What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent



Tuesday, August 22, 2017


US military cracking down on hooligans for hire in US

August 21, 2017
 Benjamin Fulford 

The recent staged demonstrations and violent incidents carried out by paid hooligans in places like Charlottesville have prompted a crack-down on Khazarian mafia agents who are paying for these incidents, Pentagon sources say. The US is now, beyond any doubt, run by a temporary military regime which intends to clean up the Khazarian gangster corruption that has destroyed the United States. Once this is done the military will return to their barracks the sources say.
A very clear indication of how degenerate the US political world has become was seen in the events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. A White Dragon Society member was there to witness what really happened as opposed to what the corporate propaganda media lied about.
According to the corporate media reports, a “racist, hate-mongering white supremacist” crashed a van into peaceful left-wing protestors, killed an innocent young woman, and injured many others. This was followed by a well-oiled corporate media campaign to force US President Donald Trump to denounce the “KKK, white supremacists, and hate-mongers,” who they claim staged violent demonstrations in Charlottesville.
However, what the WDS source who was there actually witnessed was a very different story. The right-wing groups (this writer is not endorsing their views but does support their constitutional right to express them peacefully) applied for, and received, a permit to demonstrate against the planned removal of a statue of Confederate Civil War General Robert E. Lee. Once the demonstrators arrived, they were herded by the police towards a gauntlet of “left-wing” protestors who pelted them with used tampons, used condoms, flame throwers, feces and acid among other things. One of the right-wing speakers was permanently blinded by acid thrown at him, something the corporate media failed to mention, according to this source.
After the attacks, an emergency was declared and the right wingers peacefully departed from Charlottesville. This left the afternoon open to events staged by professional agents provocateurs, including the crashing of a van into protestors. Most of the protesters were professionals, (many working under the communist Antifa banner) being paid $25 an hour to participate in these events, according to NSA sources.
The WDS witness also noted that the “Black Lives Matter” protesters in Charlottesville were all white, and that the local African Americans were shouting insults at them.
This blatant promotion of civil unrest has prompted the US military and intelligence agencies to take action. The “[George] Soros-funded Antifa may be designated a domestic terror organization after FBI infiltration,” the pentagon sources say.
The Khazarian mafia are still trying to pretend that George Soros (who has vanished) is funding all of this activity but that is only because they want to camouflage the real financiers of these activities, like the Rothschilds. This writer remembers asking George Soros at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan about the owners of the Federal Reserve Board and seeing a look of sheer horror on his face when he heard the question, which he failed to answer.
In any case, the crack-down has started with the arrest of 27 paid extremists in Boston preventing a similar incident from being concocted there, the sources say. Readers have also pointed out that advertisements have been put out to hire paid crisis actors to stage events in Las Vegas on and after August 26th. There will be a widely watched boxing match staged there between the Caucasian Conor McGregor and the African American Floyd Mayweather. It is a pretty easy guess that there will be attempts to use this match to stage race riots. However, the US military are saying they will no longer put up with such nonsense and will ensure that all paid protests, and more importantly, their pay-masters, will be rounded up and charged with crimes.
The attempts to fan domestic turmoil inside the US are linked, of course, to the ongoing financial trouble at the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. Here the latest signs are that this years’ September 30th payments deadline will be a difficult one to meet. A WDS member whose mother works for the US government says she reports her government pension fund has been raided in order to keep the US corporate government functioning. There are reports in places like the Washington Post that even this money will run out in September.
The US military and agencies, in cooperation with their allies in China, Russia, the UK and elsewhere are planning to reboot the world’s financial system in order to cope with this looming event, multiple sources agree.
In preparation for this, Pentagon sources say: “Trump drained the swamp by disbanding the Manufacturing Council, and Strategic & Policy Forum, effectively dumping Khazarian vultures and CEOs like JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon, Blackstone’s Steve Schwarzman, Blackrock’s Larry Fink, Carl Icahn and others.” These groups are fronts for the families, like the Rockefellers, that own the Fed.
The US National Security Council also recently held a meeting at Camp David where globalists Jared Kushner, Gary Cohn, Dina Powell and others were banned “as the military takes over the White House,” the Pentagon sources say.
The sources also say that Nationalist Steve Bannon was “exfiltrated from the White House where he could do more damage from the outside against globalist Jared Kushner and Goldmanite Gary Cohn, and better serve the Trump base and agenda.”
“Bannon will help Trump from outside like [Newt] Gingrich where he is not dragged down by infighting, and he may get funded by billionaire Bob Mercer to start a conservative network to the right of Fox to destroy the fake news Khazarian media,” one Pentagon source said.
The Pentagon sources ad that “Jared Kushner has been put on a short leash where all meetings with Trump must be cleared by [White House Chief of Staff Marine General John] Kelly, and JK cannot be alone with Trump… JK is done promoting Khazarian interests and his ouster may be next.”
The Khazarian mafia, of course, has no plans to go silently into the night and is threatening “Muslim” terror attacks across Europe and will be trying to stage new provocations in the US as well.
There is also more high strangeness going on with the US Navy with the USS John McCain being hit by a tanker near Singapore. This follows the ramming of the USS Fitzgerald being hit bear Tokyo and earlier the USS Donald Cook (Donald Duck=sitting duck) being disabled in the Baltic sea. In other words, the Khazarians are once again advertising that they have the technical ability to disrupt the US militaries’ electronics.
On a final note, the WDS has been given very long and detailed evidence by a Senior Bank of Japan whistleblower about exactly who now controls the ability to create and distribute Japanese Yen. The WDS and their allies believe the BOJ to be the weak link in the Khazarian financial control grid and now we have detailed intelligence about the hidden actors behind the BOJ. This will lead to concrete action, in tandem with US military and agency white hats, this autumn.
There is also a lot of top secret diplomacy going on between North Korea and Canada, acting as proxies for Eastern and Western secret societies, to discuss the possibility of Canada taking over the functions of the bankrupt UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Of course, senior Khazarian Mafiosi in Canada like the Bronfman family will be asked not to interfere or get involved.
Please enjoy the remainder of the Northern hemisphere summer and make sure you are ready for what will be a busier than average autumn. The key battlegrounds will be Japan and Washington DC. The rogue nation of Israel is also advised to remove its Satan worshipping leadership. Once that is done the Jewish people will be liberated from thousands of years of Babylonian slavery. 



