Monday, March 20, 2017

About the veracity of Benjamin's request on March 17, 2017.

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About the veracity of Benjamin's request on March 17, 2017.

Dear Readers,

A colleague have raised a remark about the veracity of this news.
The fact this is the webpage I have searched to confirm it but I did not this note from Kauilapele  that is very important and confirms that actually all the information came from Benjamin Fulford and it is not a fake news and/or his emails to me are not from some hijacked email account, they came actually from him.

Kauilapele wrotes:

Posted on 2017/03/17by Kauilapele

This came out last night, and I was not completely surprised, I suppose, as many in the Light/Illuminator community appear to be undergoing some types of “interference”, whether it’s with physical bodies, energetic, or, as in this case, financial.

I just spoke with Benjamin (by telephone) and he confirmed that this was indeed him, and that he had indeed sent this to RMN for publication. He had a couple of ideas about how to help him and his situation, and he is sending me more information about that. I will pass it along to everyone once I receive it.

So I am doing what should be done.

