF) a Davos, in Svizzera, il 26 gennaio 2018. Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump venerdì ha detto che avrebbe sempre messo l'America al primo posto quando si trattava di negoziare , inoltre, "America First" non significa solo America. (Xinhua / Xu Jinquan)

Sembra più probabile che ora vedremo profilarsi un governo mondiale piuttosto che una guerra mondiale nei prossimi mesi e anni in base a ciò che sta accadendo in tutto il mondo.

Prima di tutto, un anno dopo che il World Forum di Davos aveva visto protagonista il presidente cinese Xi Jinping, quest'anno i leader occidentali si sono riuniti in forze a Davos con il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump come massima attrazione. Interessante il tema di Davos, che quest'anno è dominato dall'Occidente, "Creare un futuro condiviso in un mondo frammentato", è molto simile al tema cinese di "Costruire una comunità con un futuro condiviso per l'umanità".

Certamente, i cinesi e gli americani stanno ancora discutendo su chi sarà responsabile di questo "futuro condiviso".


Nacrtane linije istok-zapad: hoće li biti ljubav umjesto ratovanja?

29. siječnja 2018.

Sada izgleda vjerojatnije da ćemo vidjeti svjetsku vladu, a ne svjetski rat u nadolazećim mjesecima i godinama na temelju onoga što se događa diljem svijeta.

Prije svega, godinu dana nakon što je Svjetski forum u Davosu predstavio kineskog predsjednika Xi Jinpinga kao svoju zvijezdu, ove godine zapadni čelnici su se žurno okupili u Davosu s američkim predsjednikom Donaldom Trumpom kao glavnom atrakcijom. Ono što je zanimljivo je da je ovogodišnja tema u Davosu započeta na Zapadu: "Stvaranje zajedničke budućnosti u podvojenom svijetu" vrlo slična kineskoj temi "Izgradnja zajednice sa zajedničkom budućnošću čovječanstva".

Naravno, Kinezi i Amerikanci još uvijek se natežu tko će biti zadužen za ovu "zajedničku budućnost".


Ost-West-Grenzen gezogen – wird es Liebemachenstatt Kriegmachen sein?

29. Januar 2018
Es sieht jetzt danach aus, als würden wir in den kommenden Monaten und Jahren eher eine Weltregierung als einen Weltkrieg sehen, basierend auf dem, was rund um die Welt vorgeht.
Als erstes: ein Jahr, nachdem das Weltforum in Davos den chinesischen Präsident Xi Jinping als seinen Star gefeiert hat, haben sich dieses Jahr die gegenwärtigen westlichen Führer mit US-Präsident Donald Trump als Hauptattraktion versammelt. Interessant ist das diesjährige westlich dominierte Thema von Davos „Für eine gemeinsame Zukunft in einer zersplitterten Welt“, das sehr ähnlich Chinas Thema „Aufbau einer Gemeinschaft mit geteilter Zukunft für die Menschheit“ ist.
Natürlich fechten die Chinesen und Amerikaner immer noch aus, wer diese „gemeinsame Zukunft“ gestaltet.
Pentagon-Quellen sprudelten diese Woche übertrieben über Trump und seinen Auftritt in Davos und bemerkten, „Trump rockte Davos, mit dem Versprechen der Globalisten-CEOs der EU-Multinationalen, in Amerika Jobs zu schaffen“. Sie fügten hinzu, dass „mit der besiegten Kabale, die nicht in der Lage ist, weitere Falseflags aufzuführen, um den dritten Weltkrieg zu beginnen, Davos die Trump-Weltordnung eingeführt hat und den globalen Währungsneustart gestartet haben könnte.“
Noch alarmierender jedoch war die Einschätzung der Pentagon-Quelle, dass „eine Unterwasserbasis der Kabale außerhalb Alaskas atomisiert worden sein könnte, da das Militär sich hinter Trump sammelt, der vom POTUS zum GEOTUS (God Emperor of the U.S.) befördert wurde.“

Sunday, January 28, 2018


Nelle prossime due settimane si negozia il futuro del mondo  mentre si avvicina la Super Luna Blue Blood

22 gennaio 2018

L'arresto del governo degli Stati Uniti durante il fine settimana rischia di diventare permanente mentre i negoziati di massimo livello continuano a discutere la sua sostituzione, concordano fonti multiple. La dirigenza dell'Occidente dell'old-world-order si riunisce questa settimana a Davos, in Svizzera, per discutere di questo stesso problema, dicono le fonti.

