What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent



Tuesday, March 7, 2017

English -- BENJAMIN FULFORD: 06:03:2017 -- FULL REPORT

Desperate counter attack by Satanic mafia failing on all fronts as human liberation nears

March 6, 2017
We are witnessing desperate attempts around the world by the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia to reverse recent defeats and remain in power. However, these efforts are failing on all fronts and more and more prominent Satanists are disappearing.
The fiercest battles are raging in Washington DC where the Satanists are pushing “the Russians did it!” story to remove attorney General Jeff Sessions and prevent arrests of child killing politicians. Pentagon sources confirm that over 1500 pedophiles have been arrested since Donald Trump took office as President of the United States and that a grand jury is preparing indictments against a whole swath of DC and New York establishment figures.
Another sign that things have really begun to change is that legal action has now begun against the private sector prison slave camps being run in the US.
The counter-attack by the Satanists in the US is being orchestrated by the Rothschilds and the Bush/Clinton mafia who have unleashed their top servants like former President Barack Obama and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos against the Trump regime.
Last week, Obama announced he was setting up an anti-Trump headquarters with adviser Valerie Jarret two miles from the White House. This move was followed by Trump tweets accusing “bad or sick guy” Obama of illegally wiretapping him. Our advice to house slave Obama is to not risk his life and liberty on behalf of his Rothschild slave masters.
Another Rothschild house slave, Loretta Lynch, Obama’s Attorney General, called for marching, blood and death on the streets.
Our advice to African Americans is to not let these house slaves fool you into protesting on behalf of Satan worshipping slave drivers.
A sign of the intensity of the battle now raging was seen when Bezos offered child torturer and former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta a job with his Washington Post propaganda machine. Podesta was also given a $600 million war-chest for the Washington Post by the rogue (Bush) CIA for propaganda purposes.
And yet, immediately after Bezos announced this. servers came under heavy, sustained attack.
It is unlikely Bezos himself will survive long, CIA and Pentagon sources say.
A clear sign the Satanists have lost control of the American people can be seen in the impotence of their once dominant corporate propaganda apparatus. Despite surveys showing that 88% of heavy corporate media coverage of Trump was negative since he took office, polls showed that 79% of Americans viewed his speech last week before the joint houses of Congress favourably.
Take a look at House Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi’s expression during Trump’s speech. To me it looks like someone (or some entity) in mortal fear.
Perhaps the most senior Nazi faction Satanist who needs to be taken down ASAP is Microsoft’s Bill Gates. Bill Gates is constructing a giant underground bunker complex in Karuizawa, Japan, according to Japanese military intelligence. Gates is working with his top Japanese servant Masayoshi Son of Softbank and Yasuyuki Nambu of the Pasona group. Son’s Softbank has taken over the Fortress Investment Group.
That means he now controls the company Musashi Engineering that rigs Japan’s elections. Son, of course, is just a senior Rothschild servant in Japan.
Agents working for the French Branch of the Rothschild Family, David (wanted by the police for fraud) and Benjamin (accusing of killing pygmies) de Rothschild recently tried to lure this writer to a trap at Nambu’s Akasaka, Tokyo Headquarters. Nambu and Son are now being targeted by right wingers close to the Emperor, Japanese right wing sources say.
The Rothschild family was ultimately responsible for the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack (known as 311 here) against Japan and are desperately trying to keep their servants in power here so as to prevent retribution for that mass murder incident. However, the Rothschild’s have already lost that battle and their Japan network is being dismantled.
Many readers asked me why I included the Dalai Lama’s name in the list of Satanic sub-contractors. Here, in the interests of disclosure, I must admit I have a personal grudge against the Dalai Lama. A North Korean female agent was sent by him and the Satan worshippers to ruin my life. Instead, she fell in love with me and got pregnant with our child. When she was five months pregnant, the Nepali import store where she worked sent her to Nepal on a mission to buy goods for the store. When she got there she was drugged and woke up in the hospital no longer pregnant. The owner of the store said his father, who works for the Dalai Lama, did this on the Dalai Lama’s orders. In other words this so-called holy man is a child murderer. After this, the girlfriend went to the Japanese police with false reports that I was taking drugs and being abusive. When I confronted her with this she told me that her family was being threatened with murder if she did not do this. So, that is why I have a personal grudge against the Dalai Lama. I have also looked into his eyes and can tell you he is deeply evil. He will soon die and so will his soul. He will never reincarnate again for all eternity. 
In any case, following Bill Gates’ recent veiled threat to kill “over 30 million people,”
there have been multiple reports of biological warfare agents being spread around the world, Japanese military intelligence say. Tokyo itself has been under heavy duty chemtrail and radioactive poison attack following the Gates statement. Certainly everybody I know, including myself, has been coughing heavily recently. However, the attacks against Tokyo have been now dissipated and no deaths have resulted. The Chinese and Indian governments are also saying biological warfare agents are being used against them (The Chinese article is from 2013).
While Sorcha Faal is US Navy intelligence and its reports are often up to 90% disinformation, the following report claiming bio-warfare attacks around the world is probably true. What is not true is the talk of mass death because the bio-warfare agents have been rendered impotent.
Bill Gates is now being actively hunted down and the US military has been advised by the White Dragon Society to seize his Karuizawa bunker ASAP. Gates properties in the US also need to be seized ASAP. Bill Gates’ mansion near Seattle, Washington, has a room filled with skeletons and dedicated to the worship of death, according to a high-tech Oligarch who has visited there.
Other senior Satanists, recognizing that the gig is up, are trying to flee. King Salman of Saudi Arabia has booked five, five star luxury hotels in Bali, Indonesia for his entourage including 25 princes. Salman is going to be asking for protection from Indonesia, Malaysia and China but will not get it, CIA sources say. 
The reason Salman has fled, Pentagon sources say, is that the campaign against Daesh (note to readers: we have decided not to insult the Goddess ISIS any further by associating her name with this band of Satanic terrorists) has extended to Yemen. The Saudis, in cooperation with the French oil giant Total, have been breaking international law by stealing 65% of Yemen’s oil.
Another Satanist seeking shelter is Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu has asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for protection after Israel was threatened with the destruction of all its nuclear facilities if it did not act against the Satanists, Russian FSB and other sources say. This protection will not be granted, the Russian sources say.
US arch-traitor John “Daesh” McCain sought protection from Turkish President Erdogan and will also not get it, Pentagon sources say.
Humanity will soon be free. 