Ver a imagem de origem

Kriegsgefangenenlager in Amerika

Von Larry Romanoff, 02. Juni 2020

Übersetzung: K.R.


Hinweis an die Leser: In Anbetracht der immensen Bedeutung dieses Themas leiten Sie diesen Artikel bitte über Ihren E-Mail-Verteiler weiter und posten Sie ihn in Ihren Blogs, Internetforen usw., mit der Bitte, dass jeder, der irgendwelche Details oder Familiengeschichten kennt, die Licht auf diese Ereignisse werfen könnten, diese bitte direkt an den Autor unter weiterleitet.


Diese Geschichte hat alle Voraussetzungen, um sich für eine Verschwörungstheorie zu qualifizieren und macht vielleicht keinen Sinn für Sie ohne einige Hintergrundinformationen über den Zusammenhang.

Bevor die USA in den Ersten Weltkrieg eintraten, wurde eine enorme, jahrelange antideutsche Propagandakampagne von der Creel-Kommission entfesselt, die von Walter Lippman und Edward Bernays geleitet wurde, letzterer war ein Neffe von Sigmund Freud. (1) (2) Die öffentliche Literatur griff alles Deutsche in Amerika an, auch Schulen und Kirchen. In vielen Schulen wurde den "reinen Amerikanern" verboten, die deutsche Sprache zu unterrichten, und die Verwalter wurden aufgefordert, "alle illoyalen Lehrer", also alle Deutschen, zu entlassen. Die Namen unzähliger Städte wurden geändert, um ihren deutschen Ursprung zu eliminieren: Berlin, Iowa wurde zu Lincoln, Iowa. Deutsche Lebensmittel und Namen von Gerichten wurden aus den Restaurants verbannt; Sauerkraut wurde zu "Freiheitskraut", Dackel wurden zu "Freiheitshunden" und Deutsche Schäferhunde zu "Elsässern".


bf pic



(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


Larry Romanoff,

contributing author

to Cynthia McKinney's new COVID-19 anthology

'When China Sneezes'

When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis

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Parte Quatro: O Jovem especialista

Parte Cinco: O Espia

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Parte Sete: O Burocrata

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