Le fonti del Pentagono, nel frattempo, dicono che "la chiusura è stato orchestrata in modo, che il Congresso,  possa essere arrestato durante l'interruzione della sessione, il momento in cui decade l'immunità". Inoltre, le fonti dicono che il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump "è stato convocato, il 18 gennaio, per incontrare i top degli alti ufficiali  al Pentagono , mentre la Marina cacciava sottomarini ribelli e l'esercito utilizza la serrata per arrestare la cabala, porre fine al governo delle multinazionali e lanciare la Repubblica per inaugurare il Reset Valutario Globale (GCR). 

Inoltre, le fonti continuano: "La Camera potrebbe rilasciare la nota FISA, che eliminerà i criminali nel Dipartimento di Giustizia (DOJ), nell'FBI, nel Consiglio nazionale democratico, nella CIA, oltre alle organizzazioni di Obama e Hillary Clinton".

"Trump potrebbe persino leggere il promemoria allo Stato dell'Unione il 30 gennaio", hanno aggiunto altre fonti.


El futuro del mundo se negociará en las próximas dos semanas a medida que se aproxima la Super Luna de Sangre azul


Es probable que el cierre del gobierno de los EE. UU. durante el fin de semana se convierta en permanente a medida que las negociaciones de alto nivel continúan discutiendo su reemplazo, según varias fuentes. El liderazgo del viejo orden occidental se está reuniendo esta semana en Davos, Suiza, para debatir sobre este tema, dicen las fuentes.
Mientras tanto, fuentes del Pentágono dicen que “el cierre fue orquestado para que el Congreso pueda ser arrestado, ya que pierden lainmunidad mientras no están en sesión”. Además, las fuentes dicen que el presidente estadounidense Donald Trump “fue convocado para reunirse con altos mandos del Pentágono el 18 de enero , mientras la Marina cazaba submarinos sin escrúpulos y los militares usaban el cierre para arrestar al cabal, dar por terminado el gobierno corporativo y lanzar la República para marcar el comienzo del reset global de divisas (GCR) “.
Además, las fuentes continuaron: “La Cámara puede publicar el memorando FISA, que derribará a los delincuentes en el Departamento de Justicia, el FBI, el Consejo Nacional Demócrata, la CIA, además de las organizaciones Obama y Hillary Clinton”.
“Trump puede incluso leer el memorando en el discurso del Estado de la Unión el 30 de enero”, agregaron las fuentes.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Français -- BENJAMIN FULFORD: 22:01:2018

L’avenir du monde sera négociéau cours des deux semaines à venir alors que l’éclipse de lune approche

le 22 janvier 2018

La fermeture du gouvernement des Etats-Unis au cours du week-end va probablement devenir permanente étant donné que des négociations à haut-niveau se poursuivent pour discuter de son remplacement, selon de multiples sources concordantes. La direction de l’ancien ordre mondial Occidental, se réunit à Davos en Suisse pour débattre de cette même question, selon les sources.
Entre-temps, des sources du Pentagone affirment que « la fermeture a été orchestrée de manière à ce que les députés du Congrès puissent être arrêtés, étant donné qu’ils perdent leur immunité quand ils ne sont pas en session ». De plus, les sources disent que le Président des Etats-Unis Donald Trump « a été convoqué à une réunion avec les hauts-gradés du Pentagone le 18 janvier au moment où la Marine traquait les sous-marins de la cabale et où les militaires profitaient de la fermeture pour arrêter la cabale, mettre fin au gouvernement privé des Etats-Unis et lancer la République et le réamorçage monétaire mondial (GCR) ».
En outre, « La Chambre des Députés pourrait publier la circulaire au sujet du mandat de la FISA*, qui va permettre d’arrêter les criminels au sein du Département de la Justice, du FBI, du Conseil National Démocrate, de la CIA et des organismes d’Obama et de Hillary Clinton ».
*FISA : Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. NdT
 « Il se pourrait même que Trump lise la circulaire, lors de son Discours sur l’Etat de l’Union le 30 janvier », ajoutent les sources.

