What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent



Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Mandarin -- Benjamin Fulford: 01:08:2016

The battle to liberate humanity from the grips of the genocidal Khazarian mafia is proceeding well with major victories on multiple fronts amidst increasing global chaos as the post-war world order continues to collapse.

The biggest moves are now taking place in the Middle-East where, now that Turkey has thrown off Khazarian (Sabbatean) mafia rule, a Russian, Pentagon, Syrian, Turkish, Iranian and Egyptian alliance is preparing to liberate the people of Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. This will cut off all supplies of Middle-Eastern oil money to the Bush/Rockefeller/Clinton faction of the Khazarian mafia.

The other place where huge developments are taking place is Europe. There, officials in Germany, France and Italy are now openly calling for a military alliance with Russia to free Europe from the grip of the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller (BCR) faction of the Khazarian mafia that still controls Washington DC and New York. The European moves are taking place in preparation for a collapse of the banking system there that could break into the open as early as this month.

There is also a major battle taking between thieves taking place in Malaysia as BCR operatives try to seize funds embezzled from the Malaysian people by Rothschild flunky Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak (see below for details).

Then of course the battle for the United States of America continues to rage as BCR candidate Hillary Clinton blatantly stole the Democratic Party presidential nomination last week in a move that fatally ruined her reputation and that of the Khazarian mafia backing her. This battle has only begun and will intensify towards November with the very real possibility of open civil war breaking out in the United States, multiple sources agree.

Let us start with a closer look at the situation in Turkey where top US General Joseph Dunford flew on July 31st for an emergency meeting with his Turkish counter-parts. The meeting took place as Turkish government officials openly accused the US of trying to overthrow its government and Turkish troops surrounded the nuclear-armed US Incirlik Airbase. At the meeting, according to Pentagon sources, Dunford told the Turks the attempt to overthrow the Turkish government was carried out by CIA agents of the Khazarian CBR faction working under the cover of the Jamestown Foundation. Dunford told his counterparts that cutting off the flow of Afghan heroin and drug money going through Incirlik, would help in the battle to liberate the United States and Israel from Khazarian mafia control, the sources said. Dunford had no choice but to be conciliatory because the latest opinion surveys say only 17% of Turks support a US presence in their country.

Dunford also explained to his Turkish counterparts that the Pentagon was allying itself with the Russians to liberate the United States and the rest of the world from the Khazarians, the Pentagon sources said. As evidence of this, the Pentagon ordered a state of the art US spy plane to land in central Russia, the sources said. They are also allowing Russian spy planes to fly over US territory to confirm the US is planning no military moves or preemptive nuclear strike against Russia.

The Russians, who now hold the upper hand in the Middle-East, told the Turks to cut off all oil income to Israel as a part of a major move against that rogue state. Other moves including providing state of the art ground attack planes and other advanced weaponry to Syria, Iran and Hezbollah plus supplying S-300 air defense missiles to Iran. Russia is also sending in Drones to get detailed intelligence of Israeli military dispositions. There has also been intensive Syrian shelling all along its Golan Heights border with Israel, Israeli intelligence sources say.

This is all a prelude to seizing territory illegally occupied by the Israeli rogue state, the Pentagon sources say.
The end game is for Israel to become a Jewish autonomous zone within a restored moderate Sufi/Sunni/Shia Caliphate, White Dragon Society sources say. The pseudo-Muslim Satan worshipping Salafist heretics will have no place in this loose confederation of Muslim states, they say.

Speaking about Salafist heretics, the situation in the pseudo-Muslim Khazarian colony of Saudi Arabia is also getting critical. The latest evidence of this is that India has been providing emergency food aid to 10,000 starving Indian citizens stranded in bankrupt Saudi Arabia.

It won’t be long before the Saudis will be asking for food aid for their own starving citizens unless the regime there capitulates. There are also reports of Saudi Princesses being offered as sex slaves to Israeli government agents.

These reports coincide with statements by an Italian woman who says she was drugged and kidnapped by a Saudi Prince and forced to be a sex slave for the likes of Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld. The Italian woman, who fled after 10 years as a sex slave in Saudi Arabia, is now under the protection of the Vatican.

丁泽宇注释:我也想当性奴,然后玩SM,但是我不想被下药。。。我的电话是(0086 159 8187 5358,电子邮箱

Translator’s notes: I also want to be sex slave and play with SM but I do not want to be drugged. . . Tel: 0086 159 8187 5358  Email:

The Saudis are running out of money because their funds are all being funneled to the BCR campaign to remain in control in the United States.

This is also what is apparently behind the recent attempt by the Justice Department to seize US assets owned by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. Loretta Lynch, the US Attorney General who refused to indict Hitlery Clinton, is almost certainly not going to return any of Najib’s assets she seizes to the people of Malaysia, according to CIA sources in East Asia. Instead, it is just a part of an attempt by the BCR (Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller) faction of the Khazarian mafia to incriminate their Rothschild rivals and seize the assets of the Rothschilds and their flunkies in the US and South East Asia. This is what they already accomplished in Libya where they took about $150 billion worth from the Libyan people after overthrowing Muammar Gaddafi, the sources say.

