Monday, April 15, 2019


Washington, D.C. suffers from political insanity as bankruptcy approaches
April 15, 2019

The U.S. body politic has degenerated to gibberish and empty threats, as bankruptcy and collapse are now a mathematical certainty.  That’s because the March 29th Brexit made it so that “the City of London is no longer the finance capital of the cabal,” both British Intelligence and Pentagon sources confirm.
When asked, “How is President Donald Trump responding to this?” a senior British Intelligence officer said, “Probably in a blind panic by this stage, to be very honest.”
Find this hard to believe?  Let’s step back a bit and look at what has happened so far this year to the U.S. government.  First, all military veterans withdrew from the Trump presidency as of January 1st.  Then the U.S. government shut down for 35 days, even as the U.S. military stayed fully financed.
When the U.S. government reopened, Trump had filled his cabinet with raging Zionist neocons.  They managed to keep operations going by stealing the American peoples’ tax refunds and hiking U.S. gas prices.  While this gave the debt-addicted Washington, D.C. another sugar high, it has begun to kill the U.S. economic recovery.
Trump, meanwhile, has been talking like a bankrupt junkie trying to convince everybody that great events were happening by saying things like, “Saudi Arabia will buy $450 billion worth of weapons, etc.” or “China will buy more than $1 trillion worth of goods from the U.S.”  The reality is that Saudi Arabia has only agreed to buy $14.5 billion worth of U.S. exports.  Also, even if China agreed to buy $1 trillion worth of overpriced U.S. goods, the fact is that the U.S. economy does not have the capacity to create these goods.  In any case, China is seriously thinking of declaring Washington, D.C. bankrupt, according to Asian secret society sources.
The Trump administration is now trying to keep itself afloat by forcing countries to buy its expensive shale oil and gas.  That’s the real reason for U.S. sanctions on Iran, Venezuela, and Russia, as well as for attacks on Syria and Yemen.  But this strategy is failing because the main oil importers—Europe, China, Japan, and India—have no interest in expensive U.S. oil and gas, and these countries are not going along with U.S. “sanctions.”  For a good analysis of this situation, I recommend the article below by Thierry Meyssan, the person who first scooped the 9/11 truth.
Pentagon sources note that “the arrest in Spain of former Venezuelan Military Intelligence Chief, Army General Hugo Carvajal has made the military even more loyal to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, as the neocon coup failed royally.”  This means the world’s largest oil reserves remain outside of the cabal’s petrodollar system.
Arch-cabalist Henry Kissinger has been trying desperately and futilely to save the D.C. establishment and his petrodollar system by cashing bonds worth “quadrillions of dollars,” according to Japanese imperial family sources.  These bonds will never be cashed, the sources say.
Instead, something called the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is being implemented, multiple sources agree.  Since Japan’s financial markets will be closed for six days between April 27th and May 6th, which would be the longest financial market and bank closure since the end of World War II, it’s a good bet the transition will be implemented then.
The person who created the QFS says it had its origins in a “War College Power Transition Theory” that was “used in …

To be continued