Thursday, January 25, 2018


January 22, 2018

The shutdown of the U.S. government over the weekend is likely to become permanent as top-level negotiations continue to discuss its replacement, multiple sources agree.  The Western old-world-order leadership is gathering this week in Davos, Switzerland to debate this very issue, the sources say.
Pentagon sources, meanwhile, say “the shutdown was orchestrated so Congress can be arrested, as they lose immunity while not in session.”  In addition, the sources say U.S. President Donald Trump “was summoned to meet top brass at the Pentagon on January 18th, as the Navy hunted for rogue submarines and the military uses the shutdown to arrest cabal, terminate the corporate government, and launch the Republic to usher in the global currency reset (GCR).”
Furthermore, the sources continued, “The House may release the FISA memo, which will take down criminals in Department of Justice, the FBI, the Democratic National Council, the CIA, plus the Obama and Hillary Clinton organizations.”
“Trump may even read the memo at the State of the Union address on January 30th,” the sources added.
The sources also say, “Zimbabwe opposition leader Roy Bennett was killed in New Mexico to solidify the Zimbabwe dollar and pave the way for the GCR.”  A gold-backed Zimbabwe dollar is being pushed by many as a new African currency to replace the current mishmash of Rothschild-controlled currencies.
However, it is still far from certain that the GCR will take place as envisioned by the people in the Pentagon and agencies, since worldwide, the situation is extremely volatile and slipping out of U.S. control.
The most important factor to bear in mind is that the U.S. government is the most indebted government in the history of the planet and much of that debt is owed to China.  If the U.S. unilaterally reneged on the debt, it would no longer be able to control the U.S. dollar system that allows the Pentagon to operate around the planet.  The result would be that U.S. soldiers, who are already not receiving pay thanks to the government shutdown, being forced to beg on the streets or else rob people at gunpoint around the world.  As if to underline this situation, the Chinese rating agency Dagong downgraded the U.S. sovereign and local government debt to BBB+ with a negative outlook, putting it below Peru or Morocco.
Here is what they had to say about the U.S. debt:
“The perennial negative impact of the superstructure on the economic base has continued to deteriorate the debt repayment sources of the federal government, and this trend will be further exacerbated by the government’s massive tax cuts.  The increasing reliance on the debt-driven mode of economic development will continue to erode the solvency of the federal government.”
Dagong probably does not realize just how deep the problem runs.  The Pentagon, in its first-ever audit using outside auditors, has already found that $21 trillion went missing between 1998 and 2015.  That is more than 35 times the entire official U.S. military budget for 2016, multiple sources report.
CIA, MI6, and Pentagon sources say the missing money was spent on…
building up huge mercenary armies outside the control of official government structures.  These are the people behind ISIS, the war on Yemen, Blackwater/Academi, etc.  Also, the sources say, much of the money was spent on the “Secret Space Program.”
Since we try to focus on the here-and-now visible world, let us see what parts of the Secret Space Program are visible to us members of the “surface population.”  One that pops to mind right away is Elon Musk, with his Tesla Motors and SpaceX programs.  Tesla Motors’ market capitalization of $350 billion is 50 times its sales and 218 times its earnings.  Traditionally, market cap was considered to be reasonable at around ten times earnings.  Clearly Musk is a major money-laundering channel for all that privately-owned central-bank funny money that has been conjured up recently.  It is also important to remember that sources in the Pentagon and the NSA both agree that SpaceX and Musk are the real suspects behind the recent North Korean missile “threat.”