As reported by us in a news flash on July 31st, Najib is negotiating now to keep at least part of his fortune and have protection from Khazarian assassins in exchange for testifying about Malaysian Airlines flight 370 and other things, the Asian CIA sources say. In any event, the situation in Malaysia is certain to become increasingly turbulent as the BRC fight with the Rothschilds to loot that country.

There is also an unusual situation emerging in Thailand, according to a CIA source there. The Thai government has just ordered all foreign (Western) owned gold mines in the country to cease operations, he says. “The economy in all of Thailand is in ruins… Even the local Thais selling produce at the market are complaining that business is almost at a standstill,” the source says. The move to shut foreign gold operations may be part of an ongoing move to ensure the Khazarian mafia is cut off from any possible physical backing for their fiat US Dollar and Euro currencies. The Indonesian and Philippine governments are making similar moves to shut down Khazarian mob linked gold operations, several sources agree.
根据美国中央情报局驻泰国的消息来源说,同样也有不同寻常的事情正在泰国出现,他说,泰国政府刚刚命令所有外国(西方)在那个国家所拥有的黄金矿脉停止作业。消息来源说:“泰国所有的经济活动都荒废萧条. . . 甚至在市场上卖土特产的泰国当地人,都在抱怨生意几乎停顿。”关闭外国金矿作业的行动,或许是正在进行的行动的一部分,以确保可萨黑手党用来支撑他们菲亚特美元和欧元的任何可能的实体资产被切断。几名消息来源都同意,印度尼西亚人和菲律宾政府,正在采取相似的行动,去关闭与可萨暴徒有关的黄金作业

In what is almost certainly a related move, the Tokyo Commodity Exchange has started trading in gold for physical delivery in tandem with the Shanghai Gold Exchange.

The other sign that some sort of major change is imminent has come from Europe where Monte Paschi Bank just got a 5 billion Euro bail out that was worth 5.6 times its entire market capitalization. This means it did not become the first domino that took down the Italian and then the French banking systems with it.

It is no coincidence that in tandem with the bail out, a group of French lawmakers visited the Crimean Peninsula and spoke in support of Russia’s annexation of the Peninsula.

It is also certainly no coincidence that a French general publicly called for a French alliance with Russia and an end to NATO.

Many influential Germans are also calling for a European alliance with Russia to replace the criminally degenerate NATO.

It is no wonder then that the Khazarian Nazi coup d’etat government in the Ukraine is looking like it is in trouble. There, a major peace demonstration organized by the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches in tandem with the Catholic Church took place as most leaders of the Nazi Ukrainian government had left the country.

The final collapse of Khazarian mob rule will come when their hold outs, now circling their wagons around Hillary Clinton, are removed from all positions of power inside the United States.

Since it has been widely reported elsewhere, we will only summarize some highlights of what happened when Hillary Clinton stole the Democratic Presidential mandate last week. As a result of leaked e-mails showing she stole the nomination, Hillary was booed and more than half the delegates at the convention walked out on her.

Since the Justice Department backed out on filing charges against her, now it is the IRS and the FBI who are investigating the criminal activities of the Clinton Foundation.

When Hillary and crew tried to blame the hacking of Democratic Party e-mails on the “Russians,” it was none other than Director of National Intelligence James Clapper who told the Senate Intelligence committee he was “taken aback” by the “hyperventilation” about Russia.

It is not the Russians but rather patriotic Americans who are hacking the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller criminals.

Stepping back a bit to look at the big picture, even without European allies, the BRICS alliance now accounts for 85% of the world’s population, 60% of its GDP and 80% of economic growth. A White Dragon Society representative recently told an Asian secret society representative that the Khazarian mafia was like a dying lion and that rather than pick a fight with it, the best policy was to just stay away and wait for nature to take its course.

Translator: Pearl



Ver a imagem de origem

Kriegsgefangenenlager in Amerika

Von Larry Romanoff, 02. Juni 2020

Übersetzung: K.R.


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Diese Geschichte hat alle Voraussetzungen, um sich für eine Verschwörungstheorie zu qualifizieren und macht vielleicht keinen Sinn für Sie ohne einige Hintergrundinformationen über den Zusammenhang.

Bevor die USA in den Ersten Weltkrieg eintraten, wurde eine enorme, jahrelange antideutsche Propagandakampagne von der Creel-Kommission entfesselt, die von Walter Lippman und Edward Bernays geleitet wurde, letzterer war ein Neffe von Sigmund Freud. (1) (2) Die öffentliche Literatur griff alles Deutsche in Amerika an, auch Schulen und Kirchen. In vielen Schulen wurde den "reinen Amerikanern" verboten, die deutsche Sprache zu unterrichten, und die Verwalter wurden aufgefordert, "alle illoyalen Lehrer", also alle Deutschen, zu entlassen. Die Namen unzähliger Städte wurden geändert, um ihren deutschen Ursprung zu eliminieren: Berlin, Iowa wurde zu Lincoln, Iowa. Deutsche Lebensmittel und Namen von Gerichten wurden aus den Restaurants verbannt; Sauerkraut wurde zu "Freiheitskraut", Dackel wurden zu "Freiheitshunden" und Deutsche Schäferhunde zu "Elsässern".


bf pic



(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


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