Ver a imagem de origem

Kriegsgefangenenlager in Amerika

Von Larry Romanoff, 02. Juni 2020

Übersetzung: K.R.


Hinweis an die Leser: In Anbetracht der immensen Bedeutung dieses Themas leiten Sie diesen Artikel bitte über Ihren E-Mail-Verteiler weiter und posten Sie ihn in Ihren Blogs, Internetforen usw., mit der Bitte, dass jeder, der irgendwelche Details oder Familiengeschichten kennt, die Licht auf diese Ereignisse werfen könnten, diese bitte direkt an den Autor unter weiterleitet.


Diese Geschichte hat alle Voraussetzungen, um sich für eine Verschwörungstheorie zu qualifizieren und macht vielleicht keinen Sinn für Sie ohne einige Hintergrundinformationen über den Zusammenhang.

Bevor die USA in den Ersten Weltkrieg eintraten, wurde eine enorme, jahrelange antideutsche Propagandakampagne von der Creel-Kommission entfesselt, die von Walter Lippman und Edward Bernays geleitet wurde, letzterer war ein Neffe von Sigmund Freud. (1) (2) Die öffentliche Literatur griff alles Deutsche in Amerika an, auch Schulen und Kirchen. In vielen Schulen wurde den "reinen Amerikanern" verboten, die deutsche Sprache zu unterrichten, und die Verwalter wurden aufgefordert, "alle illoyalen Lehrer", also alle Deutschen, zu entlassen. Die Namen unzähliger Städte wurden geändert, um ihren deutschen Ursprung zu eliminieren: Berlin, Iowa wurde zu Lincoln, Iowa. Deutsche Lebensmittel und Namen von Gerichten wurden aus den Restaurants verbannt; Sauerkraut wurde zu "Freiheitskraut", Dackel wurden zu "Freiheitshunden" und Deutsche Schäferhunde zu "Elsässern".


bf pic



(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


Larry Romanoff,

contributing author

to Cynthia McKinney's new COVID-19 anthology

'When China Sneezes'

When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis

manlio +maria


World Intellectual Property Day (or Happy Birthday WIPO) - Spruson ...


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V.P. 2007

EN video comitato

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irmãos de armas

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“Copyright Zambon Editore”



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Parte Dois: O Estudante

Parte Três: O Estudante Universitário

Parte Quatro: O Jovem especialista

Parte Cinco: O Espia

Parte Seis: O Democrata

Parte Sete: O Burocrata

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