Then of course there is Alphabet/Google, whose recently fired chairman Eric Schmidt visited North Korea in 2013 before the recent missile brouhaha started.  Google has now been linked to missing Malaysian Air Flight 370/17 and the connected disappearance of microbiologists and computer engineers.
In any case, we have seen countless attempts by Khazarian mafia cabalists in recent years to set off nuclear weapons and start their “Armageddon,” only to have them stopped each time by often mysterious forces.
Our here-now Pentagon sources admit that “the Secret Space Program may have been used to down nuke missiles aimed at Hawaii and Japan and to stop the cabal from leaving earth.”
Meanwhile, back here on the sheeple-ranch surface of the planet earth, it is clear that the U.S. West Coast oligarchs are under attack in their California strongholds.  The recent mysterious fires in California are now followed by equally mysterious earthquake swarms in Reno, Nevada last week.  Remember, Reno is the last major unregulated “offshore banking” center on earth, where the Rothschild family have been gathering.
The underground base in Reno has been tied to anti-gravity disc technology and Nazi activity in Antarctica as well.  A link with evidence of this was removed from the Internet just as this newsletter was being published.
Perhaps that is why a senior CIA official, who is a relative of Admiral Byrd of Antarctic exploration fame, has requested a meeting with representatives of the White Dragon Society before and during the January 31st Super Blue Blood Moon event to “discuss the future of the planet earth.”  The meeting will take place next week at an undisclosed location in Southeast Asia.  Hopefully, we will have a detailed report on that meeting available for our readers in the February 5th, 2018 edition of this newsletter.
There can be no doubt the U.S. secret government is under pressure like never before because of the ongoing collapse of the current U.S. social contract.  This can be seen in the graph in the link below that shows the exponential—and unsustainable—increase in wealth of the top 1% of the population since 2014.
The situation in California may be the most critical of all now.  Huge tent encampments for the homeless have appeared next to the houses of wealthy Californians.  Furthermore, resentment has reached the point where buses transporting Apple and Google employees are being stoned and shot at.
With this tense background, rural California is moving to secede from the San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco coastal enclaves of the super-wealthy.  As this happens, the California government and local mayors have come out in open revolt against the U.S. federal government.  That’s why U.S. military forces have followed their arrests of East Coast Khazarian oligarchs with mass arrests in California, Pentagon sources say.
Internationally, the current U.S. corporate government is losing support around the planet.  Here are some examples:
U.S. NATO ally Turkey has begun attacking U.S.-backed forces in Syria.
Long-time U.S. ally Pakistan has publicly ended its alliance with the U.S.
North and South Korea put together a joint Olympic team to send a message to the world that they do not want to be artificially divided as a people and used as an excuse to start World War 3.
Canada, India, Japan, Brazil, China, and the EU attack Trump’s protectionist trade policies.
EU central banks are switching their reserves from U.S. dollars to Chinese yuan.
It is these death throes of the U.S. corporate government that have given urgency to this week’s gathering of Western (Atlantic alliance) powers in Davos, Switzerland.  There, one faction is pushing for a restoration of the Republic of the United States of America.  Another faction is pushing to finance a friendly takeover by Canada and the creation of a competently governed United States of North America.  What both factions share in common is a wish not to have U.S. hegemony merely be replaced by Chinese hegemony.
The Chinese, for their part, are saying they want to help create a world government that is friendly and fair to all peoples of the planet, according to senior members of Asian secret societies.  They insist they do not want or seek Chinese hegemony.  However, certain factions make it clear they think it is China’s turn to rule to take over ruling the planet from the West.

