Monday, August 19, 2019

EN -- BENJAMIN FULFORD: 19:08:2019

U.S. government suffers from terminal Epstein-Barr infection

August 19, 2019

The U.S. political dialogue of late has been dominated by Mossad pedophile blackmailer Jeffery Epstein and Bush-era Iran Contra cover-up artist Attorney General William Barr, and this is probably no coincidence.  The choice of Epstein and Barr may well have been a deliberate nod to the Epstein-Barr virus.  Also known as mononucleosis or the “kissing disease,” Epstein-Barr (EB) was one of the first viruses engineered by the Nazi faction to cause cancer in targeted victims, according to Japanese military intelligence.  In this case, we have a staged public fight between Deep State agents Epstein (Mossad) and Barr (Nazi/Mossad) that seems to be deliberately causing a fatal malfunction in the U.S. political dialogue as portrayed by the corporate propaganda media.

Let us look behind the “botched” Epstein operation to see if it is actually part of something much more sophisticated.

The staging of Epstein’s “suicide” in a “suicide-proof” jail cell was immediately condemned by Barr, even though it occurred on his watch.  Immediately after the “suicide,” news was released showing that Epstein had a bone broken in his neck that usually only breaks when a person is deliberately strangled.  Following this, there was an “official” autopsy result showing that it was a “suicide” after all.

What is interesting about this operation is that opinion polls show that a majority of Americans, 42%, believe he was murdered, while only 29% believe the “official” story that he committed suicide.

This means that now only a minority of hard-core Kool-Aid-drinking Americans believe their government.

In fact, Pentagon sources say that Epstein has been allowed to…