In any case, as things are now going, the more time that passes, the stronger China gets and the weaker the West gets.  Western societies are now drowning in debt, have socially destabilizing wealth disparities, and have shrinking, aging populations.  This is why the West needs to fundamentally reform its governmental, social, and economic architecture.  The alternative to a reboot, including a jubilee and one-off asset redistribution, will be a steady decay that will end in widespread collapse of current structures.  California is just a foretaste.

By the kind courtesy of Benjamin Fulford/White Dragon Society the remainder of this article is available to readers on next Thursday.
Translations will be posted immediately upon arrival.


Russian -- Бен Фулфорд 22 января 2018 года

Бен Фулфорд 22 января 2018 года - Будущее мира будет обсуждаться в ближайшие две недели, в период приближения кроваво-голубого Суперлуния 

Прекращение работы правительства США в этот уик-энд, вероятно, станет постоянным, поскольку переговоры на высшем уровне продолжают обсуждать вопрос о его замене, с таким мнением соглашаются многие информаторы. По их словам, на этой неделе в Давосе, Швейцария, собирается практически все руководство западного старого мира.

Между тем источники в Пентагоне говорят, что «прекращение работы было специально организовано, поэтому члены Конгресса могут быть арестованы, поскольку они теряют иммунитет, когда они не на сессии». Кроме того, источники говорят, что президент США Дональд Трамп был приглашен на встречу с высшим руководством в Пентагоне 18 января, поскольку
ВМФ охотилась за неизвестными подлодками-, а военные используют прекращение работы чтобы арестовать членов кабалы, уничтожить корпоративное правительство и запустить Республику проведения глобальной перезагрузки валют (ГПВ)».



Ver a imagem de origem

Kriegsgefangenenlager in Amerika

Von Larry Romanoff, 02. Juni 2020

Übersetzung: K.R.


Hinweis an die Leser: In Anbetracht der immensen Bedeutung dieses Themas leiten Sie diesen Artikel bitte über Ihren E-Mail-Verteiler weiter und posten Sie ihn in Ihren Blogs, Internetforen usw., mit der Bitte, dass jeder, der irgendwelche Details oder Familiengeschichten kennt, die Licht auf diese Ereignisse werfen könnten, diese bitte direkt an den Autor unter weiterleitet.


Diese Geschichte hat alle Voraussetzungen, um sich für eine Verschwörungstheorie zu qualifizieren und macht vielleicht keinen Sinn für Sie ohne einige Hintergrundinformationen über den Zusammenhang.

Bevor die USA in den Ersten Weltkrieg eintraten, wurde eine enorme, jahrelange antideutsche Propagandakampagne von der Creel-Kommission entfesselt, die von Walter Lippman und Edward Bernays geleitet wurde, letzterer war ein Neffe von Sigmund Freud. (1) (2) Die öffentliche Literatur griff alles Deutsche in Amerika an, auch Schulen und Kirchen. In vielen Schulen wurde den "reinen Amerikanern" verboten, die deutsche Sprache zu unterrichten, und die Verwalter wurden aufgefordert, "alle illoyalen Lehrer", also alle Deutschen, zu entlassen. Die Namen unzähliger Städte wurden geändert, um ihren deutschen Ursprung zu eliminieren: Berlin, Iowa wurde zu Lincoln, Iowa. Deutsche Lebensmittel und Namen von Gerichten wurden aus den Restaurants verbannt; Sauerkraut wurde zu "Freiheitskraut", Dackel wurden zu "Freiheitshunden" und Deutsche Schäferhunde zu "Elsässern".


bf pic



(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


Larry Romanoff,

contributing author

to Cynthia McKinney's new COVID-19 anthology

'When China Sneezes'

When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis

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irmãos de armas

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Parte Um: O Filho

Parte Dois: O Estudante

Parte Três: O Estudante Universitário

Parte Quatro: O Jovem especialista

Parte Cinco: O Espia

Parte Seis: O Democrata

Parte Sete: O Burocrata

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Parte Nove: O Político

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